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Real Clear World 

Why Is Eastern Europe Silent on China?

Edward Lucas, CEPA
History is Watching Us We know. That is the inescapable fact about the Chinese Communist Party's treatment of the country's inmates. It is not what is happening there. It is that we know about it. We know about a million people in mind-control camps. The extermination of ancient cultures, languages, and religions. The kidnapping of children. Mass population control backed by a new system of high-tech surveillance that makes the Telescreen of George Orwell's novel 1984 seem like a mild intrusion. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

South China Sea: U.S. Navy's Major Show of Fforce

John Varga, Express Tribune
THE US NAVY confirmed on Sunday that it had staged high-end war fighting exercises in the South China Sea together with the Indian and Japanese navies.

Real Clear World 

House of Commons to Sit on Saturday for First Time Since Falklands War

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Real Clear World 

Iran Holds Military Drills Near Turkey, Tells It to Stop Syria Attack

Tom O'Connor, Newsweek
Iran launched unannounced drills Wednesday near its border with Turkey as the Islamic Republic warned its neighbor not to move forward with its military operation in northern Syria and Russia criticized the United States for setting up a potentially deadly scenario in the region.Iranian army chief Major General Abdul Rahim Mousavi oversaw what was described as surprise exercises designed to "measure the readiness, mobility and speed" of his forces in the country's northwest. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

A New Alliance to Nowhere

Jakub Grygiel, The American Interest
France and Germany's Alliance for Multilateralism is pure posturing.Germany and France have recently proposed a new project to shore up international stability and security: an Alliance for Multilateralism. Floated a year ago and presented at the UN General Assembly meeting this September, it is an idea of the German foreign minister, Heiko Maas. His French counterpart, Jean-Yves Le Drian, joined the initiative, coauthoring an article last February in which... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

European Allies in US Multi-Domain Operations

Jack Watling, RUSI
Russian and Chinese long-range fires, combined with non-lethal standoff able to shape the operational environment prior to conflict, have led the US Army to conclude that AirLand Battle the underlying doctrine for its operations has been fractured'. Under its current posture, US forces would struggle to enter theatre within a politically relevant timeframe, and US sustainment capabilities would be under serious threat, if Russia were to launch an incursion into Eastern Europe. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Russia's Opposition Movements

International Institute for Strategic Studies
The violent suppression of recent protests in Russia could presage intensified repression of opposition activists. The non-systemic' extra-parliamentary opposition has grown more organised and sophisticated and the Russian people more willing to demonstrate. Yet it would be unwise to overstate the opposition's ability to mobilise mass protests or to understate the regime's ability to respond to threats strategically.In July and August 2019, a series... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Pains of a Prolonged U.S.China Trade War

Yuhan Zhang, East Asia Forum
Reality once again demonstrates that in a trade war surplus countries like China hold a disadvantage against those with deficits such as the United States. But with little to show for its efforts, it is not in the best interests of the United States to fight with China. The best option for both sides is to reach an agreement.

Real Clear World 

Russia And The West: Towards Normalization?

Chris Cheang, Eurasia Review
A day before the G-7 Summit in France in August 2019, President Donald Trump intimated that Russia might be readmitted into the Western Club known as the G-8, from which Moscow was expelled following the annexation of the Crimea. Trump was supported by French President, Emmanuel Macron, the host of the Summit.Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was also reported to have said at the Fifth Eastern Economic Forum held in Vladivostok from 4-6 September that he supported Russia's return to this Club. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Trump's Muddled Syria Policy: More War in the Middle East

Robin Wright, New Yorker
At 3 A.M. on Monday, Middle East time, the commander of American special forces in Syriawhose name is not public for security reasonsheld a video teleconference with General Mazloum Kobani Abdi, the Kurdish militia commander who led the war against ISIS on behalf of the U.S. coalition. The commander had bad news. President Trump had decidedafter a telephone call with the Turkish President, Recep Tayyip Erdo?anthat the United States would stand aside if Turkey, as announced, soon invades northeast Syria. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Russian Mercenaries Join the Battle for Tripoli

Roger McDermott, Eurasia Daily Monitor
Russia's so-far ambiguous approach to Libya's internal conflict, one of reassuring both sides of its continued support, has begun to shift with the deployment of Russian mercenaries backing Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar on the front lines of the battle for Tripoli. Despite Moscow's search for deep-water ports on the Mediterranean coast, control of oil supplies to Europe, influence over migrant flows to Europe from sub-Saharan Africa, and preference in massive reconstruction contracts... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The World's Next Factory Won't Be in South Asia

Irene Yuan Sun, Bloomberg
Vietnam seems to be the consensus pick for winner of the U.S.-China trade war, as Chinese and other manufacturers shift production to the cheaper Southeast Asian nation. If there's a loser, at least in terms of missed opportunities, it may be the countries of South Asia.To understand why, remember that the trade war has only accelerated an important trend a decade in the making. Faced with rising costs, Chinese manufacturers must decide whether to invest in labor-saving automation technologies or to relocate. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Progress Seen in French Initiative for U.S.-Iran Talks

Laura Rozen, Al-Monitor
WASHINGTON Even though the Iranian and US presidents did not meet or share a phone call during the UN General Assembly meetings in New York last month, the French say that important progress has been made on a substantive framework for possible talks, and it is largely a matter of sequencing and overcoming mistrust to see if the parties can get to the table.The conditions to start those discussions were there, a French diplomat, speaking not for attribution, told Al-Monitor. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Europe's Old Universities Spin Out New Tech Companies

Daniel Michaels, WSJ
Oxford and other schools aim to mirror U.S. rivals, moving innovations from the lab into commercial us.OXFORD, EnglandThe world's oldest universities are learning to promote their newest technologies using American-style entrepreneurialism.

Real Clear World 

Smoke Signals in the Next Middle East War

Seth Franzman, Tablet Magazine
A bit over two weeks before the cruise missiles and drones detonated in Saudi Arabia's strategic oil fields, igniting massive explosions that would take out more than half of the country's daily oil exports, a group of Hezbollah activists emerged on Aug. 22 from a hill overlooking the Golan Heights. They carried with them drones, which malfunctioned when they tried to use them, apparently as a result of Israeli military actions. They were being watched by Israeli surveillance... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Chinese Destroyer Sets Sail for Japan for Multinational Fleet Review

China has sent one of its newest and most advanced destroyers to take part in a naval review hosted by Japannext week, Chinese state media said, in the latest effort to improve relations between the two nations at the military level despite their ongoing territorial disputes.

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Топ новостей на этот час


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