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Новости за 23.02.2021

Real Clear World 

Get More Americans Working at the UN

Morgan Lorraine Viña & Brett Schaefer, RCWorld

During his first visit to the U.S. Department of State as president, Joe Biden acknowledged the "growing ambitions of China to rival the United States" and pledged to push back against China's attack on global governance. To reach...

Real Clear World 

Can U.S. Under Biden Change UNHRC?

Itzhak Levanon, Jerusalem Post

Only a superpower like the United States can initiate change within the body.

Real Clear World 

The Eurasian Economic Union in the Pandemic

Vladislav Inozemtsev, Riddle

The year 2020 proved to be exceedingly tough for all countries in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). The coronavirus epidemic temporarily shut down the global economy, bringing GDP declines for all EAEU states. The economic slump ranged from minimal (0.9% in Belarus) to as much as 7.5% in Armenia and

Real Clear World 

Colombia's Oil Production Recovery Hangs in Balance

G. Terzo, Global Americans

The Colombian oil industry had many ups and downs in 2020, with the Ministry of Mines and Energy reporting that production fell by 11.6 percent in the first 11 months of the year versus the same period in 2019. The energy industry comprises approximately four percent of Colombia's GDP, and the countries reliance on this sector made it especially vulnerable to the unforeseen headwinds of 2020.

Real Clear World 

Biden's Wish to Appease Europe Could Lead Into Iran Trap

R. Dergham, National

US President Joe Biden's determination to erase the foreign policy legacy of his predecessor Donald Trump risks running Washington into an ambush of its own making. The Biden administration's rush to resume close co-operation with European powers certainly has advantages, but delegating the resolution of international conflicts to France, Germany or others could land the US in undesirable scenarios and undermine its leadership.

Real Clear World 

Why Protests Fail

Greg Satell & Srdja Popovic, RealClearWorld

Much like 2020, 1968 was a year of massive unrest. Starting with four days of riots that spread throughout the country following the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., continuing with the race-fueled Watts riots in Los Angeles and culminating with the Democratic Convention in Chicago, where

Real Clear World 

The 'Lost World' of Vittorio De Seta

J. Hoberman, New York Review of Books

These luminous shorts depicting the hardscrabble lives of fishermen, shepherds, peasants, and miners in rural Italy turn documentary into art film.

Real Clear World 

Why Did Rwanda Change Language in Schools—Again?

Timothy Williams, WPR

Children in Rwanda finally started heading back to school last fall, after months of learning from home. It was a bit of bright news for the country, given that schools had been closed since March due to the coronavirus pandemic. But now, many students are facing a brand-new challenge: Having to learn in an unfamiliar language.

Real Clear World 

Nord Stream 2 Has Damaged the West Enough. End It.

Z. Rau & D. Kuleba, Pol. EU

Poland and Ukraine have a shared interest in a strong, vibrant and resilient West. We are united behind a great vision, pursued by all U.S. presidents since the end of World War II, of a free, united Europe that is prosperous and at peace.

Real Clear World 

How Investigative Journalism Flourished in Russia

Ben Smith, New York Times

The Russian language has introduced a few words that in recent years have been widely used and misused in English: disinformation, kompromat, Novichok.

Real Clear World 

Biden Deprioritizes the Middle East

Natasha Bertrand & Lara Seligman, Politico

President Joe Biden is tired of dealing with the Middle East — and, barely a month into his tenure, the region has noticed.

Real Clear World 

Focus Carriers on China, Not Persian Gulf

James Holmes, 1945

Not long ago I wrote in these pixels that there is a "beautiful stability" to U.S. foreign policy. In general, that's a good thing. Consensus popular and elite sentiments toward policy discourage Washington from swerving too wildly when a new presidential...

Real Clear World 

The Sino-American War of 2025: A Future History

Michael Auslin, Spectator

The reasons why the United States and the People's Republic of China (PRC) avoided total war, let alone a nuclear exchange, during their armed conflict in the autumn of 2025 remain a source of dispute. What is clearer is why the Sino-American Littoral War broke out, and what course it took. The United States lost part of its position in Asia, while China found its gains an unexpected burden. The resulting cold war between the United States and China became the defining... Читать дальше...

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В столице Югры Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность проведения спортивных мероприятий

Коц: после смерти Эрнеста и Гудвина в их полку провели кадровые перестановки

На дом и баню в Тверской области, принадлежащие экс-замминистру обороны Тимуру Иванову, наложен арест

Завтраки, которые можно брать с собой: что приготовить утром за 10 минут — быстрые, вкусные и полезные рецепты

Музыкальные новости

Собянин: Москвичи завоевали золото на международной астрономической олимпиаде

То, чего боялся Владислав Бакальчук — случилось: ФАС согласовала объединение «Вайлдберриз» и Russ

Зачем бизнесу добавляют пять процентов

Путин и глава Туркменистана обсудили подготовку к саммитам СНГ и БРИКС

Новости России

В столице Югры Росгвардия обеспечила безопасность проведения спортивных мероприятий

РИА Новости: обвиняемый в попытке захвата офиса WB завил, что проходил мимо

гонорар по сетке они руб 800 плюс давай у меня тут буфете коньяк марина два кофе печенье зашла мадам колготках подносом редактор теребил седые усы

Нескольких сослуживцев Пашаева вызвали в Москву в качестве свидетелей по делу

Экология в России и мире

Жизнь за чужой счет: чем мы обязаны паразитам

Туры в Гоа расширяют: ещё один туроператор предложит турпакеты на чартере

Как провести дезинфекцию почвы в теплице? Грибок, бактерии и насекомые больше не будут мешать на следующий год

Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

Спорт в России и мире

Титулы Самсоновой и Хромачёвой, неудача Касаткиной и прорыв Качмазова: как российские теннисисты проводят турниры в Азии

Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

Александр Зверев снялся с турнира ATP-500 в Пекине

Алибек Качмазов поднялся на 73 позиции в рейтинге ATP, достигнув 179-го места


Беспилотный тягач StarLine начал испытания без человека за рулем

Как и где заказать вкусные бургеры на дом?

Можно ли стирать шторы: возможные риски

Родители 317,2 тыс. детей в Московской области получают единое пособие

Топ новостей на этот час


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Каток с системой искусственного охлаждения построят в Дедовске к началу зимы

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