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Пассажиры «Мострансавто» более 2 млн раз проехались до аэропортов с начала года

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Новости за 06.03.2024


Taxpayers Forced To Pay Out £15,000 After Tory Minister Accused Academic Of Supporting Hamas

Science, Innovation and Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan 

The government has spent £15,000 of taxpayers’ money to cover the damages incurred by a cabinet minister’s inaccurate claim against a professor.

The science secretary, Michelle Donelan, wrongly accused Professor Kate Sang of expressing sympathy for the Palestinian militant group, Hamas, on X (formerly Twitter).

The professor then took out a libel action against the cabinet minister, which was settled with Donelan... Читать дальше...


Martin Lewis Explains Huge 'Win' For Child Benefits In Budget Announcement

Accountancy, Adult, Backgrounds, Budget, Business

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced the budget on Wednesday, marking a ‘huge win’ for those seeking child benefits.

The change means parents will be allowed to earn more money before they have to start repaying child benefit. Currently the threshold for child benefit is £50,000.

This means that if either parent is earning over £50,000 before tax they would need to pay the High Income Child Benefit Charge. It meant that those earning... Читать дальше...


11 Times Jeremy Hunt Misrepresented Reality In 2024's Pre-Election Budget Speech

Jeremy Hunt presenting the Budget to the Commons on Wednesday

Jeremy Hunt unveiled the Conservative government’s last major attempt to woo voters before the next general election today: his Budget.

The lengthy statement saw the chancellor unveil Downing Street’s plans taxes and spending in this annual statement.

But, he has already been widely criticised for cherry-picking facts, and glossing over the less flattering details about the real state of the UK economy right now.

Here’s... Читать дальше...


Meet The 80 Year Olds Sharing Their Best Parenting Tips For New Mums

Iris, Jean and Dorothy give advice

We’re fast approaching this year’s Mother’s Day and to mark this special occasion a group of 80+ year olds have shared their words of wisdom for new mums and mums-to-be.

With decades of experience and having lived through many highs and lows, they’ve shared their practical advice for parents and parents-to-be across the UK.

With an average age of 89, Lottie’s care home residents have shared their words of wisdom.

‘Learn as you go along’

Joyce... Читать дальше...


Ramadan 2024: Should I Let My 6-Year-Old Fast?

Ramadan is just days away and families across the world are getting ready for the Holy month. For parents of young kids, the month can be slightly more challenging as they need to balance teaching their children about Ramadan, as well as focus on their own spiritual journeys.

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Nigella Lawson's Unexpected Secret Ingredient For The Best Roast Potatoes

Crispy fried potatoes.

As an Irish person, there are very few people I’ll take potato advice from. But Nigella “bury me in butter” Lawson? Yeah, okay, I’ll hear her out. 

So, when I discovered she uses some pretty unique ingredients when cooking her roasted potatoes, I thought I’d give it a go ― and I’m incredibly glad I did. 

Like Mary Berry, who uses semolina to enhance the crunch of her roast spuds, the TV legend has made some changes to the classic recipe

Firstly, she... Читать дальше...


4 Things Kids Say That You Should Never Ignore

Sometimes kids tell you what they need directly while other times you need to put some effort into understanding what’s going on. A young child, for example, may not have the language they need to articulate what they’re feeling, but a teen may be evasive because they’re anxious about confiding something personal. 

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People Are Just Realising Where The Phrase 'Bucket List' Comes From And We’re Stunned

What’s on your bucket list? 

Mine is pretty standard. Write a book, climb a mountain in some far-off country and spend a day vibing with penguins. Nothing too ambitious but enough for me to get excited about the future and, crucially, have an answer for when people ask.

But, had you asked me this question in, say, 2005, I wouldn’t have had a clue what you meant and neither would anybody else.


Because the phrase, as eternal as it may sound to us, is actually pretty new. Читать дальше...


Kate Winslet Gets Very Honest About What She Wishes She'd Said While Filming Past Sex Scenes

Kate Winslet in Cannes last year

Kate Winslet has reflected on some of the more difficult intimate scenes she’s filmed in her career.

During a new interview with the New York Times, the Oscar winner shared that she sometimes felt she didn’t have anyone on her side when shooting love scenes, admitting she wished that intimacy coordinators had been prevalent in the early years of her career.

“I would have benefited from an intimacy coordinator every single time I had to do a love... Читать дальше...


Dakota Johnson Is As Candid As Ever When It Comes To Madame Web Being 'Ripped To Shreds'

Dakota Johnson

Forget the Glasgow “Willy Wonka” experience and Ryan Gosling at awards season – the viral moment of 2024 that’s closest to our hearts is undoubtedly Dakota Johnson’s Madame Web press tour.

While promoting her new film, Dakota has been totally honest and shot from the hip in her own inimitable style throughout – leading to plenty ofattention-grabbingmoments... including from us:


Madame Web star Dakota Johnson reacts to viral trailer line ????️ #MadameWeb#DakotaJohnson#dakotajohnsonedit#dakotajohnson


Ban On FKA Twigs' Calvin Klein Advert Partially Lifted After 'Double Standards' Row

FKA Twigs at last year's Met Gala

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has made a partial U-turn over the ban of a Calvin Klein advert featuring the singer FKA Twigs.

Earlier this year, the ASA banned the ad in question, which was first unveiled in March 2023 and featured the Grammy nominee posing nude while draped in a denim Calvin Klein shirt.

At the time, Twigs called out the ASA’s decision, writing on Instagram: “I do not see the ‘stereotypical sexual object’ that they have labelled me. Читать дальше...


Madonna Shares 1 Poignant Word She Found Herself Saying After Waking Up From Induced Coma

Madonna on stage in London last year

Madonna has opened up about the first word she said after waking up from a coma last year.

The Queen of Pop was rushed to intensive care in June 2023, due to what her team described as a “serious bacterial infection”.

Although she’s since made a full recovery, and is now in the middle of a world tour, Madonna was placed in an induced coma at the height of her health issues, which she reflected on during her latest show in California on Monday night. Читать дальше...


It Turns Out 1 Of Austin Butler's Creepiest Dune Moments Wasn't Actually In The Script

Austin Butler at the Dune: Part Two premiere last week

Austin Butler has confirmed that one of his stand-out moments from the recent Dune sequel was improvised.

The Oscar nominee plays Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen, the nephew of Stellan Skarsgård’s villainous character, in Dune: Part Two, which is in cinemas now.

Despite the two characters being related, at one point they’re seen sharing a kiss in front of a cheering crowd – which Austin has revealed was not in the script.

During an interview with Access Hollywood... Читать дальше...


'Fiddling While Rome Burns': Tory Peer Condemns Jeremy Hunt Over National Insurance Cut

Chancellor dog exercises with his dog Poppy ahead of the Budget.

A Tory peer has criticised Jeremy Hunt’s decision to only cut national insurance in the Budget.

The Chancellor will slash another 2p off NI - the second such cut in the rate in just four months.

However, he is set to ignore calls from Tory backbenchers for him to reduce income tax as well.

Appearing on Sky News on Tuesday evening, former minister Lord Frost said Hunt was not being ambitious enough.

He said... Читать дальше...

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«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

ДВМС объявляет конкурс на целевое обучение в МГИМО

Судебные приставы Подмосковья приняли участие в субботнике

Подмосковный проект цифровой трансформации сферы энергетики признан лучшим в РФ

Музыкальные новости

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Отец из Панамы, школьная любовь и любимая еда: Елена Борщёва раскрыла все тайны на шоу ТВ-3 «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой»

Подмосковные проекты победили в Международном профессиональном конкурсе НОПРИЗ на лучший проект – 2023

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Концентрация песка в городском воздухе возвращается к обычным значениям

Осуждённому за наёмничество участнику СВО из Киргизии дадут убежище в России

Российский дзюдоист Башаев завоевал бронзу чемпионата Европы

Опубликован список запрещенных вещей на Параде Победы

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Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

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Топ новостей на этот час


Пассажиры «Мострансавто» более 2 млн раз проехались до аэропортов с начала года

Судебные приставы Подмосковья приняли участие в субботнике

Осуждённому за наёмничество участнику СВО из Киргизии дадут убежище в России

ДВМС объявляет конкурс на целевое обучение в МГИМО