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Victoria Bowmen 2023 AGM minutes

Victoria Bowmen Archery Association

Annual General Meeting Minutes – Thursday, September 21, 2023


Al Wills, Greg Birtwistle, Andrew Engelhardt, Helena Myllyniemi, Vesa Myllyniemi, Frank Perry, Brent Eliason, Ruby Eliason, Maddox Eliason, Jennifer Eliason, Doug Linton, Frank Cassar, Carolyn Cassar, Brian Marusaik, Ray Costello, Michael Beljanski, Andy Glover, Alister Lang, Bruce Somers, Alan Anderson, Rene Poirier, Dior Wilsher, Jack Beaton, Ellen Vander Hoek


The meeting was called to order by the President at 6:35pm


The president welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. A moment of silence/reflection observed to remember members who have passed away


The minutes have been posted on the website since September 25, 2022

Moved – Doug Linton

2nd  – Vesa Myllyniemi



  • Club is running well and we have fulfilled all our commitments expected by the BC Societies Act, Archery BC, and Archery Canada.
  • Indoor practices continue at Commonwealth Place, who have been great partners to us providing a great facility with plenty of cooperation at all turns including the hosting of this meeting. We were able to host 2 indoor tournaments this year, they are most accommodating.
  • Canadian Championships were a lot of work, but most rewarding. We received many compliments and the event was considered a success. Greg Birtwistle’s  superlative work on the Field course will always go down as a benchmark for Canadian Archery Championships. It was very refreshing to have the number of volunteers who showed up when required. We had a number who helped daily and then many who were able to come out on the two moving days to accomplish our goal! Unexpected costs of the fields and other requirements meant only a small profit for the club.
  • Search for an Outdoor facility continues. President has talked to municipalities and parks departments but so far cannot find anyone/anyplace to fulfill our needs in the long term.
  • Club needs to look at divesting ourselves of some of the equipment we have stored in the containers with the goal of transitioning to an indoor club with equipment to host some outdoor events. We want to set up committees to look at our equipment and our transition to indoor, while keeping an active search for a necessary partner for outdoor shooting.
  • As I indicated last year, Al will I step back from role of President and let name stand as Vice President, and assist new President in running of the club.

Vice President:

  • Vice President thanked all for their help and support for shoots, Canadian Championships.


  • Regular communications to members over the past year – 15 emails. Thanks to all who responded to email calls for volunteers.


  • Many expenses this year with costs associated with hosting the Canadian Championships, but managed to turn small profit off the tournament. Lessons and drop in etc. at Saanich Commonwealth continue to contribute regular funds to the club’s finances. Numerous new junior memberships also contributing to finances,
  • Complete presentation of the club’s finances were presented.
  • Club’s investments and accounts are in good shape.

Membership Director:

  • Current Membership Director will not be continuing in his role for the coming year.
  • Membership currently sits at 121, (compared to 88 last year), with several potential new members waiting to join for next year when membership opens in Oct.

Tournament Director:

  • No reports

Junior Olympian Director:

  • 34 active members in our JOP program. Many participated in BCAA JOP Regionals and all received medals. All 6 participating in JOP mail match won medals, and in BCAA Regional Championships all 10 of our juniors won medals
  • JOP members will be participating again in fall and winter in these events
  • More juniors planning on joining the club in Oct after taking after-school programs

Equipment Director:

  • No reports


  • Website traffic stayed mostly steady this year, with only about 200 more visits overall than in 2022.
  • Home page, lessons page, and membership page continue to be the most viewed overall, but the drop-in page saw a big 55% increase in visits — from 940 in 2022, to just under 1500 visits this year.

Standing Commitees

  • Canadian Championships wrapped up

Approval of the reports as tabled:

Moved – Bruce Somers

2nd  – Carolyn Cassar


  • Property update – discussed In President’s report. Search continues, members encouraged to keep eyes out for appropriate locations.


  • No new business has been approved within the requisite 30 days, so any new business will automatically be handled by the new Board.


The following people have agreed to serve on the club board:

  • Greg Birtwistle, President
  • Al Wills, Vice President
  • Helena Myllyniemi, Treasurer/JOP
  • Andrew Engelhardt, Secretary
  • Ellen Vander Hoek, Membership
  • Kendra Savich, Webmaster
  • Frank Perry, Director at Large (Range Safety)
  • Ellen Vander Hoek, Director at Large (Drop In)
  • Brad Barclay, Director at Large (Lessons)
  • Vesa Myllyniemi, Director at Large
  • Bruce Somers, Director at Large
  • Jarrod Ball, Director at Large

Moved – Carolyn Cassar

2nd – Frank Cassar

AGM attendees unanimously in favour of club board as above




Larry Gagnon was awarded a lifetime membership for his years of work as Membership Director


Meeting was adjourned at 7:08pm

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