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Новости за 29.07.2021

Real Clear World 

How Investing in Force Hurts Countries Like Haiti

Samuel Teixeira, RCWorld

Haiti welcomed a new leader this month after mercenaries, including some who received U.S. training, allegedly helped assassinate President Jovenel Moïse. While not directly tied to the Moïse assassination, U.S. government investments have helped create the infrastructure for operations like the one that allegedly led to the assassination of Moïse.

Real Clear World 

Tunisia's Popular Coup?

Francesca Ebel, Newlines

How mass disillusionment with the ruling Islamist party led to its undemocratic overthrow

Real Clear World 

A Coup in Tunisia?

Will Todman, CSIS

On Sunday July 25, Tunisian president Kais Saied invoked emergency powers, fired the prime minister, and suspended parliament for 30 days. Saied declared that he would govern alongside a new prime minister. In a televised address, he said the measures would remain in place "until social peace returns to Tunisia and until we save the state." Tunisia, long hailed as the only success story of the Arab Spring uprisings, now faces its most dangerous political crisis since the revolution a decade ago. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Globalization Strikes Back

Richard Haass, CFR

What makes these developments all the more frustrating is that we know what to do about COVID-19 and possess the means to do it. Several safe and extraordinarily effective vaccines exist. What remains to be done is to scale up production to meet global demand.

Real Clear World 

How Stable Is North Korea?

Harry Kazianis, National Interest

What are the factors that most affect Kim's grip on power?

Real Clear World 

Russia's Novel Framework to Control Regions

Valery Dzutsati, Jamestown

On July 19, Russia's Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin stated that the deputy ministers in his cabinet will each oversee one of the country's eight Federal Districts. These subnational macro units are comprised, on average, of a dozen neighboring federal subjects (republics, oblasts, krais, etc.) in the Russian Federation. The decision followed the initial announcement made by President Vladimir Putin in June, during his phone-in press conference; but it appears... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Biden Is Not Ending Forever Wars

John Glaser, Cato

President Biden is playing hide the ball with America's Forever Wars. In his public pronouncements, he depicts his administration as diligently rolling back the numerous post‐​9/​11 U.S. military misadventures. He delivered a number of speeches declaring an end to the U.S. war in Afghanistan and specifying a timeline for a withdrawal of U.S. troops by September. In April, the administration reached a tacit agreement with the Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al‐​Kadhimi to officially... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

China's Sputnik Moment?

Dan Wang, Foreign Affairs

How Washington Boosted Beijing's Quest for Tech Dominance

Real Clear World 

Maybe Tunisians Never Wanted Democracy

Steven Cook, Foreign Policy

If Westerners are shocked at political developments in Tunisia, it's because they described it as a straightforward success for too long.

Real Clear World 

Can SAARC Fill Afghanistan Power Vacuum?

Dinesh Bhattarai, Indian Express

The coming together of leaders, even at the height of tensions, in a region laden with congenital suspicions, misunderstandings, and hostility is a significant strength of SAARC that cannot be overlooked

Real Clear World 

Remaking the South Korea-U.S. Alliance

Sukjoon Yoon, The Diplomat

The threat from North Korea (and beyond) has changed. The ROK-U.S. alliance must change as well to keep pace.

Real Clear World 

Is Malaysia on the Path to State Failure?

Sholto Byrnes, The National

Politics in Malaysia has always been noisily adversarial, as was shown when the country's parliament met for the first time this year on Monday, after a state of emergency was declared in January. MPs talked over each other, the speaker of the lower house received a verbal battering from the opposition, and some observers described the session as ending in chaos when the government refused...

Real Clear World 

Yes, America Needs a Grand Strategy

Robert Wilkie, American Greatness

Since the fall of the Soviet Union, we have traveled from George H. W. Bush's New World Order to Trump's America First to the Biden Adminstration's rehash of Obama's "Don't do stupid stuff" policy.

Real Clear World 

Can the ICAO Recover After Chinese Stewardship?

D. Pletka & B. Schaefer, RCW

Colombia's Juan Carlos Salazar will have his work cut out for him when he takes over as Secretary General of the International Civil Aviation Organization, or ICAO, on August 1. His predecessor, Fang Liu of China, is leaving the place a shambles.

Real Clear World 

Israel Must Stay Tough on Iran

Jacob Nagel & Mark Dubowitz, Newsweek

Senior Israeli officials will be in Washington next week to prepare for newly elected Israeli prime minister Naftali Bennett's first meeting with U.S. president Joe Biden. Bennett knows the importance of public comity between himself and the American...

Real Clear World 

Will the Real José Pedro Castillo Please Stand Up?

Carlos Escaffi, Worldcrunch

A source of major concern for investors and the economic and political elite, Peru's freshly-inaugurated leftist president is now trying to make nice. What happens next, though, is anybody's guess.

Real Clear World 

How Europeans Can Help Rebuild Lebanon

Carmen Geha, ECFR

The magnitude, nature, and timing of the August 2020 Beirut port explosion could not have been worse for Lebanon's faltering economy, pandemic-plagued hospitals, and crushed revolution. It felt like the final nail in the coffin for a generation of people whose parents endured a civil war and rebuilt their lives from scratch. "How many times will we have to go through this?", my friend asked as we walked over broken glass amid the stench of blood and sweat in the summer heat. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Australia's Eroding Liberties

J.D. Tuccille, Reason

Without a Bill of Rights, the land down under quickly goes where America may eventually follow.

Real Clear World 

Mandela's Dream for South Africa Is in Ruins

Robin Wright, New Yorker

Following the imprisonment of Jacob Zuma, and at a time when inequality is worse than during apartheid, mob violence is threatening the country's constitutional order.

Real Clear World 

Cuba's Reckoning Has Been a Long Time Coming

Howard French, WP Review

When I became a correspondent covering the Caribbean and portions of Latin America—my first overseas job for the New York Times—in the spring of 1990, Cuba's then-leader Fidel Castro already seemed like an antiquated figure to many observers, a literal greybeard at the age of 63.

Real Clear World 

Biden Got It Right on Russia-Germany Pipeline

Robert Merry, Amer. Conservative

We can't know the answer to that, but it's worth pondering. In the meantime, we are left to console ourselves with the thought that Biden's action on Nord Stream 2, even if merely a recognition of reality, represented at least a recognition of reality. That's better than we got from Obama or Trump on that issue.

Real Clear World 

Tunisia's Litmus Test for Arab Politics

Hussein Ibish, Business Day

Constitutional crisis raises the question whether Islamist parties have a legitimate place in the democratic space

Real Clear World 

A US Defense Budget to Make China Smile

Mackenzie Eaglen, 1945

"More tooth, less tail" is a common refrain from defense leaders in search of more combat power as budgets have flatlined. No matter the topline, it seems defense continues to get less for more. Except when it comes to civilians.

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Адвокат Абрамова ответил на обвинения Алсу: «Ян уполномочил меня»

Нескольких сослуживцев Пашаева вызвали в Москву в качестве свидетелей по делу

По делу генерал-майора Попова допросили 91 свидетеля

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Тысячи жителей Ингушетии встретили самолёт с телами погибших у офиса Wildberries

Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

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Новости России

Батраков из «Локомотива» продолжает удивлять

Команда «Евроонко» приняла участие в крупнейшем международном онкологическом форуме

Стилист Носкова: береты будут в тренде этой осенью

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Дарья Касаткина поднялась на две позиции в мировом рейтинге

Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

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ВАЗ сбил 9-летнего пешехода

Топ новостей на этот час


На дом и баню в Тверской области, принадлежащие экс-замминистру обороны Тимуру Иванову, наложен арест

Команда «Евроонко» приняла участие в крупнейшем международном онкологическом форуме

Трамваи не будут ходить по Бекетова в Нижнем Новгороде 24 сентября

Коц: после смерти Эрнеста и Гудвина в их полку провели кадровые перестановки