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Футбольный клуб «Спартак» одержал победу в полуфинале Кубка Щелково

Вузы России смогут набирать будущих педагогов без учета ЕГЭ по обществознанию

Оркестр курсантов Военного университета завершил программу «Военные оркестры в парках»

Политолог Габдуллин: народное единство и вера в Россию помогают дать отпор врагу


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Новости за 27.05.2020

Real Clear World 

The Future of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Galen Jackson, War on the Rocks

After holding three elections in less than a year, Israelis appear to be finally getting a break from having to go to the polls. On April 20, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party agreed to form a unity government with the leader of the opposition Blue and White Party, Benny Gantz. As part of the deal that the two sides negotiated, Netanyahu will be allowed to let the Knesset — Israel’s parliament — hold a vote on whether Israel should unilaterally... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

ISIS Reveals New Structure, Leaders in Iraq

H. Al-Hashimi, Center for Global Policy

After the loss of its caliphate last year, ISIS overhauled its structures. A clearer picture of its post-caliphate leadership has emerged from details gathered by Iraqi intelligence agencies. Below is an exclusive analysis on the group’s efforts to revive itself institutionally under new management. 

Real Clear World 

Israel and the New American Strategy

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures

The drawdown of U.S. forces in the Middle East, about which we have written a few times now, is already empowering the countries that would replace it as a regional power. The evolution started with the U.K. and ends with Israel.

Real Clear World 

What Does China Want?

John Burtka, The American Conservative

We can win this great power competition without war, but decoupling is inevitable.

Real Clear World 

Saving Republican Internationalism

Robert Kaplan, National Interest

Republican internationalism helped bring America through the Cold War and was specifically responsible for its successful and peaceful conclusion under Reagan and the elder Bush. It has more miles to run, now that a second cold war might conceivably be in our midst. And if Biden wins the presidency, such foreign policy ideas could very well be back in vogue.

Real Clear World 

Hong Kong: System Override

Holmes Chan, Lowy Interpreter

Beijing’s proposed new national security law raises the stakes of pro-democracy protests.

Real Clear World 

North Korea’s Economy Under COVID and Sanctions

Bradley Babson, 38 North

While North Korea’s COVID-19 containment measures are already showing negative impacts on its economy, the pandemic is just the latest challenge to the country’s economic development plans. The North’s relatively promising economic outlook in 2016 was dealt a devastating blow in 2017, as its barrage of nuclear and missile testing brought about intensified sanctions and economic contraction. Despite robust diplomatic engagements with South Korea and the US over the next two years... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Why Do Americans Worry About North Korea?

Doug Bandow, The Hill

Despite the COVID-19 crisis, Washington policymakers fixated on the status of Kim Jong-un, the 36-year-old leader of an isolated, impoverished state half a world away. Then came reports of North Korean construction of ICBMs and a new missile support facility.

Real Clear World 

Time to Crack Down on Iran-Venezuela Relations

Jason Brodsky, Newsweek

Planes and fuel tankers from Iran have been crossing the Atlantic en route to Venezuela. They undermine the Trump administration's maximum pressure campaigns against both ruling regimes—as well as the security of the Americas. It's time to stop ignoring the threat.

Real Clear World 

A Clash With India Would Be Xi’s Great Mistake

Michael Rubin, National Interest

China may believe intimidation and the sort of ‘salami-slicing’ in which it engages in the South China Sea will enable it to act without consequence against India. That would be a tragic miscalculation. 

Real Clear World 

Putin’s Hollow Power Verticals, Revealed

Joshua Yaffa, New Yorker

From the moment Vladimir Putin first took office, more than twenty years ago, he has returned time and again to the idea of the “vertical of power,” or a top-down apparatus of state authority that has become a trademark of his rule. This “vertical” was pitched as an antidote to the supposed disarray and fecklessness of the Russian state in the nineties; by contrast, Putin’s Russia would be run as a coherent, hierarchical machine, with him at the very...

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Катя Лель требует извинений и 6,5 миллиона рублей от тяжелобольного Кушанашвили

Капитальный ремонт более 30 домов проведут в Москве

Алаев заявил, что найти соперника для сборной России крайне тяжело

станция метро Алма-Атинская Москва

Музыкальные новости

Фестиваль «Большая сцена» приглашает к участию талантливых людей со всей России

Пригожин назвал несмешным цирком шутку о закрытии шоу Comedy Club

Эрдоган рассказал, что предложил Асаду встретиться для нормализации отношений между странами

Comedy Club вернулся с 20-м сезоном после шутки о закрытии

Новости России

Ипотека в России "дёрнула за стоп-кран": за 7 месяцев 2024 г. рост неплатежей в ней превысил 30%

Начали рассматривать имущественные иски Петра Чернышева

Капитальный ремонт более 30 домов проведут в Москве

станция метро Алма-Атинская Москва

Экология в России и мире

Dolce & Gabbana, коллекция весна-лето 2025

Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

Boss, коллекция весна-лето 2025

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Спорт в России и мире

Теннисистка Потапова: считаю Квинси Промеса одной из легенд «Спартака»

«Совесть не позволила»: Надежда Гуськова в юности попадала в клубы оригинальным способом

Вероника Кудерметова победила Викторию Томову и пробилась в полуфинал WTA-500 в Сеуле

«Это очень лёгкое чувство». Даниил Медведев — об ощущениях перед началом Кубка Лэйвера


Франческо Баньяя почти догнал Хорхе Мартина после финиша в гонке в Эмилии-Романьи.

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