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Новости за 14.10.2021

Real Clear World 

Will Biden Abandon Taiwan?

Brandon Weichert, RealClearWorld

"Goodbye, great power competition and hello, strategic competition," this is what the Biden Administration's Pentagon spokesperson recently told Daniel Lipmann of Politico. According to analysts, these comments signal a shift toward a more cooperative, even conciliatory, American posture toward the Chinese Communist Party. Further, President Joe Biden told the media on October 6 that he had "spoken with [Chinese President Xi Jinping] about Taiwan. We agree... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Germany's Next Russia Policy

Dmitri Stratievski, Riddle
Dmitry Stratievski considers the future of Russo-German relations under Berlin's next government

Real Clear World 

The Genius of Jokowi

Kishore Mahbubani, Project Syndicate
At a time when even some rich democracies are electing con men as their political leaders, the success of Indonesian President Joko Widodo deserves wider acclaim and appreciation. "Jokowi" is providing a model of good governance from which the rest of the world can learn.

Real Clear World 

Moving Past US-China Cold War Cliche

Suisheng Zhao, East Asia Forum

A bipolar world is emerging as the US-China rivalry dominates virtually every aspect of international politics. Bipolarity tends to exaggerate ideological hostility and encourages attempts to build exclusive alliances. Casting the rivalry as a battle between democracy and autocracy, the Biden administration has increased public criticism of China's human rights violations and countered Chinese manoeuvring in the Pacific.

Real Clear World 

Will China Actually Ever Invade Taiwan?

Gwynne Dyer, Bangkok Post
China's President Xi Jinping promised on Saturday that "The historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland... will definitely be fulfilled." That was a threat to Taiwan, but a threat without a deadline. However Chinese state media, in the form of the ever-rabid Global Times, warned that war "could be triggered at any time".

Real Clear World 

China's Taiwan Plan Is Clear

Peter Suciu, 1945

China's Taiwan plan seems pretty clear: intimidation. Beijing has said that its recent military exercises near Taiwan were intended to be a warning to both the island nation and to the United States. The People's Republic of China's (PRC's) People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) sent 56 combat aircraft near the southwest coast of Taiwan on a single...

Real Clear World 

Why Some Arab Countries Are Giving Syria More Leeway

M. Young, National

Last week, Iran's foreign minister, Hossein Amirabdollahian, visited Lebanon, on what many considered a visit to take advantage of the country's economic crisis to tighten Tehran's hold there. Mr Amirabdollahian said Iran was willing to help the Lebanese rebuild the Beirut port, large parts of which were destroyed in the explosion last year, as well as to construct two electrical power...

Real Clear World 

The Impacts of India's Pacts

Michael Kugelman, Wilson Quarterly

The tragedy also amplified the threat that China, New Delhi's biggest strategic rival, poses to India along its northern border. It even sparked speculation among analysts that India would take steps to formally align itself with the United States, in order to jointly tackle a shared China threat that has fueled the expansion of U.S.-India security cooperation over the last decade.

Real Clear World 

The Quad, AUKUS, and India's Dilemmas

Manjari Chatterjee Miller, CFR

The partnership India has forged with the United States, Australia, and Japan appears to be gaining momentum, but some challenges remain.

Real Clear World 

Time Running Out for 'New Beginning' in Ethiopia

Cameron Hudson, Atl. Council

After being sworn in this week in front of tens of thousands of jubilant supporters, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed promised "a new beginning" for Ethiopia as he begins a new five-year term. That's precisely what Ethiopia needs after his first three years in office.

Real Clear World 

Who Is Losing Belarus?

Grigory Ioffe, Jamestown

On October 7, the European Parliament (EP) passed a resolution demanding that the European Union (EU) impose the fifth package of economic sanctions on Belarus, including additional sectors, such as metallurgy, woodworking, and chemical. According to the EP, the sanctions should affect "all remaining uncovered state banks and key companies such as Belaruskali [Potassium Company] and Beltelecom [Telecommunications Company]" (Zerkalo, October 7).

Real Clear World 

Why Taiwan Must Prepare for War

Jerome Keating, Taipei Times
An old Latin adage reads: Si vis pacem, para bellum. Translated it means: "If you wish peace, then prepare for war." This adage has many variants and claims to authorship, but what is most important is its message for a peaceful Taiwan. Why should Taiwan prepare for war? The reasons are many and obvious. Certainly, such preparation is not because Taiwan wants war or is a warlike nation. Instead, the answer is found in its neighbor, China. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP)... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Predicting Wars

Christopher Joye, ASPI Strategist

There's a wealth of data on the history of military conflicts, which have caused many millions of deaths in the past century, but there's comparatively little quantitative research forecasting the frequency and severity of wars.

Real Clear World 

Why Is China Looking to Establish Banks in Nigeria?

O. Adeshokan, Diplomat

For China, the establishment of banks in Nigeria presents an opportunity to further integrate itself with the financial systems of the African continent.

Real Clear World 

Order Before Peace

Martin Indyk, Foreign Affairs

Nevertheless, pivoting away from the broader Middle East is easier said than done. If Iran continues to advance its nuclear program to the threshold of developing a weapon, it could trigger an arms race or a preemptive Israeli strike that would drag the United States back into another Middle Eastern war.

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Приморская сцена Мариинского театра выступила в Москве с «Корсаром» (рецензия)

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