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Меценаты из Москвы и орловские фермеры преобразили территорию храма


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Новости за 08.01.2020

Real Clear World 

Explaining Maduro's Radical Move Against Guaidó

Félix Seijas Rodríguez, AQ

The government’s blockade of the National Assembly on Jan. 5 seems to have run counter to its own 2020 election strategy. Can the opposition capitalize?

Real Clear World 

Is China About to Lose Taiwan for Good?

Gary Schmitt, The American Interest

If current projections hold, Beijing will be the big loser in Taiwan’s presidential election this Saturday—and the United States will have a golden opportunity.

Real Clear World 

Iran's Attack Was a Face-Saving Gesture

Sumantra Maitra, The Federalist

The length, scope, and operational duration of the attack suggests it is a targeted towards regime stability and an internal audience. Whether it leads to further escalation is a political call.

Real Clear World 

Iran's Measured Counterstrike Opens Door for De-Escalation With U.S.


The dust is beginning to settle in the aftermath of the Jan. 8 Iranian ballistic missile attacks on two U.S. military bases in Iraq. With no reported casualties among U.S. personnel and Iran's indication that it has now concluded its military response to the death of Gen. Qassem Soleimani in a U.S. strike, the door is open for the short-term de-escalation of the brewing confrontation between the two countries. The United States could yet decide to...

Real Clear World 

Will Iran Move From Standoff to Stand Down?

James Jay Carafano, National Interest

Now that the dust has settled from last night’s fireworks display, one thing is clear: Tehran has a lot of unpleasant short-term choices.

Real Clear World 

American Exceptionalism's Latest Big Hit

Christopher Mott, RealClearWorld

The recent assassination of Iranian Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani shows the dangers of assuming that Washington is exempt from the calculations that make or break sound strategy. Might and self-righteousness do not immunize the United States from consequences. While U.S. President Donald Trump's speech today signaled no further retaliation, it does not guarantee that tensions will cease to escalate.

Real Clear World 

What Happened to India?

Shashi Tharoor, Project Syndicate

The India the world once celebrated – the world’s fastest-growing free-market liberal democracy – seems to be giving way to a violent, intolerant, illiberal autocracy. It is a turn that was long in the making, reflecting the impact of eight major factors on the country's society and politics.

Real Clear World 

Ukraine's Underrated Economy Poised for a Big Year

Anders Aslund, Atlantic Council

Ukraine’s considerable achievements in 2019 are poorly understood, both in Ukraine and abroad. This is perhaps not surprising. Ukrainians usually suspect their government of the worst, while the foreign media rarely reports accurately about Ukrainian reforms. Since September 2019, US media coverage in particular has been distorted by negative impeachment-related headlines. Nevertheless, the progress made by Ukraine over the past twelve months should not be underestimated. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Much Ado About U.S.-Iran Cyberwar

Jacquelyn Schneider, New York Times

It is very difficult for Iran to launch cyberattacks that would affect a significant portion of the American population.

Real Clear World 

Germany Faces an Identity Crisis

Sam Denney, RealClearWorld

On Nov. 9, Germany celebrated the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Combined with the reunification of Germany a year later, that event marked a turning point in German history. Reunification was messy, but it provided a new political beginning for Germany, and an opportunity to slowly heal the divides between East and West. Thirty years later, the success of the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, in regional elections in Germany’s East reveals a renewed turmoil in German society. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Is the Cold Peace Between Jordan and Israel at Risk?

Curtis Ryan, WP Review

The 25th anniversary of the landmark peace treaty between Jordan and Israel came and went without celebration among Jordanians last fall. They did cheer, however, when the Jordanian government refused to renew annexes to the treaty that allowed Israel to lease and farm fertile lands in the Jordan Valley. While Israelis were disappointed by the move, which followed through on a previous...

Real Clear World 

Trump, Iran, and the End Logic of 'The Forever War'

Spencer Ackerman, Daily Beast

Trump says he hates endless wars, but the Soleimani hit writ large shows why he hasn’t ended them. He’s the ultimate expression of impulses that have consumed the U.S. since 9/11.

Real Clear World 

Was the Soleimani Assassination Justified?


IT WAS, ACCORDING to David Petraeus, a former American army general and director of the CIA, “more consequential” than the killing of Osama bin Laden or of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Few bemoaned the demise of the jihadist leaders of al-Qaeda and Islamic State. But the killing on January 3rd by drone strike of Qassem Suleimani, head of Iran’s Quds Force, the foreign-operations branch of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has sparked a furore over the legality and the impact of his assassination. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

How Trump Thinks About Iran

Thomas Wright, Brookings

interviewed by Rona Barrett, one of America’s most famous gossip columnists, on NBC. It was several weeks before Ronald Reagan defeated Jimmy Carter in the presidential election and near the end of the Iran hostage crisis in which the Iranian regime took 52 American diplomats and citizens prisoner after the embassy was stormed and then held them for 444...

Real Clear World 

What Australia Could Look Like in 2050

Owen Cameron, Sydney Morning Herald

It is December, 2049.

Australia is commemorating the 30th anniversary of the 2019-2020 bushfires. For many years now there has been a national day of remembrance, occurring each summer solstice to remember all citizens who’ve perished in the many fires, floods, cyclones, droughts and extreme weather events that have plagued the continent in the 21st century. On the cusp of 2050, casualties linked to natural disasters in Australia sadly number in the thousands. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

What Is the Middle East in the Middle of Anymore?

Victor D. Hanson, Amer. Greatness

The United States is trying to square a circle, remaining strong and deterring dangerous elements, but to do so for U.S. interests—interests that increasingly seem to be fewer and fewer in the Middle East.

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IT себе место: власти обсуждают допуск работающих на Москву айтишников к ипотеке под 6%

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Задержанного за разгром могилы Маслякова отправили в психбольницу

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Топ новостей на этот час


Нижегородские предприятия приглашаются для участия в Международной выставке «Здравоохранение-2024»

Меценаты из Москвы и орловские фермеры преобразили территорию храма

Футболист «Спартака»: «Не замечаю, что Москва дорогой город»

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