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Новости за 30.10.2019

Real Clear World 

Will Syria Get a New Constitution?

Kersten Knipp, Deutsche Welle
This week, the Syrian constitutional committee will convene for the first time in Geneva. But critics question its independence and doubt it will change the Syrian status-quo.

Real Clear World 

Make China Great Again: Xi's Truly Grand Strategy

Andrew Erickson, War on the Rocks
To the extent that any nation has a grand strategy, China surely does. The vision is no secret: Xi Jinping vows to make China great again. This resonates

Real Clear World 

Germany's Faceplant Politics

Matthew Karnitschnig, Politico EU
The Christian Democrats can't get anything right.

Real Clear World 

Trump's Trade Wrath Turns on Thailand

Shawn W. Crispin, Asia Times
US's surprise withdrawal of kingdom's GSP duty-free privileges could be the tip of a wider trade tussle

Real Clear World 

Putin And The Military: Russia's Question Of Trust

James Rodgers, Forbes
President Vladimir Putinhas done plenty to build up Russia's military might??but a new survey reportedly suggests that public has more trust in the army than in the president. Putin may not mind.

Real Clear World 

The Making of Lebanon's October Revolution

Helen Sullivan, New Yorker
The protests against government corruption and austerity measures that quickly spread across the country this month have led Prime Minister Saad Hariri to announce his resignation.

Real Clear World 

The Nuclear Angle of U.S. Assistance to Ukraine

Mariana Budjeryn, The Bulletin
Withholding military assistance to Ukraine, the country that gave up world third-largest nuclear arsenal, is damaging not only to US credibility and Ukraine's security but also to the international nonproliferation regime.

Real Clear World 

Assessing Zelenskiy's First Six Months

Oleksiy Goncharenko, Atlantic Council
In general, it seems that Zelenskyy believes all complex issues have simple solutions.

Real Clear World 

Mongolia's New Mining Boom

Nicholas Muller, The Diplomat
Climate change and a mining boom are altering the lives and livelihoods of Mongolians.

Real Clear World 

Santiago Under Siege

Andrs Velasco, Project Syndicate
How could the most prosperous city of what is, by all accounts, Latin America's most prosperous and law-abiding country explode in protests marred by riots and looting? And what do recent events teach us about citizen dissatisfaction and the potential for violence in modern societies?

Real Clear World 

The Launch of China and Russia's High-Tech Partnership

S. Bendett & E. Kania, ASPI
Sino-Russian relations have been adapting to an era of great-power rivalry. This complex relationship, categorised as a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era', has continued to evolve as global strategic competition has intensified. China and Russia have not only expanded military cooperation but are also undertaking more extensive technological cooperation, including in fifth-generation telecommunications, artificial intelligence (AI), biotechnology and the digital economy.

Real Clear World 

China's Advance Into the Antarctic

David Fishman, Lawfare
The southernmost continent has always avoided great power competition, but that may be about to change.

Real Clear World 

The Real Cause of Protests in Chile Is Institutional Breakdown

C. Molina, CapX
The international media have put Chile's current unrest down to global inter-generational injustice, or as the natural result of Chile's stark economic inequality. This may be true in part, but it's far from the whole picture. Rather, the events in Chile are symptomatic of a larger phenomenonone that affects, to different extents, most Western democracies:

Real Clear World 

The Brexit Party and the Tories Need a Truce

Stephen Glover, Daily Mail
STEPHEN GLOVER: A few months ago, the Brexit Party was the talk of Westminster. It had won the most seats in May's European elections. But its fortunes have declined since Boris became PM.

Real Clear World 

How Do We Bridge Canada's Divides?

Dan McCarthy, Globe and Mail
Former chief of staff to three federal ministers, Dan McCarthy suggests all newly elected MPs take part in a venture that familiarizes them with the nuances of Canada for efficient leadership

Real Clear World 

Inside the WhatsApp Hack

Mehul Srivastava & Tom Wilson, Financial Times
Powered by a technology built not in Rwanda but in Israel, the calls were a harbinger of Pegasus, an all-seeing spyware so powerful that the Israeli government classifies it as a weapon. Developed and sold by the Herzlia-based NSO Group, which is part-owned by a UK-based private equity group called Novalpina Capital, Pegasus was designed to worm its way into phones such as Mr Rukundo's and start transmitting the owner's location, their encrypted chats... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

A New Federal Deal With the Praries

Brad Wall, National Post
If Trudeau is earnest in a desire for reconciliation with Westerners, what is needed, in the words of Elvis, is a little less conversation, a little more action.

Real Clear World 

Trudeau Win Prompts 'Wexit' Talk in Canada's West

L. Gardner & A. Panetta, Politico
Confused by Brexit? Get ready for Wexit.Political leaders representing a large chunk of Canada are talking about breaking off from the rest of the country in the wake of Justin Trudeau's reelection and this time they're not primarily in French-speaking Quebec, long known for its independent streak.

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В Подмосковье сотрудники Росгвардии задержали подозреваемого в убийстве

Сергей Светлаков пригласил турецкую звезду Бурака Озчивита сыграть в продолжении «Беляковых в отпуске»

Агния Кузнецова в шоу «Вкусно с Анфисой Чеховой» рассказала, как убедила Балабанова взять на роль её однокурсника

Новости России

Онлайн-аналитику дорожной техники запустили в Подмосковье

Песков: РФ рекомендует гражданам как можно скорее уехать из Ливана

Горная экспедиция ОГУ исследовала психофизику человека

Севморпуть может обеспечить 12-21 трлн рублей налоговых поступлений

Экология в России и мире

Что модно этой осенью: советы по одежде от Эвелины Хромченко

В городском округе Домодедово проведена агитационно-разъяснительная работа с населением о сохранности имущества.

В Нижнем Новгороде открыли движение уникального кремлевского фуникулёра

Жизнь за чужой счет: чем мы обязаны паразитам

Спорт в России и мире

Елена Рыбакина снялась с турнира WTA-1000 в Пекине

Теннисист Надаль вошел в состав сборной Испании на Кубок Дэвиса

Дарья Касаткина поднялась на две позиции в мировом рейтинге

Александр Зверев снялся с турнира ATP-500 в Пекине


Слои износа устроили на 35 км трассы Р-132 Золотое кольцо в Ярославской области

Полноводный Студёный...

«Райтек ДТГ»: рынок отечественного ПО будет расти на 15% ежегодно

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ТАСС: в Москве арестовали двух офицеров ФТС, "сливших" служебную информацию

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