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Новости за 16.12.2019

Real Clear World 

How Labour Can Recover From an Epic Defeat

George Eaton, New Statesman

As they awaited the exit poll at 10pm on election night, neither Boris Johnson, nor Jeremy Corbyn, foresaw the scale of the Conservatives' triumph. Until the last moment, Corbyn and his team continued to hold out hope of a hung parliament. Johnson, meanwhile, reportedly expected a majority close to 10 seats. He ultimately secured one of 80, the Conservatives' largest victory since 1987, as Labour endured its worst defeat since 1935. And yet as surprising as this result may appear... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Corbyn and Anti-Semitism

Stephen Pollard with Foreign Policy

How allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party became a central issue in Britain's election campaign.

Real Clear World 

The Free Trade Dream of the '90s Is Dead


What does President Donald Trump's latest tariff lunacies vis-à-vis Brazil and Argentina tell us about the current and previous administrations, as well as the broader currents in global opinion about trade, immigration, and multilateral institutions? Reason Roundtable editors Katherine Mangu-Ward, Peter Suderman, Nick Gillespie and Matt Welch weigh in.

Real Clear World 

Rana Ayyub on India’s Crackdown on Muslims

New Yorker

Dexter Filkins talks to the embattled Indian journalist about their time reporting together in Kashmir and the Indian ruling party's violent suppression of Muslims.

Real Clear World 

Meaning and Mayhem

Roberto Saviano, New York Review of Books

A frequent part of mafia rituals is the kiss. After a Youth of Honor has been baptized, he makes the rounds of the other associates, kissing each twice on the cheeks, except for the capo società (the highest-ranking associate), whom he kisses three times. Kissing the cheeks of the other associates symbolizes the relationship among equals that from that point forward the Youth of Honor will have with the other members of the clan. The kiss, then, becomes... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Winding Down Sudan's Involvement in Yemen War

G. Cafiero, Responsible Statecraft

Following years of failed strategies in Yemen, Saudi Arabia is attempting to gradually wind down its operations in the country through diplomatic channels. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) also decided to largely withdraw its military forces from the conflict despite remaining ambitious in Yemen. There has also been much buzz about Sudan's role in the war ending too.

Real Clear World 

The New Conservatism Begins Today

James Forsyth, Spectator

Elections should be carnivals of democracy, yet the campaign we have just been through has felt more like amateur dramatics at times – the standard of debate has not risen to the importance of the…

Real Clear World 

Why SNP and Tories Should Seek a Compromise

The Scotsman

The Conservatives and SNP seem set for a fight over Scottish independence that would be in no one's interest – including their own.

Real Clear World 

How Boris Johnson’s Brexit Won

Isaac Chotiner, New Yorker

David Runciman, a professor of politics at Cambridge University, analyzes the election results and discusses its lessons for center-left parties around the world.

Real Clear World 

What Big Tory Win Means for Brexit and Scotland

T. Raines with J. Naselli, Ch. House

Thomas Raines tells Jason Naselli about the impact the large Conservative majority will have on the next phase of Brexit negotiations and Scotland's place in the United Kingdom.

Real Clear World 

Boris Must Deliver for His New Voters in the North

Ruth Sunderland, Daily Mail

A wave of people in the old Labour heartlands of the North have taken a huge psychological and emotional step by voting Tory for the first time in their lives. They have not done it lightly.

Real Clear World 

The Afghanistan Papers

Washington Post

For nearly two decades of war in Afghanistan, U.S. leaders have sounded a constant refrain: We are making progress. They were not, documents show, and they knew it.

Real Clear World 

The Role of Geography in National Security Decision-Making


Being able to "think in space" is a crucial tool for decision-makers, but one that is often deemphasized. In order to improve its ability to think in space, the national security community ought to objectively assess how effectively it is employing geographic information and seek every opportunity to sharpen its skills in this area.

Real Clear World 

Europe Now Has Its Own Green Deal

Umair Irfan, Vox

The European Union plans to eliminate its contributions to climate change by 2050. But its plan is light on how to do so.

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Новости России

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Карен Хачанов проиграл 124-й ракетке мира во втором круге турнира в Ханчжоу

Дарья Касаткина проиграла четвёртый финал WTA в текущем сезоне

«Немного не повезло». Рууд — о матче на Кубке Лэйвера с Серундоло


Франческо Баньяя почти догнал Хорхе Мартина после финиша в гонке в Эмилии-Романьи.

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