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Новости за 03.03.2024


Jeremy Hunt's Claim Tories Always Aim To Lower Taxes Leaves People Pointing Out The Obvious

PM Rishi Sunak and Jeremy Hunt 

Jeremy Hunt told broadcasters this morning that it is an “eternal truth” that Conservative governments “try to bring the tax burden down” – but not many people agree.

The chancellor was speaking to journalists on Sunday ahead of the unveiling of his Spring Budget later this week, an annual event where the government outlines its plans for taxes and spending.

The pressure is on for Hunt and PM Rishi Sunak as Tories have been calling for more popular... Читать дальше...


Labour Peer Slams Rishi Sunak's 'Sinister' Speech On Mob Rule: 'Bit Of A Cheek'

Baroness Shami Chakrabarti 

Labour peer Shami Chakrabarti described Rishi Sunak’s recent claims about extremism in the UK as “sinister” during an interview on Sunday.

Over the last week, the prime minister has condemned supposed extremists for “trying to tear us apart”, alleged “our democracy itself is a target” amid rising “mob rule” and called for the police to do more to protect the UK.

But, speaking to Sky News at the weekend, Chakrabarti said: “I don’t like his theatre,... Читать дальше...


Most Tory Members Think Suspending Lee Anderson Was A Mistake, Survey Finds

Lee Anderson, ex-Tory MP

Almost two-thirds of Conservative members think the party was wrong to suspend Lee Anderson after his controversial remarks about London mayor Sadiq Khan, according to a new survey.

Anderson, who now sits as an independent MP for Ashfield, was booted out of the Conservative Party after he failed to apologise for claiming “islamists” had “got control of Khan and they’ve got control of London”.

The GB News host was previously the party’s deputy chairman... Читать дальше...


'Who Are You Talking About?' Trevor Phillips Clashes With Jeremy Hunt Over PM's 'Mob Rule' Claim

Trevor Phillips interviewed Jeremy Hunt on Sky News

Trevor Phillips clashed with Jeremy Hunt when pressing the chancellor over the supposed rise of “extremist” groups in the UK on Sunday morning.

PM Rishi Sunakcaused a stir last week when he claimed “mob rule” is rising in the UK and that “extremists” are hijacking marches.

He made the comments when he met with police leaders to discuss the recent protests over the war between Israel and Hamas.

So the Sky News presenter asked Hunt... Читать дальше...


I Asked A Baby Sleep Training Expert To Rate TikTok Hacks. Here's How It Went

Close up portrait of sleeping baby 9 months old.

During parenthood, one of the biggest challenges I found for the first year of my child’s life was sleep. New parents lose up to three hours of sleep every night of their baby’s first year – which adds up to an insane 133 nights’ worth of sleep in 12 months.

I recall trying every hack, tip and suggestion to get my child to sleep and sometimes it worked, sometimes teething got in the way. 

It’s no secret that sleep is crucial for both the parents and the baby... Читать дальше...


Is Your Dog Happy? There's 1 Way To Tell — And No, It's Not A Wagging Tail

"Am I Doing It Wrong?" co-host Noah Michelson's dog Jumanji aka Jumi

Dogs are just the best, aren’t they?

Though it’s impossible to quantify the joy they constantly inject into our lives, studies have shown owning a pooch can reduce our loneliness, diminish our stress and anxiety, and even help us live longer.

Considering how much our furry friends offer us, how can we ensure they’re as content as they can be? And since they obviously can’t tell us how they’re feeling, how do we know if we’re succeeding? Читать дальше...


Do You Have Issues Sleeping? These Foods And Drinks Could Be To Blame.

If you’re one of the millions out there who struggle with sleep, you’ve likely tried all the most-talked-about remedies. Maybe there’s chamomile tea in your pantry and melatonin supplements in your bathroom cabinet. You already know it’s not a good idea to consume caffeine in the late afternoon and that even though that glass of wine may help you initially drift off to sleep, you’re going to wake up in the middle of the night regretting it.

Читать дальше...


Watching Kylie Minogue Drink Out Of A Shoe Wasn't On Our BRIT Awards 2024 Bingo Card

Yup, this actually happened.

As we’re all well aware by now, The Brit Awards always brings with it all sorts of chaos. 

Alongside calling rapper Aitch ‘Aldi Eminem’ and saying that ‘Calvin Harris was doing his emails’ while DJ’ing during his performance with Ellie Golding, host Roman Kemp hasn’t shied away from being cheeky at this year’s awards.

However, we weren’t anticipating watching both Roman and the one and only Kylie Minogue drinking from the singer’s high heels.

Confused? Читать дальше...

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В Орехово-Зуевском округе выявили признаки незаконного недропользования

Теплоэнергетики обновят котельные и тепловые сети в Талдоме

Захарова назвала дезинформацией заявление США о нежелании России и КНР реформ ООН

В столице Поморья состоялись областные соревнования по художественной гимнастике

Музыкальные новости

Тема дня: На «Госуслугах» можно будет получить статус многодетной семьи с 2025 года

Улан-Удэнский ЛВРЗ подвел производственные итоги первого квартала 2024 года

Было бы сесть предложено // Александр Шохин с почестями принял на своем съезде Владимира Путина

Сергей Трофимов выступит с летним концертом в Зеленом Театре ВДНХ

Новости России

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В столице Поморья состоялись областные соревнования по художественной гимнастике

Теплоэнергетики обновят котельные и тепловые сети в Талдоме

Почти 1 млрд руб собственных доходов поступило в бюджет Королева с начала года

Экология в России и мире

Отдых во имя открытий

За какими шедеврами едут в деревню Ковалёво Нижегородской области

Компания ICDMC стала победителем престижной премии в сфере ЗОЖ – Green Awards 2023/24

Токсиколог Кутушов рассказал почему возникает похмелье

Спорт в России и мире

WTA озвучила Елене Рыбакиной условия для становления второй ракеткой мира

Мирра Андреева замыкает год // 16-летняя российская теннисистка успешно стартовала на крупном турнире WTA в Мадриде

Шикарный и практичный стиль Елены Джокович из базовых вещей

Камбэком обернулся матч вундеркинда из России перед стартом Еленой Рыбакиной в Мадриде


ТСД SAOTRON RT-T50: высокопроизводительный терминал сбора данных промышленного класса

В Екатеринбурге будут судить уроженца Армении, устроившего дорожный конфликт со стрельбой

Неудержимые 2. Альянс (окончание)

Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

Топ новостей на этот час


Учитель из Бутово стала «Гуру физкультуры»

Москва получила гран-при премии «Умный город»

В столице Поморья состоялись областные соревнования по художественной гимнастике

Теплоэнергетики обновят котельные и тепловые сети в Талдоме