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The Latest: Investigators say crack in engine led to failure - ABC News

ABC News

The Latest: Investigators say crack in engine led to failure
ABC News
The Latest on the plane that made an emergency landing in Philadelphia (all times local):. 5:15 p.m.. A federal investigator says that a crack on the interior of a jet engine is what led to the failure that shot debris at the plane, leading to the ...
Southwest focuses on older engines in probe of deadly jet explosionReuters
Tammie Jo Shults, who calmly landed Southwest Flight 1380... Читать дальше...

Boing Boing 

Zimbabwe's nurses went on strike this week and got fired by the government as a result

On Monday in Zimbabwe, thousands of nurses went on strike, demanding better salaries. The strike came hot on the heels of the country's doctors returning from their own weeks-long strike, which took place for similar reasons. With no nurses standing by to assist doctors or to see patients, hospitals in the African country have been forced to turn away people looking for care. Instead of negotiating with the nurses or passing legislation that would send them back to work, Zimbabwe’s vice-president... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

FuboTV Raises $75 Million From AMC, Fox for Sports-Focused Online Streaming

Sports-focused online streamer FuboTV has raised $75 million, led by AMC and 21st Century Fox, in its latest round of funding, the company announced on Wednesday. The New York-based company has 100,000 paying customers, with its basic package starting off at $45 a month. FuboTV has about 80 channels in its arsenal, and has carved out a niche as a go-to spot for sports fans looking to cut the cord, with NBA TV, NBC Sports Network, Fox Sports, and the NFL Network — along with Fox, CBS, and NBC on the network side. Читать дальше...


Kylie Jenner Shares Impossibly Cute Videos of Baby Stormi Flashing Huge Smiles: 'I Love You!'

Adorable alert!

Proud new mom Kylie Jenner showed off her daughter Stormi in a series of Snapchat videos Wednesday, in which she can be heard talking sweetly to the 10-week-old from behind the camera lens.

Stormi is too precious in a variety of the app’s popular filters, adorned with pink bear ears and flame emojis as her mother coos, “Hi, happy girl. I love you. I love you!” and gives her a smooch.

“We went outside. What else did we do?” Jenner, 20, says in the final video... Читать дальше...


MoviePass owner announces public offering, shares tank

Shares of MoviePass majority owner Helios & Matheson Analytics Inc. fell more than 12% late Wednesday after the company said it would sell an unspecified amount of shares in a public offering. Proceeds would be used to increase the company's stake in MoviePass, to support MoviePass operations, or to make acquisitions, among other purposes, the company said. Canaccord Genuity is the deal's sole bookrunner. Earlier this week, Verizon Communications disclosed a large stake in the movie theater-subscription company. Читать дальше...

Salzburger Nachrichten 

Napoli verkürzte vor Schlager Rückstand auf Juventus

SSC Napoli hat sich in der italienischen Fußball-Meisterschaft die Chance auf den Titelgewinn erarbeitet. Die Süditaliener holten am Mittwochabend einen 4:2-Heimsieg gegen Udinese, während sich Serienchampion Juventus mit einem 1:1 bei Crotone begnügen musste. Vor dem direkten Duell in Turin am Sonntag liegt Napoli nun nur noch vier Punkte hinter dem Tabellenführer.

DRays Bay 

Rays 4, Rangers 2: Just like the Front Office drew it up

That right there is the formula for many a Rays win

Not to put too fine a point on it, but that has to be just about exactly how the Rays Front Office imagined the best case scenario for the 2018 season playing out when they made the (sometimes questionable) decisions they made this offseason.

There was: Great run prevention behind one of their young pitching studs; a ragtag lineup stringing together just enough hits; big hits with runners in scoring position; huste; a solid bullpen to close it out; and of course... Читать дальше...

Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) 

Field of Dreams Chapter meeting/ballgame (Des Moines, IA)



It's time to rally the troops for the sixth annual SABR I-Cubs Skybox Outing at Principal Park in Des Moines, Iowa. 

This year's game with the SABR Field of Dreams Chapter will be Sunday, May 13, 2018, with the I-Cubs taking on the Round Rock Express. Cost will be $13 each, which includes a game ticket, peanuts, and popcorn. Only 20 tickets available, first-come, first-served. All baseball fans are welcome to attend.

We have Skybox #328 on the first base side. Читать дальше...


We compared prices on popular items from Amazon and Costco — and it's clear which has the best deals (COST, AMZN)

Business Insider/Jessica Tyler

  • Costco is known for offering its shoppers great deals on products in bulk.
  • However, Amazon offers the convenience of ordering the same products without the hassle that sometimes comes with buying in bulk.
  • To see who truly offers the best deals, we analyzed Amazon and Costco prices on 100 items across four areas: household staples, baby and pet, beauty and toiletries, and health — and Costco was the clear winner. 

Conventional... Читать дальше...

Times Union 

The Latest: Plane landed faster than normal in emergency

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The Latest on the plane that made an emergency landing in Philadelphia (all times local): 4:45 p.m. A federal investigators says a plane that made an emergency landing in Philadelphia landed much faster than normal because they were concerned about losing control of the plane at a slower speed. National Transportation Safety Board chairman Robert Sumwalt said the Southwest Airlines 737 landed at about 190 miles per hour. He says a typical plane lands at around 155 mph. He says... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (uk) 

​Liverpool ponder move for Wolves whizkid Ruben Neves - Tribal Football

Tribal Football

​Liverpool ponder move for Wolves whizkid Ruben Neves
Tribal Football
Liverpool are seriously considering a move for the talented Wolves youngster Ruben Neves, according to Portuguese journalist Marcus Alves. The talented attacker is one of the main reasons why Wolves are getting promoted to the Premier League. And it ...
Potential superstar Ruben Neves could play for Liverpool – Stan CollymoreSquawka Football News
Liverpool lining up Neves... Читать дальше...


7 ways other countries make 'American' food that will surprise you


We like to think of America as a melting pot, one where those of us who live in or visit big cities can taste many of the rich cuisines the world has to offer. Of course, some are more authentic than others — and some take significant liberties with the foods they're trying to represent.

Finding American food abroad — as refracted through other cultures — is similarly much different than what you might expect.

Here are 10 examples of other countries' interpretations of popular American foods. Читать дальше...


New York state prosecutors could go after Cohen even if Trump pardons him

Trump can’t save Cohen from these New York laws.

Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, is potentially facing years in prison as federal agents look into payoffs to a pair of women who claim they had affairs with Trump before he won the White House.

The good news for Cohen is that Trump could pardon him if he’s convicted of violating federal campaign finance or banking laws. The very bad news for Cohen is that he could still be convicted of those alleged crimes under New York state law ... Читать дальше...

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Актер Бурак Озчивит приехал в Москву на съемки

Китайский город Чэнду ослабил "охладительные" меры на рынке жилья

Спасатели провели в Дзержинске учения в честь 375-летия пожарной охраны России

Многокилометровая пробка на М-11: массовое ДТП под Петербургом спровоцировало мощный затор

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Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

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Мирра Андреева установила новый рекорд на турнирах WTA-1000

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Свёнтек разгромила Кырстю и вышла в 1/8 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


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Военные следователи провели очередной рейд по бывшим мигрантам в городе Армянске Республики Крым

Химик рассказала, какие витамины и БАДы усваиваются в масляной форме

ИТ Альянс объявляет о графике работы в майские праздники

Топ новостей на этот час


Спасатели провели в Дзержинске учения в честь 375-летия пожарной охраны России

«Воевал за Россию, получи...»: в Ростове-на-Дону толпа отморозков избила до полусмерти ветерана СВО и его жену

Актер Бурак Озчивит приехал в Москву на съемки

Многокилометровая пробка на М-11: массовое ДТП под Петербургом спровоцировало мощный затор