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Новости за 04.12.2019

Real Clear World 

Italy's Government on the Brink Again

Silvia Sciorilli Borrelli, Politico EU
Just three months in, tensions are high between the uneasy coalition partners.

Real Clear World 

The Economics Behind Latin America's Unrest

Riccardo Arriazu, Worldcrunch
Many people have had to tighten their purse strings in recent years. But that's only part of what's fueling frustrations in the region.

Real Clear World 

Berlusconifying Britain

William Davies, Guardian
Divisions between politics, the media and business have dissolved, eroding integrity. It's not bad news for everyone, says political economist William Davies

Real Clear World 

We Can Endorse No One in This Election

New Statesman
This general election has been described as the most pivotal since Margaret Thatcher's victory in 1979 heralded the new right's counter-revolution against the postwar consensus. If the Conservatives win a comfortable majority on 12 December, Britain will leave the European Union and Remainers campaigning for a second referendum will have been defeated. The Labour Party is likely to be immersed in another civil war as the Corbynites seek to maintain control. Beyond Westminster, the United Kingdom... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Trump vs. Warren in 2020 Would Prove America Is in Decline

Robert Kaplan, TNI
If a moderate cannot somehow prevail in the Democratic primaries, and President Donald Trump faces Senator Elizabeth Warren in the November election, it will punctuate a process of slow and gradual American decline that began in the middle Cold War years. For the first time in modern memory, there would not be a candidate from the political center on any ticket.

Real Clear World 

How Might a Big Boris Victory Change Britain?

John Keiger, Spectator
If Boris Johnson wins a clear majority on 12 December, it could mark a big turning point in British history. The brakes will be off for the United Kingdom to formally leave the European Union by 31

Real Clear World 

How Lenin inspired Jeremy Corbyn's Worldview

Daniel Finkelstein, Times of London
TOP SECRET 12 March 1948. To the British ambassador to the United States. Please inform Mr Bevin that in accordance with your aide-memoire of 11 March, we are prepared to proceed at once in the...

Real Clear World 

Another Kind of War Wound

Arnold Isaacs, TomDispatch
Many men do monstrous things. And some men are very nearly monsters, capable of killing without compunction or remorse. In the everyday civilian world, we generally seek to lock them up. In war, they have a chance to fully flower. And if they serve in militaries that fight serial conflicts where the laws of war are considered mere suggestions, they can be all that they can be.

Real Clear World 

Leadership Lacking in Iran

Efran Fard, Jerusalem Post
The mullahs are worthless. They live in the Middle Ages. They murder, rape, terrorize, torture and eliminate anyone who stands in their way.

Real Clear World 

Belarus May Hold the NATO-Russia Key

Vitali Shkliarov, Foreign Policy
Tensions between Moscow and Brussels have led to a dangerous militarization of Eastern Europe. But Minsk is showing an alternative.

Real Clear World 

China's Quest for Legitimacy

Robert Skidelsky, Project Syndicate
The conventional Western view is that China faces the alternatives of integrating with the West, trying to destroy it, or succumbing to domestic violence and chaos. But the Chinese scholar Lanxin Xiang instead proposes a constitutional regime based on a modernized Confucianism.

Real Clear World 

Seven Decades of NATO

James Lindsay & Corey Cooper & Elizabeth Lordi, CFR
In 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) became America's first peacetime alliance outside the Western Hemisphere. Today, twenty-nine countries make up what is the greatest military alliance in history.

Real Clear World 

Turkey and NATO: A Relationship Worth Saving

Rachel Ellehuus, CSIS
NATO leaders will gather this week in London to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the alliance; reflect on past accomplishments; implement the remaining deterrence and defense measures agreed at the 2014 Warsaw Summit; and lay the groundwork for future cooperation in new areas, such as emerging technologies and space. And while the military machinery that is the core of NATO continues to run smoothlygenerating levels of interoperability, integrated operational planning, and... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

It's Not UsIt's Erdogan

Michael Rubin, The American Interest
Our problems with Turkey aren't due to Trump, or Obama, or any other President. Put the blame where it belongs: with Recep Tayyip Erdo?an and his choices.

Real Clear World 

Blood and Soil in Narendra Modi's India

Dexter Filkins, New Yorker
The Prime Minister's Hindu-nationalist government has cast two hundred million Muslims as internal enemies.

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Новости России

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