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Новости за 15.10.2019

Real Clear World 

The 2020 Foreign-Policy Primary

Jonathan Guyer, American Prospect
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and Joe Biden are staking out different territory.

Real Clear World 

There Will Be a One-State Solution

Yousef Munayyer, Foreign Affairs
The two-state solution is dead. The time has come for equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians in a single shared state.

Real Clear World 

What Catalan Convictions Mean for Spain's Future

Diego Torres, Politico EU
The Catalan independence push of October 2017 was a bold political move and it ended badly for the main characters.Spain's Supreme Court on Monday convicted 12 separatist leaders on charges of sedition, disobedience and misuse of public funds, sentencing them to prison terms of up to 13 years.Acting Prime Minister Pedro Snchez said the ruling is the end of the road for a secessionist movement that he claimed had failed to gain either internal or external support.

Real Clear World 

The Trump Guide to Diplomacy

Peter Navarro, New York Times
The United States recently scored a historic victory when it overhauled a 145-year-old international organization, the Universal Postal Union, whose outdated policies were undermining American interests. This week, the White House will celebrate that deal with the union's director general, Bishar Hussein, who will receive formal notice that the United States will remain in the organization.This is a big deal the union, founded in 1874, coordinates international mail... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

What Is the Future of Libya?

Michael O'Hanlon & Federica Saini Fasanotti, The Hill
While world leaders remain confused and divided and, most of all, usually indifferent over the future of Libya, its municipal leaders continue to point the way forward. Aided by nongovernmental organizations like the Humanitarian Dialogue, they are doing what outsider powers have so far failed to do in coming up with a realistic agenda for the country of six million, eight years after the overthrow of Muammar Qaddafi left it in chaos. The... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Poles and Hungarians Move the Pendulum

Judy Dempsey, Carnegie Europe
The results of parliamentary elections in Poland and local elections in Hungary should push the opposition to come up with policies aimed at protecting democracy and overcoming polarization.

Real Clear World 

30 Years After Communism, E. Europe Divided on Democracy

Jon Henley, Guardian
Thirty years after the fall of communism, few people in Europe's former eastern bloc regret the monumental political, social and economic change it unleashed but at the same time few are satisfied with the way things are now, and many worry for the future.A Pew Research Center survey of 17 countries, including 14 EU member states, found that while most people in central and eastern Europe generally embraced democracy and the market economy, support was far from uniformly strong.

Real Clear World 

Syria Withdrawal: Are We Asking the Right Questions?

Paul Pillar, National Interest
Critics of the decision to withdraw seldom address the long-term question of how their recommended course of action ends. The vision seems to be a permanent U.S. protectorate of a Kurdish-controlled part of a still-divided Syria, with a never-ending American troop presence that doesn't really leverage anyone but instead functions as a trip-wire that raises the risk of war with Russia, Iran, or even fellow NATO member Turkey.

Real Clear World 

A Long-Overdue Rethink on Syria

Ahmed Charai, The Hill
As American voices on both sides of the aisle have agreed, the abrupt abandonment of a steadfast U.S. ally in the campaign against ISIS does tremendous harm to American credibility.

Real Clear World 

What Next for Female Kurdish Fighters Who Battled ISIS?

H. Khezri, Conversation
Kurdish women have fought on the front lines of military battles since the 19th century. A scholar explains the origins of Kurdistan's relative gender equality in a mostly conservative Muslim region.

Real Clear World 

NATO Needs Multinational Amphibious Task Force

J. Hooker & M. Meyer, Proceedings
Russia moved quickly, and in ways Ukraine and the world did not understand. On 27 February 2014, covert units occupied the Crimean parliament building in Simferopol and began a siege of Ukrainian military, political, and information spheres. In just 13 days, Russia conducted 15 port calls, 48 aircraft movements, and 10 convoys into Crimea, brought in reinforcements by sea on landing ships, and blockaded the Ukrainian Navy in its ports.1 Not one Ukrainian Navy vessel escaped. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Trudeau's Liberals Have Been Hit Where It Hurts

Adam Pankratz, Globe and Mail
A late wave in British Columbia helped the Liberals secure a majority in 2015. But the controversies they face today have been uniquely damaging to their efforts to repeat

Real Clear World 

The NBA's Cowardly Response to China

Jonah Goldberg, National Review
The league says it won't compromise on its values, even as it makes clear that it has none.

Real Clear World 

Trump Is Repeating Obama's Big Middle East Mistakes

Rich Lowry, New York Post
Barack Obama and Donald Trump are diametrically opposed figures, representing the categorical rejection of the other for their supporters, yet share significant foreign policy DNA. They both define

Real Clear World 

The Best Days of Andrew Scheer's Campaign

Shannon Proudfoot, Maclean's
On a West coast swing, 10 days before Election Day, the electoral landscape suddenly changed. The Liberals were vulnerable, Scheer was finally smiling.

Real Clear World 

Trudeau May Yet Give Canadians a Coalition

Kelly McParland, National Post
Suddenly NDP leader Jagmeet Singh sees his prospects improving. 'Oh, absolutely,' he said when asked if he'd join forces with other parties, except the Conservatives.

Real Clear World 

Austerity Bites for Ecuador's President

Mac Margolis, Bloomberg
Ecuador's President Lenin Moreno knows something about indigenous politics. Before rising to the top office in 2017, he served two terms as vice president to Rafael Correa, the disruptive caudillo who tapped the frustrations of excluded indigenous communities to fuel his Citizens Revolution before they turned on him. Before that, Moreno saw two other presidents fall, in 1997 and 2000, after they clashed with the powerful Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador.

Real Clear World 

The Return of the Pakistani Taliban

Kunwar Khuldune Shahid, The Diplomat
After fading in the wake of 2014's Operation Zarb-e-Azb, the TTP is poised for a resurgence.

Real Clear World 

Without Encryption, We Lose All Privacy

Edward Snowden, Guardian
The US, UK and Australia are taking on Facebook in a bid to undermine the only method that protects our personal information, says US surveillance whistleblower Edward Snowden

Real Clear World 

The Origins of New US-Turkish Relations

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures
For several years, there has been a significant shift underway in U.S. strategy toward the Middle East, where Washington has consistently sought to avoid

Real Clear World 

In Egypt, Protests Return to the Streets

African Arguments
The essentials: Seven years after the revolution and five years after the military coup that brought President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi to power, another wave of protests has erupted in Egyptand was brutally crushed by security forces. At least 2,300 people were arrested since September 20, despite protests remaining overwhelmingly peaceful.

Real Clear World 

The Demolition of U.S. Diplomacy

William Burns, Foreign Affairs
Not since Joe McCarthy has the State Department suffered such a devastating blow.

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 Заслуженный тренер России проведет в Хакасии семинар по дзюдо

РИА Новости: напавшим на офис Wildberries в Москве грозит пожизненное заключение

Новая линейка зарядных устройств Nexode S от UGREEN

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Как WOWCITYLIFE решает проблему выбора подарков в Грузии и делает процесс более простым и приятным

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