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Политолог Габдуллин: народное единство и вера в Россию помогают дать отпор врагу

В Узбекистане некоторым приезжим присвоят статус «нежелательных иностранцев»

Вузы России смогут набирать будущих педагогов без учета ЕГЭ по обществознанию

Два педагога представят Подольск на областном этапе конкурса «Воспитатели России»


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Новости за 21.09.2020

Real Clear World 

What China-U.S. Tensions Mean for Latin America

J.G. Tokatlian, Worldcrunch

While the U.S.-China rivalry is not yet a repetition of the Cold War, it will have repercussions for Latin American states at a time of acute regional weakness.

Real Clear World 

Hong Kong Offers a Glimpse of One Belarus Future

C. Ferreira Marques, Bl.

Two unpopular leaders, two powerful backers. Pictures this week of Belarus leader Alexander Lukashenko beaming for the cameras, leaning in eagerly to address an impassive Russian president, evoked another pair 4,000 miles away and months earlier. Against a similar background of street unrest, Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam found support from China’s President Xi Jinping last year. It’s not a parallel that bodes well for Minsk’s burgeoning opposition.

Real Clear World 

How Japan’s New PM Should Handle Diplomacy

Elli Pohlkamp, ECFR

Shinzo Abe’s aggressive and successful diplomacy has helped make Japan a pillar of liberal democracy and a beneficiary of the rules-based international order. His successor has vowed to protect these interests.

Real Clear World 

The Attempt to Get Rid of Maduro Failed. Now What?

Geoff Ramsey, RS

After a year and a half of diminishing returns since recognizing Juan Guaido as interim president and imposing crippling oil sanctions, U.S. strategy in Venezuela has reached a crossroads. Policymakers in Washington have two paths before them: they can either continue down the path of “maximum pressure” and saber-rattling, or they can choose a path of pragmatism, supporting more flexible negotiations towards a democratic transition.

Real Clear World 

CCP’s Second Century of Shame

Joseph Bosco, Taipei Times

For the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), China’s “century of humiliation” is the gift that keeps on giving. Beijing returns again and again to the theme of Western imperialism, oppression and exploitation to keep stoking the embers of grievance and resentment against the West, and especially the US.

Real Clear World 

Could Boris Quit?

Patrick O'Flynn, Spectator

Could Boris do a Harold Wilson? Over the years there has been much speculation about the sudden resignation of Wilson as prime minister less than a year after he had settled, apparently for good, the momentous question of Britain’s future in Europe via the 1975 referendum. Was he forced out by MI5? Had he already got wind of his early-onset Alzheimer’s? Was there some other hidden personal scandal that would have emerged had he not stood down?

Real Clear World 

The UK’s Constitution Is Not Working

David Allen Green, Financial Times

When there is no proper accountability and transparency, government policymaking becomes sloppy

Real Clear World 

How It All Went Wrong as COVID Surges in Europe

Emma Reynolds, CNN

London (CNN)After successfully tamping down the first surge of infection and death, Europe is now in the middle of a second coronavirus wave as it moves into winter -- raising questions over what went so wrong.

Real Clear World 

The Road to a War Within NATO

Thomas Trask & Jonathan Ruhe, National Interest

Two initially separate trends are coming together to drastically reshape the region with new opportunities and challenges for the United States.

Real Clear World 

Four Scenarios for Geopolitical Order in 2025-2030

Samuel Brannen, CSIS
CSIS's Risk and Foresight Group created four plausible, differentiated scenarios to explore the changing geopolitical landscape of 2025-2030, including the potential lasting first- and second-order effects of Covid-19. The scenarios center on the relative power and influence of the United States and China and the interaction between them, along with detailed consideration of

Real Clear World 

The Missing Link Is Trust

Aurelie Jean & Bertran Badre , Project Syndicate

Not only is the COVID-19 pandemic and recession unprecedented in many ways, but so, too, have been the responses by scientific organizations and financial institutions. But, in a climate of deepening public distrust, it is unclear how long these interventions can be sustained.

Real Clear World 

Why China Is Winning the Trade War

Tim Fernholz, Quartz

The World Trade Organization ruled today that US tariffs on Chinese imports are illegal under global trade rules.

Real Clear World 

The Endless Fantasy of American Power

Andrew Bacevich, Foreign Affairs
Without a radical reorientation, U.S. foreign policy will only continue to wreak havoc in the name of freedom, democracy, and humane values.

Real Clear World 

Moscow Divided on Lukashenko

Paul Goble, Jamestown Foundation

President Alyaksandr Lukashenka naturally wants to extend his rule as long as possible, while Belarusians protesting in the streets want to bring it to an end as soon as they can. But Moscow, which has more than a little say in the matter (see EDM, September 8, 10), is divided as to whether and when Lukashenka’s departure...

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Новости России

В Коми штат больниц пополняется педиатрами

Депутат Никитин: справедливой была бы пенсия в 40% от средней зарплаты

ВС Польши обвинили Россию в психологической кибероперации на фоне наводнения

Из космоса — в метро. Судьбы детей-актеров фильма «Москва-Кассиопея»

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Реклама на радио точно достигает своей аудитории

Туры в Гоа расширяют: ещё один туроператор предложит турпакеты на чартере

Sportmax, коллекция весна-лето 2025

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Елена Рыбакина снялась с турнира WTA-1000 в Пекине

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Карен Хачанов проиграл 124-й ракетке мира во втором круге турнира в Ханчжоу

Котов проиграл О'Коннеллу в первом круге турнира ATP в Чэнду


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Топ новостей на этот час


«Кэш» из группы «Слот» презентовал свой первый сборник стихов


ВС Польши обвинили Россию в психологической кибероперации на фоне наводнения

Рейс из Абу-Даби в Москву задержали более чем на 12 часов