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Новости за 04.03.2020

Real Clear World 

What to Do About Iran - (Part Two)

Edward P. Joseph, RealClearWorld

  • ‘Iran does not pose a serious threat to the United States’ and ‘Iran can play an active role in the Middle East’ 

Real Clear World 

The UN’s Selective Outrage on Occupied Territories

Brenda Shaffer et al, RCWorld

Yesterday during remarks at the AIPAC annual conference, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo referred to the recent publication by the UN Human Rights Office of a database of companies that operate in the West Bank. Pompeo defined the report as “a real threat” that “only serves to facilitate the BDS movement and delegitimize Israel.” Pompeo declared that the United States will take actions on behalf of the “members of our business community that are being threatened... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Essence of Marxism

Niall Ferguson, Hoover

The terms ‘capitalism’ and ‘socialism’ had their origins in the British Industrial Revolution. As the Chicago economist Thorstein Veblen argued, nineteenth-century capitalism was an authentically Darwinian system, characterized by seemingly random mutation, occasional speciation and differential survival. Yet precisely the volatility of the more or less unregulated markets created by the Industrial Revolution caused consternation amongst many contemporaries. Until there... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Tory Government’s Political Capital Is Waning

Alex Massie, Spectator

Upon how many fronts can a government fight at any one time? Political capital has a short-enough half-life as it is without the risk of it being diluted through simultaneous multiple battles. Concentration of political firepower matters.

Real Clear World 

Idlib Operation Splits Turks

Ayla Jean Yackley, Al Monitor

ISTANBUL — Turkey’s fourth military operation in Syria in as many years has divided the country along the same political fault lines that have polarized it in recent years, with the government’s supporters seeing an urgent threat emerging south of the border and its critics fearing Turkey is sliding deeper into the Syrian quagmire.

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Real Clear World 

How to Make America's Next Trade Policy

Clark Packard et al, The Bulwark

For nearly 80 years, the United States was the chief architect and foremost defender of the global rules-based, liberalized trading system. The twin aims of this bipartisan policy were to promote U.S. economic and strategic interests—and on both counts, the nation’s efforts have been successful. Increasing economic interdependence and globalization more broadly have fueled economic growth and innovation, raised a billion...

Real Clear World 

Armenia's Fight Over the Rule of Law Has Regional Echoes

T. de Waal, WPR

If you thought judicial appointments were an explosive issue in the United States, just look at Armenia, where over the past year, the government of Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has declared war on Armenia’s senior judges. Most recently, Pashinyan has called a popular referendum for April 5 to remove seven of the nine judges on the Constitutional Court, whom he accuses of blocking his reform agenda.

Real Clear World 

Coronavirus and the French Kiss of the Cheek

Robert Zaretsky, Washington Post

When Dooley Wilson, playing the role of Sam in the classic film “Casablanca,” croons to Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman that “a kiss is just a kiss,” he could not have been more...

Real Clear World 

Israel Needs a Unity Government

Gil Troy, Jerusalem Post

Israel needs a functioning government. And a significant number of Israelis approve of Netanyahu, warts and all.

Real Clear World 

3 Israeli Elections, 2 Basic Facts

Jonathan Tobin, Israel Hayom

The effort to break the logjam established that there is a broad consensus on national security, and that only judges, and not political rivals, can topple Netanyahu.

Real Clear World 

Could Iran Democratize?

Shay Khatiri, The American Interest

Yes, and sooner than you might think, argues Misagh Parsa in a thoughtful book on the state of dissent inside Iran.

Real Clear World 

New Rules for the U.S.-Iran Rivalry

Hussein Kalout, National Interest

The message Washington wants to send with the elimination of Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani’s is that there are new rules for the deterrence process—rules where the real power of deterrence is established unilaterally by the strongest actor.

Real Clear World 

Netanyahu Scrabbles His Way to a Huge Victory

Aaron David Miller, CNN

CNN)Nearly 70 polls had predicted that Israel's March 2 election would produce something reminiscent of Bill Murray's classic movie "Groundhog Day" -- a seemingly endless time loop of political stalemate, dysfunction and yet another election...

Real Clear World 

Coronavirus and the Forces of History

George Friedman, Geopolitical Futures

I have presented geopolitics to be like economics, a science that predicts and summarizes the impersonal forces that drive a system so vast as to be beyond the control of individuals. Each is controlled by forces so powerful that kings and peasants alike must align with them or fall victim to them. Kings ultimately do not decide the global business cycle, nor do they control the relations between nations. Kings must align with the overwhelming forces that are at work. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

That 1970s Feeling

Kenneth Rogoff, Project Syndicate

Policymakers and too many economic commentators fail to grasp how the next global recession may be unlike the last two. In contrast to recessions driven mainly by a demand shortfall, the challenge posed by a supply-side-driven downturn is that it can result in sharp drops in production, generalized shortages, and rapidly rising prices.

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