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Новости за 19.03.2024


Pregnant Women Are Now Less Likely To Be Imprisoned Thanks To A New Rule

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - 2024/03/09: A mother holds a placard saying 'All Pregnancies in prison are High Risk during the demonstration. A group of mothers and their babies gathered outside the Royal Courts of Justice to call for an end to custody in prison for pregnant women. No Births Behind Bars is a British advocacy group calling for an end to the incarceration of pregnant women. (Photo by Martin Pope/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)

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Who Is Aaron Taylor-Johnson’s Wife?

Everyone is talking about Aaron Taylor-Johnson right now.

News emerged today that the British actor has reportedly been chosen as the next James Bond, after years of speculation about who would be stepping up to play 007 after Daniel Craig.

“Bond is Aaron’s job, should he wish to accept it,” a source told The Sun. “The formal offer is on the table and they are waiting to hear back.”

EON Productions, the company behind the Bond films, is reportedly due to begin shooting this year. Читать дальше...


First-Look Images Of Timothée Chalamet On Set Of Upcoming Bob Dylan Biopic Released

The Dune star will play Bob Dylan in the new biopic.

The first images of Timothée Chalamet on the set of the new Bob Dylan biopic, A Complete Unknown, have been released. 

The Wonka actor has traded his top hat and velvet jacket for blue jeans and a guitar case, after being snapped in costume on the streets of New York City on Sunday.

The James Mangold-directed (Ford v Ferrari, Walk The Line) film will centre around the iconic artist’s 1965 performance at the Newport Folk Festival... Читать дальше...


This Is How Horror Films Feature Children Without Traumatising Them


As somebody who absolutely loves kids and thinks they’re great fun, there is nothing scarier in a horror film than some spooky kids. There is something uniquely terrifying about those innocent little faces being present in a horror film that I just can’t shake off. 

With this in mind, I’ve always wondered just how scary the children playing these roles find their jobs? Are they also chilled to the bone? Do they understand the impact that they’re having on full-blown adults with their acting? Читать дальше...


Tory MP Jonathan Gullis Claims Tories Made Brits Better Off. Evidence Suggests Otherwise.

Jonathan Gullis 

Tory MP Jonathan Gullis has suggested Brits are now better off because of the Conservative government – despite plenty of evidence to the contrary.

The backbencher started listing the ways his party has supposedly improved life for his constituents while in the Commons on Tuesday.

He began by saying families in Stoke-on-Trent North would be ”£1,800 a year” better off because of the National Insurance cut from 12p to 8p in the pound.

Actually, this benefit is outweighed by fiscal drag ... Читать дальше...


People Are Just Realising Why Surgeons Have To Have Tools Handed To Them, And It Makes Total Sense

If you’ve so much as glimpsed at a hospital drama, you’ve probably seen scenes in which a gowned surgeon calls for tools like forceps ― and the tool is immediately pressed into his palm by a waiting nurse. 

But while most of us understand why the operating doctor can’t look away from his patient to rifle through a tray of tools, it’s unclear for many why the doctor can’t grab the instrument from the assistant themselves when it’s handed to them. 

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Gillian Anderson Opens Up About 'Scary' Journo Role In Prince Andrew Drama

Rufus Sewell and Gillian Anderson in Scoop

Gillian Anderson may have played a prime minister and a first lady throughout her accomplished acting career, but her latest role was almost “too scary” for her to take on.

The Sex Education star plays British journalist Emily Maitlis in the upcoming film Scoop about the Newsnight presenter’s infamous interview with Prince Andrew.

The Netflix drama – which also stars Rufus Sewell, Keeley Hawes and Billie Piper – will follow how the BBC... Читать дальше...


The Rudest Things You Can Say To A First Time Dad

Han-Son Lee

Being a first time dad can be overwhelming, you’re not only there to support your newborn baby but also your partner.

Balancing so many emotions alongside learning and unlearning habits to be a better father isn’t always easy to navigate, but what makes it more difficult is when people pass unnecessary comments.

Han-Son Lee is the founder of Daddilife and producer of Dadda Panda as well as a dad. He had a difficult relationship with his own father so when he became a dad... Читать дальше...


Ramadan 2024: 5 Ways Teachers Can Help Students Who Are Fasting

Muslim girls preparing table for family meal

Once they get to a certain age as Muslim children, they are encouraged to fast. Though this is often around puberty — for some it might be even earlier if they’re stubborn and take a keen interest!

Often kids will go to school and be fasting with teachers and education providers unaware. I remember when I used to fast in school no-one really ever knew unless it was the friends I would sit with at lunch.

Fasting in school has its challenges... Читать дальше...


So THAT's Why TV Shows Get Worse Over Time

It’s an odd spot to find yourself in, isn’t it?

You want your favourite TV show to keep producing new episodes forever ― but most of us have seen what it looks like when a franchise keeps pushing way past its prime, and it’s not pretty. 

Turns out we’re not just being snobby when we think our TV shows have gotten worse over time, former King of the Hill writer Michael Jamin confirmed in a TikTok. 

“After a couple seasons of a TV series, you often notice a dip in quality,” the writer read from an app user’s question. Читать дальше...


Nigella Lawson's Unexpected Secret Ingredient For The Best Mac And Cheese

Baked Creamy White Cheddar Shells and Cheese

We’ve written before about how Nigella Lawson transforms banal baby new potatoes into a salty, tart, crunchy delight by roasting them and dousing them in apple cider vinegar.

Now, it seems she’s got a hack for mac ‘n’ cheese too ― and it massively speeds up its cooking time. 

One of the more time and labour-intensive parts of making the tasty meal is forming a roux that becomes a cheese sauce. And as with Mary Berry’s cheat’s lasagne... Читать дальше...

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Евросоюз призвал РФ отменить решение по активам Ariston и BSH Hausgerate

Более 1,6 тысячи жителей Пушкинского написали «Диктант Победы»

Свыше 20 подтоплений ликвидировали в Подмосковье за день

Полиция проверит задержки возврата денег клиентам криптобиржи Beribit

Музыкальные новости

Ведущие «Авторадио» исполнили в Кремле культовую песню о самой масштабной стройке XX века

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Генерал-полковник Алексей Воробьев высоко оценил подготовку кинологов Росгвардии к предстоящим соревнованиям по профессиональному многоборью

РБК: педиатра Буянову за фейки про армию России отправили в СИЗО

Новости России

Полиция проверит задержки возврата денег клиентам криптобиржи Beribit

Евросоюз призвал РФ отменить решение по активам Ariston и BSH Hausgerate

Власти Евросоюза призвали РФ пересмотреть решение о судьбе "дочек" Ariston и Bosch

Видео: как в Нижем парке Петергофа запускали «Самсона»

Экология в России и мире

Отдых во имя открытий

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Почему люди боятся обращаться к психиатру?

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Спорт в России и мире

Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000

Потапова проиграла Фернандес во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Елена Рыбакина рассказала о проблемах на турнире в Мадриде


Новый транспортный хаб начали строить Казахстан, РФ и Китай

Тихий вечер...

До 17 лет тюрьмы – автоподставщики и страховые мошенники всё реже уходят от ответственности в Хабаровском крае

Частота страховых случаев по ОСАГО для такси в 6,6 раза выше, чем по полисам на другие легковые машины – ЦБ РФ

Топ новостей на этот час


Видео: как в Нижем парке Петергофа запускали «Самсона»

"Нет средств для защиты от такого удара". США признали свою беспомощность перед Россией

Власти Евросоюза призвали РФ пересмотреть решение о судьбе "дочек" Ariston и Bosch

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