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'I've Had Loads': Olivia Colman Gets Very Candid About Her Past Use Of Botox

Olivia Colman at the premiere of Wicked Little Letters last month

Olivia Colman has spoken candidly about her past use of Botox injections.

Last week, the Oscar winner was a guest on Vernon Kay’s Radio 2 show, during which the presenter and his guest discovered they were the same age.

“Are we?” Olivia remarked upon hearing that she and Vernon were born in the same year. “I look like your mum! Oh my god! You look so young – that’s really annoying.”

“How much Botox have you... Читать дальше...


People Are Just Realising This Fact About Jennifer Coolidge In American Pie And They're Not OK

Jennifer Coolidge in the first American Pie film

Long before she was synonymous with her roles in The White Lotus, The Watcher and even Legally Blonde, plenty of people knew Jennifer Coolidge best for her iconic American Pie role.

The Emmy winner played “Stifler’s mom” in the teen comedy series, which introduced many viewers to Jennifer for the first time and, for better or worse, helped popularise the term “MILF” in the late 1990s.

But one Threads post by presenter Phil Clifton... Читать дальше...


Irish Singer CMAT Speaks Out After Having Her Bum Censored At The Brit Awards

CMAT and Clara Amfo pictured during this year's Brits broadcast

If anyone enjoyed themselves at Saturday night’s Brit Awards, it was CMAT.

The Irish singer-songwriter was among the musicians in attendance at this year’s ceremony, where she was nominated for Best International Artist and served up one of the night’s most memorable red carpet outfits thanks to her backless black dress, which was low-cut enough to reveal a section of her bum.

CMAT on the Brits red carpet

CMAT... Читать дальше...


Good Morning Britain Makes Presenting Team Switch-Up After Ben Shephard Exit

GMB hosts Ben Shephard and Adil Ray

Good Morning Britain has made a few tweaks to its regular presenting line-up following the departure of Ben Shephard.

After a decade as part of the GMB on-air team, Ben fronted his final live show last month, ahead of making his debut as the new permanent co-host of This Morning.

It’s now been revealed that daytime regular Adil Ray will be occupying the slot previously held by the Tipping Point host for the foreseeable future.

He wrote on X (formerly Twitter) over the weekend... Читать дальше...


Ofcom Reaches Decision Over Laurence Fox's 'Misogynistic' And 'Degrading' GB News Tirade

Laurence Fox in May 2023

GB News has been found to have breached Ofcom guidelines yet again thanks to a controversial broadcast that aired last year.

Back in September, an episode of Dan Wootton’s GB News show became the most complained-about incident of 2023, after guest Laurence Fox launched into a misogynistic tirade against the journalist Ava Evans live on air.

Fox was dropped from GB News over the incident, while Wootton remains suspended.

On Monday morning, Ofcom announced its ruling that Fox’s remarks ... Читать дальше...


These 6 Rumoured Celebrity Big Brother Stars Have Just Been Sighted Near The House

The newly-revamped Celebrity Big Brother house

ITV has so far kept schtum about that “leaked” list of rumoured Celebrity Big Brother housemates – but it looks like the cat has now leapt even further out of the bag.

Celebrity Big Brother returns to our screens after a six-year absence on Monday night, with The Sun publishing a list of 12 stars thought to be taking part in the reality show last week.

Since then, the tabloid has also obtained photos of several of those celebrities arriving at a hotel in London near the house. Читать дальше...


Mother's Day Gifts That'll Win You Family Member Of The Year

We hope you love the products we recommend! All of them were independently selected by our editors. Just so you know, HuffPost UK may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page if you decide to shop from them. Oh, and FYI — prices are accurate and items in stock as of time of publication.

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More Upset For Sunak As Support For Tories Reaches Record Low Of 20%, Poll Finds

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak 

The Tories have dropped to a devastatingly low approval rating of just 20%, according to a new poll.

An Ipsos UK survey for The Standard found that support for the governing party fell from 27% in January to 20% in February – the worst result for the Conservatives since the political tracker began in 1978.

This rating is lower than those recorded for the Tories just after Liz Truss’s brief time in No.10 (23%) and after Tony Blair’s landslide victory in 1997 (23%). Читать дальше...


The New Costly Reason Why Parents Might Want To Think Twice About Taking Kids Out Of School For Holidays

Young mother with little son runs into the sea on sunset light.

Going on holiday during school term time may seem like the better option as flight prices are most likely cheaper. But the UK government has now introduced new rules for parents taking their kids out of class.

The updated rule means it might turn out more expensive for parents if they decide to book a holiday during term time.

Under the new national framework, all schools will be required to consider a fine when... Читать дальше...


Kacey Musgrave's SNL Wardrobe Malfunction Is Too Relatable

If you watched last weekend’s Saturday Night Live (SNL) episode, you might have noticed a familiar face ― Kacey Musgraves, a country music star famed for songs like Deeper Well, performed Too Good To Be True on the show. 

Appearing for the third time on the show, she dazzled alongside Euphoria star Sydney Sweeney, who introduced Kacey’s song on the show. 

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«Надо меньше есть!» Певица Ортман раскрыла секрет поддержания хорошей формы

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ЕС призвал РФ пересмотреть решение о передаче активов Ariston и Bosh "Газпрому"

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