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Фильм "Стыд" завоевал гран-при Московского международного кинофестиваля

Хоккеисты и тренеры МХК "Тамбов" награждены серебряными медалями Кубка регионов

Суд оштрафовал журналиста Дмитрия Кузнеца за работу на интернет-СМИ "Медуза"

В Москве состоялся XIII Всероссийский съезд НОПРИЗ


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Новости за 15.03.2024


Sunak's Titanic Problem: Tory MPs Engage Panic Mode As Party Heads For The Iceberg

HMS Sunak is heading for the iceberg.

It’s not often that a one-word post on X can sum up the mood of an entire parliamentary party, but it happened this week.

Within minutes of prime minister’s questions ending on Wednesday, former cabinet minister Simon Clarke took to the platform formerly known as Twitter and simply said: “Iceberg.”

That was a reference to an interview he gave to the BBC in January when he warned that the Conservatives were heading for disaster under Rishi Sunak. Читать дальше...


Here's Why Muslims Fast During Ramadan

Ramadan takes place during the ninth month of the Muslim Calendar and is considered the most holy month for followers of Islam. It’s believed that during this month, the Holy Quran was descended from Heaven to Earth and during this month, the first revelations of the Quran were received by the Prophet.

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Ex-Soap Star Champions Nigel Farage And Donald Trump In Bizarre Appearance

Holly Valance speaking to GB News about her political views.

Former Neighbours star Holly Valance revealed her hopes that Nigel Farage would step up into a key role again – and announced her support for Reform UK.

Valance told GB News she made this decision even though she voted for the Conservatives in 2019, adding: “I’m sure as hell not going to [vote] Labour!”

The public figure was in the Australian soap opera Neighbours and had several hits as a singer, but later stepped... Читать дальше...


Finally – The News Doctor Who Fans Have All Been Waiting For Has Landed


Okay, deep breaths Doctor Who fans, we’ve officially got the release date of Ncuti Gawta’s new season.

Yup, we’re pleased to say that the BBC have announced that Doctor Who is set to make an explosive return to our screens on May 11.

And it only gets better, for those of us in the UK, for the first time ever, the Doctor will land with two episodes premiering on BBC iPlayer at 00:00  on Saturday, before arriving on BBC One later that day right before the Eurovision Song Contest Grand Final. Читать дальше...


Hugh Grant's Progressed From Oompa Loompa To Tony The Tiger For Netflix's New Movie

First an Oompa Loompa... now this!

The first pictures of Hugh Grant as Tony the Tiger in Unfrosted: The Pop-Tart Story have been released – yes, you read that correctly.

The Notting Hill actor was snapped in a full body tiger suit on the set of the upcoming comedy directed by Jerry Seinfeld, which also stars Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer, James Marsden, Christian Slater and more.

The new film is set in 1960s Michigan and follows business rivals Kellogg’s and Post as they compete... Читать дальше...


I Agreed To Meet My Ex's 2 Other Ex-Wives. I Didn't Expect That Decision To Change My Life.

I was the first wife.

John and I dated for only six months before he popped the question. Just a few months before we began dating, my previous boyfriend of five years, Tayloe, and I had broken up. My relationship with John was a rebound, and it should have stayed just that. Instead, at age 21, I walked down the aisle the same year Princess Diana and Prince Charles married, wearing my mother’s satin wedding dress with a long train trailing behind me. 

Days later, we packed up a U-Haul... Читать дальше...


Meghan Markle Makes Her Return To Instagram With A Project No One Saw Coming

Meghan Markle is back online.

On Thursday, the Duchess of Sussex debuted a new website and Instagram account for a venture called American Riviera Orchard.

The site and social media page offered few details beyond the project’s gold-crested logo and a location of Montecito, California, where Markle lives with her husband, Prince Harry, and their two children.

On the website, a prompt to sign up for email updates promises information about “products, availability, and updates... Читать дальше...


Tory Minister Announces He Is Quitting Politics In Latest Blow For Rishi Sunak

Minister for the Armed Forces and Veterans James Heappey

A government minister has become the latest Tory MP to announce they are quitting parliament.

In yet another blow for Rishi Sunak, James Heappey said he would not be standing at the next election to spend more time with his family “and pursue a different career”.

He becomes the 62nd Conservative MP to do so, in a further sign that the party is heading for a catastrophic defeat at the general election.

And in a highly unusual move... Читать дальше...

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«Эксперт РА» повысил кредитный рейтинг АО «Тинькофф Страхование» до уровня ruАА

Пассажир авиарейса из Москвы в Барнаул устроил на борту дебош и был задержан

В Москве «Газель» сбила пешехода из-за оставленных ключей в замке зажигания

Волонтеры Подмосковья участвуют в Международной премии #МЫВМЕСТЕ

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Тема дня: На «Госуслугах» можно будет получить статус многодетной семьи с 2025 года

РБК: педиатра Буянову за фейки про армию России отправили в СИЗО

Новый транспортный хаб начали строить Казахстан, РФ и Китай

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

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Загрутдинов: первые жилые дома снесли по реновации в Выхино-Жулебине

Корпоративные венчурные фонды стали инвестировать в бизнес на более ранних стадиях

Климатолог Терешонок: в столице будет расти число погодных аномалий

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Радио Romantika приглашает погрузиться в мир киномузыки

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По запросу Баку в Москве незаконно был задержан известный российский политолог Михаил Александров

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Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира

Теннисистка Касаткина заявила, что скучает по России, но пока не может приехать

Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис


В Белогорском районе Республики Крым проведен рейд по бывшим мигрантам

Утро у монастыря...

ИТ Альянс объявляет о графике работы в майские праздники

Военные следователи провели очередной рейд по бывшим мигрантам в городе Армянске Республики Крым

Топ новостей на этот час


Фильм "Стыд" завоевал гран-при Московского международного кинофестиваля

В Кремле заявили, что выступают за контакты Баку и Еревана на фоне протестов

В Москве состоялся XIII Всероссийский съезд НОПРИЗ

Подмосковные энергетики перейдут на усиленный режим работы в мае