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Новости за 17.02.2021

Real Clear World 

Putin's Nemesis

Mahir Ali, Dawn

Navalny has used social media cleverly for more than a decade, and the effort has borne fruit. His ‘Putin's Pal­a­­ce' video has been vie­wed more than 100 million times on YouTube. The administration could not ignore it, so Putin denied he owned the estate, and within days a reliable poodle was prodded into claiming ownership of the sprawling estate.

Real Clear World 

America's Cultural Revolution Will Leave Scars

Andrew Michta, National Review

merica is in the grip of a cultural revolution. Decades in the making, this revolution was born in our colleges and universities, which provided the shock troops now leading the charge. These young men and women stand ready to topple statues of our nation's Founders, remove monuments to presidents, rename schools, censor speech, and redraft curricula. They do so because they fervently...

Real Clear World 

How U.S. Can Avoid All-Out War With China

Roger Boyes, Times of London

ack in the late 1880s German naval officers used to clink glasses and drink to "Der Tag!", the day of reckoning with the British. Do Chinese officers make similar toasts with an eye on America, the country that has to be challenged at sea if an insurgent power is to make the grade? A heavyweight think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), warns that Taiwan is becoming the most dangerous flashpoint in the world for a possible war that involves the United States... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Quad: Form Without Substance?

June Teufel Dreyer, FPRI

The declassification of the U.S. Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific in the waning days of the Trump administration stated forthrightly America's intention to align its Indo-Pacific strategy with those of Australia, India, and Japan by "aim[ing] to create a quadrilateral security framework with India, Japan, Australia and the principal hubs." Lest it be thought that the group, informally known as the Quad, and its raison d'être not survive the incoming...

Real Clear World 

The Evolution of Navalny's Nationalism

Masha Gessen, New Yorker

For years I have been content to be conflicted about Alexey Navalny. On the one hand, I thought he was an extraordinarily brave, inventive, and committed opponent of Vladimir Putin's regime. On the other hand, he had allied himself with ultranationalists and had expressed views that I found extremely objectionable and potentially dangerous. Over the years, I've had a couple of arguments with Navalny and a few with my friends whose support for him...

Real Clear World 

Empathy, Compassion, Impeachment and Acquittal

Robert Zaretsky, Forward

The vote that ended Saturday's second impeachment trial of former president Donald Trump will have, at least in the short term, clear political consequences for the country. What might seem less clear, though, but no less important, are the philosophical consequences. By their failure to convict their party's leader, 43 Republican senators have just reminded us that, while empathy and compassion are often confused with one another, there is a deep and oftentimes dire distinction between the two. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Holding Iran's Regime Accountable for Terrorism

Tom Ridge, Washington Times

Shakespeare wrote in "The Merchant of Venice" that "The truth will out." Last week, the truth did come out about the terrorist Iranian regime. For that, the world owes a debt of gratitude to the Belgian people and their law enforcement and judicial system.

Real Clear World 

China: A Coronavirus Vaccine Superpower?

Ethen Kim Lieser, 1945

During the past couple of months of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, China has made headlines with its recently approved vaccines, some of which are made by Sinopharm and Sinovac.

Real Clear World 

Taiwan Doesn't Owe Germany Any Help

Chang Feng-lin, Taipei Times

Foreign media reported late last month that German Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmaier had written a letter to Vice Premier Shen Jong-chin (沈榮津) and Minister of Economic Affairs Wang Mei-hua (王美花) asking Taiwan to help Germany resolve a chip shortage that is jeopardizing the recovery of its automobile industry.

Real Clear World 

Why South Africa's Structural Reforms Have Been So Slow

D. Masondo, DM

Unlocking the potential of the South African economy to create much-needed employment and tax revenue is one of the urgent tasks identified in the recently delivered State of the Nation Address by President Cyril Ramaphosa. Growing the economy, however, requires business investment.

Real Clear World 

Why U.S.-China Phase 1 Trade Deal Flopped

Chad Bown, PIIE

The Biden administration plans to review the phase one trade agreement President Donald Trump forged with China in late 2019. Good. Much of the deal was a failure. Its centerpiece was China's pledge to buy $200 billion more of US goods and services split over 2020 and 2021.

Real Clear World 

Saudi Arabia Poses a Princely Dilemma

Nahal Toosi, Politico

President Joe Biden is expected to speak in the coming days with 85-year-old King Salman, the official ruler of Saudi Arabia. That begs the question: Will Biden ever talk to the guy who actually runs the country?

Real Clear World 

Proof That Hezbollah Is Vulnerable

Hanin Ghaddar, Foreign Policy

The Biden administration and the French government must draw clear red lines, or the group will escalate its campaign of terror.

Real Clear World 

Small Steps Can Help Mend U.S.-Turkey Relations

David Lepeska, The National

The US administration under new leadership wasted little time taking a widely expected stronger stance on Turkey. Last Tuesday, a bipartisan group of more than 50 US senators signed a letter urging President Joe Biden to press his Turkish counterpart on human rights abuses and his increasingly "belligerent and combative" foreign policy.

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Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

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Топ новостей на этот час


Свыше 200 тысяч москвичей выбирают лучшее мороженое в «Активном гражданине»

Мещанский суд Москвы продлил арест главе «Военторга» Павлову до 30 декабря

Служба помощи при ДТП в Подмосковье помогла участникам более 2,8 тыс аварий

На фестивале «Вместе» ульяновский спектакль признан лучшим