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Новости за 01.05.2019


SwRI system tests GPS spoofing of autonomous vehicles

Southwest Research Institute has developed a cyber security system to test for vulnerabilities in automated vehicles and other technologies that use GPS receivers for positioning, navigation and timing. “This is a legal way for us to improve the cyber resilience of autonomous vehicles by demonstrating a transmission of spoofed or manipulated GPS signals to allow…

Timesofindia.indiatimes.com (sports) 

Burqa ban not official line: Shiv Sena

The BJP played down the Sena’s demand, with party spokesperson GVL Narasimha Rao saying there’s no need for any such ban as “Under PM Narendra Modi’s leadership, India is safe”. In a clarification, Sena spokesperson Neelam Gorhe said the editorial was not the party’s official line.


Debra Messing's face looks different and people are freaking out: 'You too??? Whhhyyyy?'

Filed under: Lifestyle, Beauty, Beauty News

A recent photo of Debra Messing glammed up for a charity event had her fans wondering if she had gone under the knife — but she says she hasn’t.

The Will & Grace star, 50, posted a photo on social media of her look for a Do Something event, at which she was named by the charity — which helps young people make positive changes — a “2019 Empower Player.” The actress shared multiple photos crediting her glam squad, including makeup artist and hairstylist... Читать дальше...


16-year-old migrant boy dies in Texas after being held in US custody - ABC News

  1. 16-year-old migrant boy dies in Texas after being held in US custody  ABC News
  2. A 16-year-old immigrant boy died in US custody. Officials are investigating  CNN
  3. 16-year-old unaccompanied migrant boy dies in U.S. custody  NBC News
  4. 16-year-old unaccompanied migrant dies in US custody | TheHill  The Hill
  5. Guatemalan migrant, a 16-year-old boy, dies in government custody in Texas  USA TODAY
  6. View full coverage on Google News


Trail Blazers are all business in front of Game 2 - OregonLive

  1. Trail Blazers are all business in front of Game 2  OregonLive
  2. Buy or sell: The Nuggets have a better star duo than the Blazers  ESPN
  3. Trail Blazers vs Nuggets NBA betting picks & predictions: Slow pace to effect total in Game 2  Covers.com
  4. Nuggets veteran Paul Millsap on Nikola Jokic’s surge: “I don’t want to jinx him”  The Denver Post
  5. Can the Trail Blazers Win Game 2 Over the Nuggets?  Blazer's Edge
  6. View full coverage on Google News

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Summer TV Premiere Dates: Here’s Every New and Returning Show (Photos)

Though summer doesn’t officially start until June 21, summer TV premieres are about to be underway. We’ve rounded up the premiere dates for every show returning for a new season, as well as every new show slated to make its debut this summer. From Hulu’s “Veronica Mars” revival to the highly-anticipated third season of “Stranger Things,” here’s everything to keep on your radar for summer 2019.

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Caracas Chaos: Disarmed people can’t fight back

Caracas Chaos: Disarmed people can’t fight back By Dave Workman The unfolding chaos in Venezuela’s capital city of Caracas underscores the value of private gun ownership, a fact that was essentially acknowledged by an MSNBC news contributor during a live broadcast. According to Mediaite, MSNBC “contributor” Kerry Sanders made a startling observation while speaking with host …


Google’s awesome new privacy feature will auto-delete your location history

We had our first hint this was coming thanks to a beta version of Google Maps from a few months ago, inside of which code was found that revealed Google was considering an excellent new privacy feature. And today, after getting a black eye from reports last summer that revealed Google was tracking and saving your location even when you thought you'd disabled the feature, Google announced the addition of a new privacy control available to users: Auto-deletion of your location history. The feature... Читать дальше...


Facebook’s F8 2019: Workplace by Facebook Benefits From Its Parent’s Redesign

Facebook is bringing key elements of its redesign to its Workplace by Facebook enterprise offering. Vice president and head of Workplace Karandeep Anand said in a blog post that clients have asked for tools such as groups and a notifications inbox in order to remain productive while at the same time enjoying an intuitive user...


Remarkable! More Americans Hold, Show Interest in Bitcoin: Poll

By CCN: According to a new survey commissioned by Blockchain Capital, 11% of American adults hold bitcoin. The results are broken down into people aged 18-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, and 65 and older. Americans Over 65 Know What Bitcoin Is The last group presents the most exciting results, in that they are a group not commonly associated with technology or cryptocurrency at all. However, only 12% of that group hadn’t heard of bitcoin. Additionally, at least 20% of this group was “somewhat” familiar with bitcoin... Читать дальше...

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Релиз «Русов против ящеров 2» запланирован на 27 марта

В Москве около 300 пассажиров почти сутки ожидают вылета в Шарм-эш-Шейх

Путин и Рахмон обсудили партнерство России и Таджикистана

Горожане активировали онлайн-пополнение транспортных карт на турникетах метро почти 11 млн раз

Музыкальные новости

«Лучшего финала сезона представить невозможно!» Клава Кока восхитилась финальным выпуском шоу «Конфетка»


Владимир Ефимов: Школа в районе Внуково готова примерно на 80 процентов

Ефимов: строящаяся в районе Внуково школа готова на 80%

Новости России

Горожане активировали онлайн-пополнение транспортных карт на турникетах метро почти 11 млн раз

«Россия – страна возможностей» и ОП запустили проект «Хорошие новости»

Путин и Рахмон обсудили партнерство России и Таджикистана

В Москве около 300 пассажиров почти сутки ожидают вылета в Шарм-эш-Шейх

Экология в России и мире

Море по колено: почему пьяному человеку хочется «бахнуть еще по одной»

«СМ-Клиника» объявила об открытии своего самого крупного госпитального центра за 2 млрд рублей

это строка мета тайтл - заполненные данные реальные

Кондрашов Станислав Дмитриевич о том, как правильно шутить в рабочей среде

Спорт в России и мире

Тарпищев: Андреева повзрослела, ей по силам быть в пятёрке рейтинга WTA в этом году

Супердевочка: Андреева сокрушила Соболенко в финале турнира в Индиан-Уэллсе и выиграла второй «тысячник» подряд

Даниил Медведев проиграл в полуфинале турнира Masters в Индиан-Уэллсе

"Бегали словно кролики": Андреева и Соболенко прокомментировали итоги финала


• https://dusil.org • Dusil Photography

Телефонные мошенники отомстили 89-летнему пенсионеру, не поддавшемуся на их «развод»

Bluetooth-сканер штрих-кодов SAOTRON P04 на базе CMOS-матрицы

В Екатеринбурге объявлен повторный конкурс на создание памятника Алексею Балабанову

Топ новостей на этот час


«Россия – страна возможностей» и ОП запустили проект «Хорошие новости»

Актер из сериала «Москва. Три вокзала» Виталий Мещеряков умер в возрасте 57 лет

Майская жара накроет нежданно-негаданно: Вильфанд огорошил россиян свежим прогнозом

В Москве около 300 пассажиров почти сутки ожидают вылета в Шарм-эш-Шейх