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Новости за 02.07.2021

Real Clear World 

Iran and U.S. Strategy: Beyond JCPOA

Anthony Cordesman, CSIS

The Burke Chair at CSIS has released a new analysis on U.S. strategy with Iran, which shows that the U.S. must consider a range of critical issues that will not be solved by simply renewing the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This assessment provides figures on Iran's current conventional strike capabilities, Iran's older unguided delivery systems, a comparison between Iran's aging Air Force and the Arab gulf countries' air modernization, as well an annex... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The CCP's Legacy After 100 Years

Chongyi Feng, The Conversation

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is in full swing to prepare for the 100th anniversary of its founding this week, with an intense publicity push to crow about its achievements.

Real Clear World 

How Secure Is the CCP?

Orville Schell, Foreign Affairs

July 23 marks the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party, which was founded in Shanghai in 1921. The first party congress was attended by, among others, a 27-year-old Mao Zedong, who had made an arduous journey from his inland Hunan Province. This summer, China will hold an epic celebration to honor the occasion. Although the party will forgo a military parade in Tiananmen Square (lest it appear too militaristic), the jingoistic Global Times explained... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Europe's Crisis Manager Departs

Jana Puglierin, Internationale Politik Quarterly

Angela Merkel had the advantage that during her 16 years at the helm, Germany was spared the economic and political upheaval many of its neighbors experienced, making her brokering EU leadership possible. Her successors may not be so lucky.

Real Clear World 

EU and Belarus: A Chance to Flex Some Muscle

Pavel Slunkin, ECFR

The arrest of Raman Pratasevich changed the calculus for EU capitals, which agreed new sanctions with real bite. The EU could finally be succeeding in its search for strategic sovereignty.

Real Clear World 

Rumsfeld Tore My Country Apart

Rasha Al Aqeedi, New York Times

In the early hours of April 10, 2003, I had taken refuge in what was — for me — the safest place in the world: the floor of my parents' bedroom in our home in Mosul, Iraq.

Real Clear World 

Remembering Rumsfeld

James Jay Carafano, 1945

Historic figures never outlive those who write their obituaries. A long career in public service—one filled with momentous decisions—guarantees one thing: there will be wildly divergent assessments of that career, each reflecting the beliefs and biases of the person rendering judgment.

Real Clear World 

The Rumsfeld the Obituaries Won't Describe

Matt Latimer, Politico

Donald Rumsfeld fired me once.

I had been his chief speechwriter for two years when he was George W. Bush's secretary of defense and in his retirement we were working together on his memoir. Now that collaboration was ending abruptly. He didn't enjoy firing me—"stepping back" from each other as he put it—but he delivered the decision in his usual no BS, cards-on-the-table manner.

Real Clear World 

Rumsfeld: Defiance Defined by Iraq

Daniel Flitton, Lowy Interpreter

The countless observations about the quips of Donald Rumsfeld, who has died aged 88, should not obscure his central role in the catastrophe of the 2003 Iraq invasion. "Known unknowns" became the most famous, even serving as the title for an Errol Morris documentary. But Rumsfeld's pugnacious gift for a pithy quote also delivered "

Real Clear World 

Fragmentation, Polarization or Reform in Peru?

A. Lowenthal & J. Jaquette, GA

How did this agonizing choice come about? And what is Castillo's extremely narrow apparent victory—by a mere 0.42 percent of total votes cast—likely to mean for Peru?

Real Clear World 

HMS Defender: What Happened, What It Means

Dmitry Gorenburg, Russia Matters

On June 23, the HMS Defender—a British Type 45 destroyer—was involved in a confrontation with the Russian military while sailing near the Crimean Peninsula. The ship was in the Black Sea to participate in NATO's Sea Breeze exercise. Prior to the start of the exercise, it had completed a port visit to the Ukrainian port of Odesa and was on its way to make a similar port visit to Batumi, Georgia. As...

Real Clear World 

Mongolia's Ruling Party Consolidates Even More Power

Bolor Lkhaajav, WPR

In a presidential election on June 9, voters in Mongolia handed a landslide victory to former Prime Minister Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh of the ruling Mongolian People's Party, or MPP. Buoyed by a strong campaign in which he promised to firmly address the country's endemic corruption, empower its youth and equitably allocate its rich natural resources, Khurelsukh took 67 percent of the vote—the largest winning share since Mongolia's democratic transition in 1990. He was sworn... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Free World vs. China and Friends

Kaush Arha, Atlantic Council

US President Joe Biden's first overseas tour, comprising the Group of Seven (G7), NATO, and United States-European Union (EU) summits, was a laudable lap of shoring up US allies in the defense of democracy, as they confront the resurgent autocracy of China and its friends Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela. The transatlantic alliance, along with the Quad (the United States, India, Japan, and Australia) nations committed to a free and open Indo-Pacific, find... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Last Good Secretary of Defense

Christian Whiton, National Interest

Plenty will rush to blame Rumsfeld for the shortcomings of the U.S. invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, conducted respectively in 2001 and 2003 on his watch. But there is an alternate view: that those extremely complex military missions were conducted magnificently and only later turned to disaster at the hands of establishment mediocrities other than Rumsfeld.

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МО: истребители Японии использовали ИК-ловушки при контакте с Ил-38 России

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Мэр Москвы сообщил об открытии новой трамвайной линии

Экология в России и мире

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