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Юнармейский отряд «Витязь-Быково» Подольска победил в играх «Техно– ДОГ-биатлон»

Оркестр курсантов Военного университета завершил программу «Военные оркестры в парках»

В Щелкове состоялся фестиваль скандинавской ходьбы

Команда Щелковского колледжа завоевала серебро на соревнованиях профмастерства


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Новости за 29.09.2020

Real Clear World 

Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict, Explained

Zia Weise et al, Politico EU

Violence flared up in a longrunning conflict on Europe's eastern edge this weekend as Armenia and Azerbaijan clashed over the embattled region of Nagorno-Karabakh.

Real Clear World 

Turkey’s Role Complicates Latest Flareup in Caucasus

Foy & Pitel, FT

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Real Clear World 

Russia Plays It Cool With Belarus

Ekaterina Zolotova, Geopolitical Futures

On Sept. 23, Alexander Lukashenko officially took office as president of Belarus again. It wasn’t your typical inauguration ceremony, the date of which was kept secret until recently and which was attended by only 700 or so government officials. Anti-government protesters, already upset about what they consider a sham election, are even angrier. Protests this Sunday are expected to be even larger than the previous Sunday’s, which boasted 100,000 people.

Real Clear World 

Russia Is a Geopolitical Winner in Mali’s Coup

Samuel Ramani, FPRI

On August 18, Mali’s President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita was overthrown in a coup d’etat led by breakaway elements of the Malian Armed Forces. The United Nations (UN) swiftly condemned the coup, and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) immediately halted trade relations with Mali. In the following days, reports proliferated about a covert alignment between Russia and Mali’s coup plotters....

Real Clear World 

The Geopolitical Link Between Baltic and Black Seas

A. St John Murphy, JTown

The proposed E40 Waterway would connect the Baltic and Black seas, from the Port of Gdańsk, in Poland, to the Port of Kherson, in Ukraine, running through Belarus. This riverine route offers numerous potential benefits to its participating countries, such as providing greater integration, diversifying trade routes, and developing local regions. For Belarus, the completion of the waterway means closer integration with EU-NATO member Poland and Western-leaning Ukraine... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Colonialism and Cultural Erasure in Xinjiang

Michael Clarke, Lowy Interpreter

The ideology behind the CCP’s “re-education” of the Uighur
shares in the history of subjugating indigenous populations.

Real Clear World 

The Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Chatham House
The circular economy model has gained high-level political attention and support in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in recent years. This paper provides analysis of the current state of circular economy policies in LAC and identifies priority issues for governments, businesses, civil society and the research community.

Real Clear World 

Supporting Clean Elections in Moldova and Georgia

Andrew Wilson, ECFR

  • The European Union was largely on the sidelines when the Belarusian regime rigged the 2020 presidential election, but upcoming votes in Georgia and Moldova pose a different challenge.

Real Clear World 

Russia and Europe: Stuck on Autopilot

Andrew Weiss, Carnegie

Summary:  Russia’s relations with Europe are getting worse. Time and again, it is Moscow’s own overreach and missteps that encourage greater Western unity, or at the very least leave the Europeans no alternative to confronting Russia.

Real Clear World 

A Russian Oligarch Brings His Talents to Africa

Matt Maldonado, PONARS

PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo) In September 2019, Russian oligarch Konstantin Malofeev sat down for an interview with the Russian news outlet RBC and announcedthe launch of the International Agency of Sovereign Development (IASD). It was to be a brand-new Russian investment group set to make its public debut at the Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi later that year. Malofeev has been 

Real Clear World 

Sri Lanka’s Democracy on the Edge

Sudha Ramachandran, The Diplomat

A proposed constitutional amendment would undo the progress made toward an accountable presidency and a strong parliament.

Real Clear World 

Turkey Moves Beyond Lausanne

Micha'el Tanchum, Insight Turkey

Turkey’s new expeditionary capability, resting on enhanced naval capacity and new forward bases, is the logical result of Turkey’s post-Cold War strategic reorientation. Moving beyond the Cold War framework, Turkey's strategic goal is to become an interregional power that will set the terms for a new pattern of connectivity between Europe, Africa and Asia. ‘Reclaiming’ a foreign policy prerogative exercised by the Ottoman Empire but discontinued after Turkey’s... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Kremlin Keeps Underestimating Navalny

Andrei Kolesnikov, Moscow Times
Opinion | The Kremlin will face a new Navalny, protected by a force field of Western public opinion.

Real Clear World 

Let Taiwan’s Pilots Defend Themselves

Lin Tai-ho, Taipei Times

In 1955, US general Benjamin Davis Jr, then-commander of the US’ 13th Air Force, drew a maritime demarcation line in the middle of the Taiwan Strait, known as the median line. Under pressure from the US, Taiwan and China entered into a tacit agreement not to cross the line.

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Real Clear World 

The Psychological Duel Between Asia’s Strongmen

Ajai Shukla, Worldcrunch

NEW DELHI — It was mid-September 2014, India was abuzz with the visit of Chinese president, Xi Jinping and his wife, folk singer Peng Liyuan. Televisions channels played an extended video loop of Prime Minister Narendra Modi sitting on a swing with Xi on the banks of the Sabarmati River, while excited anchors foretold an era of Sino-Indian peace, forged between the two strongmen who had come to power within two years of each other.

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Поставлена точка: помощница Шнурова получила условный срок