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Новости за 01.03.2024


Rishi Sunak Addressed The Nation Outside No.10 – And Said Very Little

Rishi Sunak gives a speech at Downing Street.

Rishi Sunak has used a “lectern speech” outside the doors of No.10 Downing Street to condemn extremists “trying to tear us apart” – but offered little by way of a policy solution.

Westminster was buzzing as the prime minister announced he would make an unexpected Friday night address – with the prospect he was about to call a general election swiftly ruled out.

Instead, Sunak’s addressed the nation on tackling the unrest in Britain... Читать дальше...


24 Of The Funniest Tweets About Cats And Dogs This Week (Feb. 24 - Mar. 1)

Woof — it’s been a long week.

If you feel like you’ve been working like a dog, let us offer you the internet equivalent of a big pile of catnip: hilarious tweets about pets.

We Shih Tzu not.

Each week at HuffPost, we scour Twitter X (yes, Elon Musk is apparently fur real) to find the funniest posts about our furballs being complete goofballs. They’re sure to make you howl.

(And if you want more, no need to beg ― you can check out last week’s batch right here.)

Why... Читать дальше...


Love A Gossip? We've Got Great News For You

Small confession: I love gossip. I love talking about people I know but more than that, I love to hear about people I don’t know. Nothing dark, nothing too consequential, nothing that should be private. Just idle gossip. I’m a little old lady yapping away at heart.

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Parents Listen Up – The Key To Emotionally Healthy Kids May Lie With YOUR Parents

Proud Grandfather Cuddling Baby Grandson at family dinner party

Though two generations apart, the bond between a grandparent and a grandchild is one that is probably the most wholesome you’ll see. 

There’s just something about the duo where one of the two is filled with innocence and the vigour to learn, and the other is ready to impart life lessons with unconditional love — because that’s what they’ve learnt matters in the end.

Not everyone gets to experience this bond, I for... Читать дальше...


This Health Supplement For Gym-Lovers Is More Popular Than Ever. But Does It Really Work?

Many folks take creatine to help with strength and muscle repair.

There are many supplements, herbs and tinctures out there that claim to bolster strength and boost endurance. Many don’t actually live up to their promises, but there are some that actually do. One of those is creatine, which claims to help with muscle gains and strength building.

“Creatine is the most commonly used performance supplement and it’s a reasonable one for a lot of our patients,” said Dr. Vijay Jotwani, a... Читать дальше...


The 10 Best Instagram Recipes From February 2024

Love is in the air in February, and over on the HuffPost Taste Instagram account, we shared some of our favourite recipes to fall in love with this past month. Readers were smitten with chocolate-covered strawberries, red velvet brownies and a lavender sheet cake, as to be expected. But in addition to seasonal desserts, other top recipes of the month were an array of tasty foods including cheesy pizza dip and hot honey feta fries.

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People Can't Get Over Millie Bobby Brown's Accent During Her Latest Interview

Millie Bobby Brown on The Tonight Show earlier this week

Millie Bobby Brown really made people sit up and pay close attention when she stopped by Jimmy Fallon’s US talk show earlier this week.

On Thursday night, the two-time Emmy nominee paid a visit to The Tonight Show where she discussed her engagement to fellow actor Jake Bongiovi and her new Netflix film Damsel, as well as introducing her dog to the fans in the studio.

However, there was one thing that really stood out to viewers. Читать дальше...


Kate Winslet Gets Very Graphic About The Reality Of Filming A Peeing Scene

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet couldn’t help but slip back into “overshare” mode during a recent appearance on Graham Norton’s talk show.

During her interview last week, Kate spoke candidly about the realities of filming a scene in the film Holy Smoke, which required her character to strip off and urinate, in a bid to prove she’d been “deprogrammed” after falling in with a guru during her travels in India.

“My character tries to convince him that it’s all working, and so she takes... Читать дальше...


BBC Presenter In Furious Clash With George Galloway Party Spokesman After By-Election Win

George Galloway speaks after winning the Rochdale by-election.

A BBC radio presenter clashed angrily with a senior figure in George Galloway’s party after the veteran left-winger won the Rochdale by-election.

Former Labour MP Chris Williamson lashed out at Mishal Husain on Radio Four’s Today programme as he failed to condemn Hamas’s attack on Israel on October 7.

He also refused to distance himself from BNP leader Nick Griffin, who endorsed Galloway’s Workers Party of Britain in the Rochdale contest. Читать дальше...


Timothée Chalamet And Zendaya Recall 'Jarring' First Meeting With Dune Co-Star Austin Butler

Zendaya and Timothée Chalamet

Timothée Chalamet and Zendaya revealed that encountering their co-star, Austin Butler, on the set of Dune: Part Two was not quite what they expected. 

In a new interview with CNN on Thursday, Zendaya shared that meeting Austin – who dons transparent skin, black teeth and an eyebrow-less face for his role as the merciless villain Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen — during her first day on set in Budapest was “quite jarring”.  

“I was like, ‘Well, this is one... Читать дальше...


Olly Alexander Finally Unveils His Eurovision Song Dizzy. So... Fancy A Listen?

Olly Alexander performing live last year

Olly Alexander has debuted the song he’ll be performing at this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

Back in December, the former Years & Years singer made the surprise announcement that he’ll be representing the UK at Eurovision in 2024.

In the weeks since, he teased that his competing song will be titled Dizzy, and finally unveiled the track first thing on Friday morning.

Fancy a listen? Go on, then…

Olly co-wrote the track with music producer Danny L Harle... Читать дальше...

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52 диплома завоевала команда Подмосковья на школьной олимпиаде по 4 предметам

Победители: Елена Летучая, Сергей Гармаш и Любовь Аксёнова

Светская львица и любительница роскошных курортов: кто такая Светлана Захарова?

«Динамика хорошая»: Путин спрогнозировал рост ВВП России более чем на 3% в 2024 году

Музыкальные новости

Патрушев заявил, что нелегальная миграция связана с угрозами терроризма

Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

В "Локомотиве" иронично отреагировали на ничью в матче ЦСКА со "Спартаком"

Шойгу заявил, что у России нет никаких интересов нападать на страны НАТО

Новости России

Новый посол Индии предложил России закупать больше индийских товаров

Спецслужбы Германии с 2015 года следили за обвиненным в шпионаже членом АдГ

Пассажира рейса «Сургут-Москва», который пришлось экстренно посадить в Перми оштрафовали

Источник 360.ru: водитель погиб в ДТП в ТиНАО, травмы получили два пешехода

Экология в России и мире

Весенние субботники прошли на предприятиях «Московского» филиала ООО «ЛокоТех-Сервис»

Добраться до курортов Сочи станет этим летом намного дороже: озвучена причина и новые цены

Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

Почему люди боятся обращаться к психиатру?

Спорт в России и мире

Как Рыбакиной стать второй ракеткой мира: расклад от WTA

Камбэком обернулся матч вундеркинда из России перед стартом Еленой Рыбакиной в Мадриде

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах на турнире в Мадриде

Мария стала соперницей Азаренко на турнире WTA в Мадриде


Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

Музеи Твери. Императорский путевой дворец.

Сотрудники спецподразделений столичного главка Росгвардии окончили обучение в Центре профподготовки в Подмосковье

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Минэкологии устанавливает обстоятельства появления свалки в Богородском округе