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SHOT: полиция задержала вандала, разгромившего могилу Маслякова в Москве

Электромонтеры и укладчики асфальта: куда трудоустроят безработных

Реутовский клуб «Активное долголетие» завоевал серебро на региональных соревнованиях по волейболу

Власти Новороссийска отреагировали на «включение» сирен тревоги


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Новости за 25.03.2020

Real Clear World 

Corbyn's Last Go at Overthrowing Capitalism

Lloyd Evans, Spectator

Double bubble at PMQs. With MPs leaving Westminster a week early, the Speaker ruled that two sessions of PMQs should rub up against each other. It was a full one-hour grilling. Boris adopted his ‘Britain in wartime’ pose. He heaped every questioner with praise and gave his answers with theatrical solemnity. Asked about testing-rates, he offered good news on their increasing frequency. ‘From 5,000 to 10,000 to...

Real Clear World 

Oil Price War: Winners, Losers and Ways Forward

Li-Chen Sim, Russia Matters

Two broad themes have dominated analyses about the failure of OPEC+ to arrive at a new consensus on oil production cuts on March 6, 2020. The first explores the sources of disagreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia that informed the split. The second examines the fallout, with consuming countries typically assumed to be the winners of the situation thanks to lower oil import bills. Much less explored is a third theme, namely, the paths toward a resolution of the oil price war. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

COVID-19 and Conflict: Seven Trends to Watch

International Crisis Group

Deadly and disruptive as it already is, and terribly as it could yet worsen and spread, the 2020 coronavirus outbreak could also have political effects that last long after the contagion is contained. Crisis Group identifies seven points of particular concern.

Real Clear World 

Globalization and Resilience: Responding to the Pandemic

M. Rooney, RCW

As COVID-19 spreads and stresses healthcare infrastructure around the world, governments and civil society are racing to slow the pandemic by distancing people from one another. Meanwhile, in the United States and in other developed countries, there is a rising chorus of voices who argue that we must deglobalize, dismantle international supply chains, reduce international trade and travel, and close our borders to the world.

Real Clear World 

Does Everyone Have COVID-19 Already?

Robert VerBruggen, National Review

That’s more or less the question posed by a new Oxford study making the rounds, especially thanks to a Financial Times write-up. The study posits a scenario in which only 1 percent or even 0.1 percent of people are susceptible to falling severely ill from the virus. If there are 99 or 999 mild cases for every serious one, of course, a bigger share of the...

Real Clear World 

Be Thankful This Isn't the Black Death

Gilbert Sewall, The American Conservative

As an example of biomedical catastrophe, the Black Death of the 14th century stands unmatched. The coronavirus, whatever global havoc it might wreak, is not even remotely in its league.

Real Clear World 

Desperation and Police Blockades in India

Suhasini Raj et al, New York Times

NEW DELHI — In one state, police officers have staked out roads and highways, stopping any passing motorists and demanding to know why they were outside their homes. In another, doctors have been run out of their homes, shunned as carriers of the coronavirus.

Real Clear World 

What It Will Take to Save Economies

Daniel McDowell, World Politics Review

In 1873, Walter Bagehot, a prominent businessman in British high society and a journalist who served for 16 years as editor-in-chief of The Economist, wrote a treatise on banking and finance in which he left his most enduring mark on the world. In “Lombard Street: A Description of the Money Market,” he laid out a playbook for policymakers facing an unfolding economic and financial crisis. When up against such a challenge, Bagehot asserted, leaders must... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The COVID-19 Recession Is Going to Hurt Africa

African Arguments

African countries have so far seen relatively fewer COVID-19 cases than hotspots in western Europe, the US and East Asia. But with the likes of South Africa, Egypt, Algeria, Burkina Faso and others reporting exponential growth in confirmed cases, it is only a question of time before this public health crisis arrives across the continent in full force.

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Real Clear World 

Don’t Let Crisis Erode Our Basic Liberties

Matthew Lesh, CapX

Police will shortly have the power to fine those who leave home for non-essential purposes or congregate in groups of more than two. The authorities will also be able to detain and isolate anyone for any amount of time. They will be able to forcibly take biological samples. Large scale events, including political rallies and strikes, can be dispersed. Surveillance powers have been extended and protections under mental health laws weakened. The state will even be able to force cremations. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Pandemics Can Fast-Forward History

Matthew Kroenig, National Interest

Fortunately for the United States, my research shows that democracies generally outperform their autocratic competitors in great power rivalries. Still, there is no time to lose. As U.S. leaders formulate their response to the Coronavirus, they must think not only in terms of the immediate public health crisis, but also about the very future of American global leadership.

Real Clear World 

Countries Are Starting to Hoard Food

Isis Almeida & Agnieszka de Sousa, Bloomberg

It’s not just grocery shoppers who are hoarding pantry staples. Some governments are moving to secure domestic food supplies during the conoravirus pandemic.

Real Clear World 

International Order After the Pandemic

Mira Rapp-Hooper, War on the Rocks

As people around the world fall ill, global markets convulse, and supply chains collapse, COVID-19 may also reorder international politics as we know it. No analyst can know when this crisis will end, much less divine the world we will meet at its conclusion. But as scholars have begun to note, it is plausible that China will emerge from the wreckage as more of a global leader than it began. International orders — the...

Real Clear World 

Luxembourg, COVID-19 Hotbed

James Walker, New Statesman

The landlocked European country has more coronavirus cases per capita than Italy and one of the highest infection rates in the world.

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Суд арестовал 43 банковских счета по делу экс-замминистра обороны Тимура Иванова

В танке

Суд арестовал более 40 банковских счетов бывшего замминистра обороны Иванова

Бурятский модельер из Бурятии показала свою коллекцию в Милане и Париже

Музыкальные новости

Суд арестовал еще 13 человек после стрельбы у московского офиса Wildberries

Shot: Алсу хочет отсудить у Абрамова деньги от продажи пентхауса в Лондоне

Более 14 тысяч жителей СВАО получили новые квартиры по реновации — Собянин

Задержанные при попытке прорваться в Склиф хотели увезти бойца ММА Чичаева

Новости России

Суд: продавшие авто участникам нападения на "Крокус" Исломовы знали о теракте

ВС Польши обвинили Россию в психологической кибероперации на фоне наводнения

«Трудно понять, что в голове безумца»: Полянский подтвердил, что Россия не знакома с «планом победы» Зеленского

Суд арестовал 43 банковских счёта по делу экс-замминистра обороны Иванова

Экология в России и мире

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Ритуальные убийствa и оккультные корни бакинского неонацизма

Стильные образы для женщин категории «плюс сайз»

Экскурсия для студентов прошла в «Маринс Гранд Отель Астрахань»

Спорт в России и мире

Марии Шараповой завидуют все русские женщины. И вот почему

Теннисистка Потапова: считаю Квинси Промеса одной из легенд «Спартака»

Медведев в составе сборной Европы завоевал Кубок Лейвера

Хромачева и Данилина вышли в финал турнира в Хуахине


ВИДЕО: в Красноярском крае умер третий ребёнок, который на ужин ел пельмени и курицу

Продвижение Песен, Музыки, Стихов ВКонтакте.

Axenix будет автоматизировать управление производством с помощью решения Exeplant

Bluetooth-сканер штрих-кодов SAOTRON P04 на базе CMOS-матрицы

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