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Новости за 06.10.2021

Real Clear World 

OPEC Stays the Course Despite Rising Oil Prices

Ben Cahill, CSIS
The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) and its allies in OPEC+ are proceeding with their production plans despite the run-up in oil prices. On October 4 the group decided to continue adding 400,000 barrels per day (b/d) to the market each month, ignoring pressure from oil-importing states for greater volumes. For now, OPEC+ is shrugging off concerns over the economic impact of higher oil prices, perhaps mindful of a softer outlook for next year. Q1: What happened at the OPEC meeting? Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

We Must Support Taiwan

National Review
Unless the status quo changes, China stands a disturbingly high chance at succeeding at swallowing the island.

Real Clear World 

Canada's Conservatives Take Back Power From Leader

A. Coyne, Globe & Mail

While Conservatives at large ponder whether to ditch Erin O'Toole as leader or keep him, the party's parliamentary caucus has just made a decision of much greater import: it has given itself the power to dismiss the leader - and thus transformed the office itself.

Real Clear World 

Nigeria's War on Tech

Chukwudi Ukonne, African Arguments

The tech industry is one of Nigeria's fastest growing, but is independent of the state patronage system and therefore must be eliminated.

Real Clear World 

What the West Must Ask as China Stumbles

Jeremy Cliffe, New Statesman

As Beijing reckons with corporate excess, power cuts and a rapidly ageing population, the image of an ever-mightier China is faltering.

Real Clear World 

Japan's Authorities in a Taiwan Contingency

Mirna Galic, War on the Rocks

A Chinese military intervention against Taiwan represents a major security threat for Japan. So it is not surprising that a Japanese poll found 74 percent of respondents supportive of their government engaging to advance peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait. Tokyo's potential role in a military contingency involving Taiwan has also been in the spotlight, however, following increased Chinese and U.S. tensions over the...

Real Clear World 

A Preliminary Verdict on Afghanistan Strategy

Michael O'Hanlon, National Interest

The key challenge was in trying to help rescue an Afghan society and political system that was badly broken, in the face of an insurgency that was supported by a neighboring country.

Real Clear World 

India's Taliban Problem

Shashi Tharoor, Project Syndicate
The Taliban's victory over the United States in Afghanistan will not only greatly embolden their fellow jihadists, but also shake up the region's geopolitics. In particular, an Afghanistan-Pakistan-China axis involving policy coordination would represent a major risk for India.

Real Clear World 

What's Next for the Quad?

Sheila Smith, Defense One
This year's summit has demonstrated the leaders' ambitions. Regular leaders' summits will be needed to maintain the pace and focus.

Real Clear World 

A New Logic of Cooperation for Japan–South Korea Ties

L. Richardson, EAF
Tokyo and Seoul need to establish creative diplomatic mechanisms to relieve the ongoing anguish of the few surviving Korean colonial victims and establish a 21st century logic for cooperation that is not entrenched in the 1965 Cold War regional order, writes Lauren Richardson (ANU).

Real Clear World 

Biden Should Offer Taiwan a Mutual Defense Treaty

Gordon Chang, 1945
Taiwan reports that China sent a record 56 planes into its air-defense identification zone on Monday. The previous records were 38 planes on Friday and 39 planes Saturday. Sunday was quiet: Only 16 Chinese aircraft intruded. Many will say that China is only huffing and puffing, wasting aviation fuel with the provocative flights. Friday, after […]

Real Clear World 

Is Europe's Energy Crisis a Preview of America's?

Brenda Shaffer, FDD
Analysis, Op-eds | October 5, 2021 | An energy crisis is affecting almost every part of the globe, marked by record-high energy prices, tight supplies, and power blackouts. Some of the world's richest countries and U.S. states such as California...

Real Clear World 

French Senators to Visit Taiwan Amid Soaring Tensions


TAIPEI, Oct 5 (Reuters) - A group of French senators including a former defence minister will visit Taiwan this week, the island's foreign ministry said on Tuesday, with the visit coming at a time of soaring tensions between Taipei and Beijing and despite China's opposition.

Real Clear World 

Facebook Needs Us Much More Than We Need It

Sam Bowman, CapX

When Facebook and its other services disappeared from the internet on Monday night, it seemed to confirm many people's worst fears about the company. The outage, some said, demonstrated how indispensable Facebook had made itself to our lives - and hence, they argued, how important it was to regulate it or break it up.

Real Clear World 

Pivoting Away From America

Michael Young, Carnegie

Republicans in Congress have just accused the Biden administration of withholding a report on Hezbollah's financial empire. The report, which is to be prepared by the State and Defense Departments, is a requirement of the Hezbollah International Financing Prevention Amendments Act of 2018.

Real Clear World 

We Should Arm Taiwan to the Teeth

Rich Lowry, National Review

e warned China to stop its incursions into Taiwan's air-defense identification zone — and the Chinese responded by flying even more aircraft into the zone.

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Химки — в тройке лидеров региона по числу контейнеров для приема отходов на переработку

В РФ туристу, купившему монеты на блошином рынке в ЮАР, грозит дело

До четырех полос расширили трассу А-108 в обход Серпухова в Подмосковье

Врач Соломатина: жирное мясо нельзя есть перед авиаперелетом

Музыкальные новости

То, чего боялся Владислав Бакальчук — случилось: ФАС согласовала объединение «Вайлдберриз» и Russ

Бастрыкин поручил доложить о деле пензенского мигранта, пристававшего к девочке

Тайны королевской семьи: что скрывает нумерологический прогноз для Чарльза III?

Лучшие саундтреки из фильмов про космос прозвучат в исполнении Симфонического оркестра «Северо- Запад»

Новости России

Невролог Филонская рассказала, чем мигрень отличается от кластерной головной боли

Заммэра Ракова: Московские многодетные семьи теперь могут приобрести ж/д билеты с помощью цифрового удостоверения

Названо, чем могли отравиться четверо умерших детей

Шнуров с женой при разводе будут делить имущество на миллиард рублей

Экология в России и мире

Преданья старины глубокой под тропический коктейль

Туры в Гоа расширяют: ещё один туроператор предложит турпакеты на чартере

Коллекция Michael Kors весна-лето 2025

Прослушивания Яндекс Музыка. Увеличение прослушиваний в Яндекс Музыка.

Спорт в России и мире

Касаткина проиграла Хаддад-Майе в финале турнира WTA 500 в Сеуле

Даниил Медведев в составе сборной Европы стал обладателем Кубка Лэйвера

Елена Рыбакина снялась с турнира WTA-1000 в Пекине

Теннисистка Касаткина прошла в полуфинал турнира WTA в Сеуле


Инфографика: сентябрьские изменения для автомобилистов при оформлении ДТП по европротоколу

Названы самые красивые места в России для осенних путешествий

Портативный сканер штрих-кодов Heroje C1271 промышленного класса

Более 230 работодателей Москвы и Московской области получили субсидии за трудоустройство новых сотрудников по программе субсидирования найма

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Трамваи № 8, 19, 27 поедут в обход улицы Бекетова днём 24 сентября

Россия впервые импортировала из Китая крупную партию бриллиантов

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