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Новости за 26.03.2024


The Psychological Reason You're Rubbish At Replying To Messages

Like running a 10k or cooking a lasagne, I can commit to a full-on text chat sometimes, when I feel like doing something consuming and involved.

But getting an opening text at 2pm on a workday feels a bit like being asked to make my own ragu on a Tuesday evening; surely nobody’s doing that? Where do they find the time? It sounds ridiculous, but the thought of replying exhausts me.

Well, it turns out that not only am I not alone, but I could also have something called digital burnout.

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Majority Of Fathers Can't Afford To Take Their Full Paternity Leave In The UK, Shows Dire New Report

Mature father kissing baby in carrier at home

A huge number of fathers took two weeks or less for paternity leave because they couldn’t afford to be off work.

In a survey conducted by Pregnant Then Screwed in partnership with Women In Data® it was found that 70.6% of fathers did not use their full entitlement due to financial restrictions.

The research comes amid changes in paternity leave law which means from April 6, fathers will be able to take their paternity leave split into two, one week blocks. Читать дальше...


Oh Good – Terrible, Horrible Hangovers May Be A Sign Of Long Covid

Sure, sure, everyone says hangovers get worse with age.

But isn’t it meant to be a gradual decline ― not the stark downfall of your basic ability to recover within a day after a heavy night out? 

Well, if you’ve noticed that your hangovers became far, far worse since contracting COVID-19, there’s a chance it could be long COVID, scientists suggest. 

In a recent study from Stanford, researchers found that those with the condition “self-reported new changes in their symptoms... Читать дальше...


Myths About Diarrhoea, Busted


Even now, in 2024, it’s a taboo subject, even though diarrhoea is common — with most of us having experienced it at some point in our lives. In fact, for those who have irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea can actually be a chronic symptom.

IMODIUM®, GB’s leading anti-diarrhoea brand, and Guts UK, the only UK charity funding research into the digestive system from top to tail — the gut, liver and pancreas — have joined forces to support your gut health, with 100 combined years of expertise. Читать дальше...


Editor's Letter:

Regular In Partnership With IMODIUM® & Guts UK

Diarrhoea. Bloating. Farts. How often are you pooing? What’s been going on with your gut lately? We love toilet talk — so much so that we have an entire series dedicated to poo: Regular. 

Seriously, us Brits are a nation of poo-talk avoiders — according to digestive system charity Guts UK, 58% of people are embarrassed to talk about their digestive condition or symptoms and 51% delay seeking advice for their symptoms for over six months. Читать дальше...


Gwyneth Paltrow Reveals She's Struggling With 'Impending Grief' As Son Prepares To Leave Home

Gwyneth Paltrow

As your last child moves out, you can’t help but feel a sense of grief. Navigating emotions after becoming an “empty nester” can be complicated.

Actor Gwyneth Paltrow, revealed to the Sunday Times her fears of becoming an empty nester.

The Oscar winner is currently preparing to send off her 17-year-old son, Moses, to university. Her daughter Apple, 19, has also moved out, with stepson Brody set to follow suit soon, too.

With this, the thought of having an... Читать дальше...


Rihanna’s Breakout Song Umbrella Almost Went To These Artists First

Rihanna in her iconic Umbrella video

This week marks 17 years since Rihanna released her hit song Umbrella.

Rih’s pop anthem was number one in the UK charts for 10 consecutive weeks – and was the song that really catapulted the rising pop star into the limelight.

It’s fair to say that the song was inescapable that year and was the soundtrack to summer 2007. 

However, this breakout hit wasn’t originally intended for Rihanna. 

The artists that were offered the song... Читать дальше...


Susanna Reid Leaves Minister Squirming Over 1 Very Obvious Flaw With Social Care Funding

Gillian Keegan was grilled by Susanna Reid on Good Morning Britain

Susanna Reid put education secretary Gillian Keegan on the spot over the Conservatives’ chronic underfunding of public services on Tuesday.

The Good Morning Britain presenter pointed out that the government’s plan to partially fund social care by increasing National Insurance contributions appears to have been undone – by the government’s own decision to cut it.

Reid began: “You have been in power since 2010.

“You’re... Читать дальше...


I Just Learned The 1 Wild Effect TV Has On Our Dreams, And I Can't Believe It

If I told you people who grew up with black and white TV have greyscale dreams while those who had colour TV don’t, would you believe me? 

Well, I didn’t when I first discovered the fact ― but shockingly, it seems to be true.

Multiple studies between 1915 and the ’50s found that people dreamed in black and white. For instance, a 1942 study found that college students “rarely” or “never” saw colour in their dreams.

But after the ’60s ― when colour TV had become mainstream ―up... Читать дальше...


People Are Just Realising What 'Stone Babies' Are, And We're Shocked

In a recent TikTok, Dr. Karan Raj ― who’s known for spreading his medical wisdom on the app ― Stitched a video about a “stone baby.” 

The initial video showed an X-ray of a woman with a calcified foetus in her abdomen. 

“Patient went for a bladder stone, turns out it’s a calcified baby she never birthed,” the Stitched video said. 

I wan honestly expecting the doctor’s following video to be a debunking ― so I was shocked to hear him say “This is a stone baby, also known as a lithopedion.” 

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I Noticed Something Off About My Houseplants. Now, I Want A Divorce

Close-up of green Aeonium tabulaeforme with all leaves open

In a recent Reddit post shared with r/RelationshipAdvice, site user u/r/ThrowRA_Necessary_22 shared a post about some changes she’d noticed to her houseplants. 

“I have many, many houseplants and even some that were quite expensive and were gifts from my sister,” she explained in the post. But in the last six months, “at least a third of my plants have died.” 

The poster has kept plants alive all her life and knew... Читать дальше...


Jessica Chastain Shares Surprising Reason Working With Friend Anne Hathaway On New Film Was So Hard

Anne Hathaway and Jessica Chastain pictured together in January

Jessica Chastain has admitted that her friendship with Anne Hathaway made it tough for them to play adversaries in their new film.

The two Oscar winners play a pair of housewives in the 1960s whose close friendship begins to unravel after a tragic accident in the psychological thriller Mothers’ Instinct.

Speaking about the project during a recent interview on Woman’s Hour, Jessica admitted she found it “difficult”... Читать дальше...


Kate Garraway Gets Candid About Debts Resulting From Paying For Late Husband's Care

Kate Garraway on Good Morning Britain

Kate Garraway has said the debts she faces as a result of paying for her late husband’s care left her at “a crunch point”.

The Good Morning Britain presenter’s late husband, Derek Draper, faced a number of life-altering health issues after contracting Covid in the early stages of the pandemic back in March 2020.

While Derek was ill, Kate spoke candidly about his condition and its effect on her family life, most notably in two documentaries, Finding Derek and Caring For Derek. Читать дальше...


Tory MP Points To Rishi Sunak's 'Buckets' Of Integrity When Questioned On Honesty In Politics

Rishi Sunak and Vicky Ford

Conservative MP Vicky Ford had a rather eyebrow-raising response to a question from a BBC Newsnight guest about declining trust in politics on Monday.

The backbencher held prime minister Rishi Sunak up as a example of “honesty and integrity”, apparently overlooking his track record.

The guest said: “What matters to me most is trust in politicians, because at the moment, politicians are not coming across as authentic. They’re not coming across as honest. Читать дальше...


Sacha Baron Cohen Responds To Rebel Wilson's Claims After She Brands Him An 'A*****e'

Sacha Baron Cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen has spoken out amid Rebel Wilson’s claims he behaved like an “asshole” when the pair worked together.

The two actors took the lead in the 2016 comedy Grimsby, which also starred Penélope Cruz, David Harewood, Mark Strong and Gabourey Sidibe.

Last week, Rebel posted a video on Instagram, in which she referred to an undisclosed former co-star who she’d written about in her upcoming book.

“I worked with a massive asshole, and yeah, now I... Читать дальше...

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Опубликован список запрещенных вещей на Параде Победы

«Пришло время жить на своей земле»

"Нет средств для защиты от такого удара". США признали свою беспомощность перед Россией

Baza: восьмиклассник чуть не сжег дом соседа самодельным огнеметом в Москве

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Топ новостей на этот час


«Пришло время жить на своей земле»

В Москве запустили сервис проверки графика отключения горячей воды в доме

Треть опрошенных россиян регулярно делятся с пожилыми родственниками советами по финансовой грамотности

В Московской области простились с убитым на парковке мотоциклистом