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Новости за 21.05.2020

Real Clear World 

Right and Wrong Ways to Support Taiwan

Daniel Russel et al, ChinaFile

As the COVID-19 outbreak began its devastating spread earlier this year, Taiwan, whose public health measures to contain the virus had been among the most effective in the world, launched a campaign to highlight its success. #TaiwanCanHelp—as the effort appeared on social media—was a subtler version of Beijing’s “facemask diplomacy,” but it was also, implicitly, a plea for international recognition and support.

Real Clear World 

The Nuclear Security Enterprise Is Close to Collapse

Joseph Cirincione, FSJ

The Cold War is over, but the weapons remain. After decades of progress in reducing nuclear arsenals and nuclear threats, the global nuclear security enterprise is close to collapse. Urgent action is needed to save it, including building support for nuclear restraint among both government officials and the American public.

Real Clear World 

Xi Sees a Crucible to Strengthen His Rule

Steven Lee Myers & Chris Buckley, NYT

China’s leader is using the country’s success — and the criticism against it — to urge the party and the people to weather tough days ahead.

Real Clear World 

Pressure Builds Over What Xi Knew

Tom Mitchell, Financial Times

President faces scrutiny over early management of the pandemic as Beijing contemplates resetting economic targets

Real Clear World 

Sharpening the Knives for Huawei

Brad Glosserman, Japan Times

Among China hawks in the United States, it seems that the greatest national security threat is posed by the Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei, eclipsing even that of the People’s Liberation Army. That threat has prompted the Trump administration to tighten the screws on Huawei, first restricting its access to the U.S. market, then pressing allies to do the same, then cutting off the company’s access to U.S. suppliers, and then again urging allied governments... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Grand Strategy Is Indispensable

Andrew Ehrhardt & Maeve Ryan, War on the Rocks

Is grand strategy too “grand” to be good? Criticisms of the concept are not new, but in recent months, several articles have sounded the death knell. Particularly concerning is that the diagnosis comes from the United States and the United Kingdom — countries with overlapping strategic cultures and where grand strategy has, to varying degrees, succeeded in the past. Far from a wasteful or futile undertaking, however, the practice of grand strategy is a worthwhile endeavor. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Shaping the EU’s Strategic Response to China

Jan Czarnocki, Martens Centre

We should not be worried about the emergence of China as a superpower, wielding influence and power at a comparable level to the United States. China’s geography will not allow it. Instead, we should be worried about China as a globally influential superpower, less powerful than the US, but still dominating East Asia, building a global bloc of like-minded, authoritarian countries, rivalling the rules-based international order and undermining democratic standards around the world. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Why This Time Was Different

Carl Bildt, Project Syndicate

In 2003, the world contained the SARS epidemic to Southeast Asia and ended the crisis by that July. Based on the limited information currently available, four factors help to explain the difference between then and now.

Real Clear World 

Japan Takes On a Bigger Role in Kosovo

Joseph Hammond, The Diplomat

Beijing doesn’t recognize Pristina, making the small state a relatively China-free spot in Europe.

Real Clear World 

Weak Demand Stands in Way of China’s Recovery

Aidan Yao, SCMP

  • Other countries that are starting to ease their own lockdowns should heed China’s ‘first in, first out’ experience, and expect recovery to be uneven and drawn-out

Real Clear World 

In Search of Wise Statecraft on China

Patrick Cronin, The Hill

The acceleration of U.S.-China rivalry is failing to produce an intelligent consensus over an effective response. Extreme voices drown out sensible views that reflect America’s better angels. Too many accomplished people engage in loud, petty and polarized debate when they should be working together to renew American leadership at home and abroad. 

Real Clear World 

The Equidistant Germans

Ronja Scheler & Joshua Webb, Berlin Policy Journal

German public opinion on foreign affairs hasn’t changed dramatically during the COVID-19 pandemic. But the trends point to a weakening commitment to both European integration and the transatlantic alliance.

Real Clear World 

Things I Did Not Expect

Volodymyr Zelenskiy , New York Times

Ukraine’s president looks back at what got him through his first year in office.

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Сергей Собянин рассказал о новых резидентах ОЭЗ «Технополис Москва»

Новости России

Региональным айтишникам, работающим на Москву, могут сделать ипотеку 6%

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ВИДЕО: в Красноярском крае умер третий ребёнок, который на ужин ел пельмени и курицу

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СМИ сообщили об аресте 43 банковских вкладов по делу экс-замглавы Минобороны Иванова

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