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Новости за 14.07.2021

Real Clear World 

Iran's Latest Ploy for New Nuclear Deal Is Doomed

Stephen Rademaker, RCWorld

The Islamic Republic of Iran likes to argue that the United States is not a reliable diplomatic partner. It is therefore no surprise that after hardliner Ebrahim Raisi was elected as the country's next president, Iran added a new precondition to rejoining the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. "We need guarantees that . . . a repeat of these sanctions and exiting the nuclear deal, as the past U.S. government did, won't happen again,"

Real Clear World 

Greece Can Be a Powerful Ally

William Antholis & Eric Edelman, The Dispatch

Its popular, pragmatic prime minister offers welcome political stability and ideals that align with promoting democracy.

Real Clear World 

Cuba and Haiti Are Boiling Over

Miami Herald

A day after Sunday's street demonstrations in several cities across the country, Cuba went dark on Monday because of internet outages and disrupted cell phone service. Yes, the Cuban regime can do that easily. Cuban Americans in Miami who had joined in with their own demonstrations on Sunday couldn't tell if the protest had continued. Neither could the international media.

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Real Clear World 

Cuba on the Edge

Carlos Eire, National Review

The young who feel they have the most to lose by remaining silent have taken to the streets as no one has dared to do up until now on such a scale.

Real Clear World 

A Shift in Palestinian Public Opinion

Sheldon Kirshner, Times of Israel

There has been a "paradigm shift" in Palestinian public opinion since the fourth Gaza border war between Israel and Hamas this past May, says prominent Palestinian pollster and political analyst Khalil Shikaki.

Real Clear World 

The High Political Cost of Russia-Germany Pipeline

Markus Becker et al, Spiegel

Chancellor Angela Merkel is set to meet the new U.S. president on Thursday, and one issue in particular is weighing on the visit: a new gas pipeline under the Baltic Sea that will deliver Russian gas to Germany. Berlin is seeking to make concessions in Washington to relieve tensions over the project.

Real Clear World 

Cubans Reach Their Tipping Point

Joel Mathis, The Week

Are Cubans protesting against a repressive Communist government? Or are they angry about bad governance that makes their everyday lives worse? Why not both?

Real Clear World 

On the Brink in 2026

Michael Klare, TomDispatch

It's the summer of 2026, five years after the Biden administration identified the People's Republic of China as the principal threat to U.S. security and Congress passed a raft of laws mandating a society-wide mobilization to ensure permanent U.S. domination of the Asia-Pacific region. Although major armed conflict between the United States and China has not yet broken out, numerous crises have erupted in the western Pacific and the two countries are constantly poised for war. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Yes, This Is a Cold War

Leon Aron, The Dispatch

The ideology of the Putin regime is hardly less toxic and is perhaps more incendiary than communist totalitarianism.

Real Clear World 

Tigrayans in Ethiopia Fear Becoming 'Next Rwanda'

Jaclynn Ashly, African Arguments
As hate speech and targeting of Tigrayans escalates in Addis Ababa, many are terrified and some are planning to flee. Yared* has not left his apartment in Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa for days. "I don't feel safe here," the 29-year-old says. "I'm scared to go outside. They [Ethiopian police] are going around the whole city and detaining people from restaurants, bars, cafeterias, and even their homes." Yared is from Tigray and, about two weeks ago, celebrations... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Dealing with Europe's Autocrats

Ralf Neukirch, Der Spiegel
Hungarian President Viktor Orbán and other like-minded populists are trampling on the EU's values with growing disregard. Europe has an effective option for taking action and it is time to use it: We need to cut Hungary's EU funds.

Real Clear World 

A Blueprint for Getting Out of the Middle East

Doug Bandow, Cato

While maintaining the offshore capacity to act if truly necessary, the U.S. should encourage regional parties to develop their own security system.

Real Clear World 

Is Russia Looking to Challenge the F-35?

Peter Suciu, 1945

The Russian military has touted the features of its Sukhoi Su-57, a single-seat, twin-engine, multirole fighter that was the product of the PAK FA fighter program. Intended to succeed the MiG-29 and Su-27, the fifth-generation Su-57 is the first Russian fighter to feature stealth technology, while it was also designed to feature supercruise, supermaneuverability, and integrated avionics to overcome attacks from the prior generation fighter aircraft as well as...

Real Clear World 

Erdogan Can't Cash In on Coup Much Longer

David Lepeska, The National

The president has for five years used the putsch to justify a power grab, and the Turks are tiring of it

Real Clear World 

Has Israel's Army Become Too Small?

Ben Caspit, Al Monitor

The outgoing deputy head of the Israel Defense Forces, Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir, is not big on interviews and rarely speaks in public. At a handover ceremony for his successor Maj. Gen. Herzl Halevi this week, Zamir dropped a bomb. Zamir, who was tasked with the IDF's force buildup, essentially said that the IDF is not big enough and could find itself lacking the critical mass it needs to defeat Israel's enemies.

Real Clear World 

Peace in Venezuela Goes Through Havana

William LeoGrande, National Interest

As a close ally, Cuba will have more influence than anyone over Maduro's willingness to accept a political settlement.

Real Clear World 

The U.S. Should Back Off Haiti

Marcela García, Boston Globe

If the country is going to have a chance at building a true democracy, it must be through a Haitian-led path.

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В филиале «Забайкальский» подвели итоги первого этапа конкурса «Лучший по профессии - 2024».

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Даниил Медведев в составе сборной Европы стал обладателем Кубка Лэйвера

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