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Новости за 30.03.2019

Real Clear World 

The Guilty Men and Women of the UK's National Debacle

Anthony Seldon, New States.
Roll up, roll up for the Brexit blame game, it's waiting to take you away. Not since Robert Walpole became the first prime minister 298 years ago has this country seen such a prolonged and deep political crisis. Not since the struggle between Catholic and Protestant factions calmed in Britain (if not in Ireland) after the 17th century has there been so much deep intolerance, hatred and violence simmering just below the surface. Whatever happens in the next few weeks and months... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Hamas Caught in a Trap of Its Own Making

Shimrit Meir, Ynet News
Opinion: A year has passed since the start of March of Return campaign and Gaza's rulers have nothing to show for it, leading them to make desperate decisions because now it's a matter of political survival

Real Clear World 

We Must Be Worthy of the Golan Heights

Nadav Shragai, Israel Hayom
"Rose-colored blindness," a phrased coined by the writer Aharon Megged, almost hit us a decade ago. In the spring of 2007, a few years before the Arab Spring which turned out to be a chilling winter a few dozen artists, writers and former MKs and defense officials gathered on the Shouting Hill near Majdal Shams in the northern Golan Heights. They waved to Syrian President Bashar Assad and asked that the Israeli government see him as a partner and someone with whom they could hold a dialogue. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Robert Kagan's Cloudy Crystal Ball

Andrew Bacevich, The American Conservative
He now perceives global authoritarianism as today's greatest challenge, with conservatives on the wrong side of the fight.

Real Clear World 

A Strongman Falls, a Post-Colonial Era Ends

Kamel Daoud with Rachel Donadio, Atlantic
Hundreds of thousands of Algerians have been protesting to prove to the world and to the regime that they could move without destroying the country, says the Algerian writer Kamel Daoud.

Real Clear World 

A New Strand of Populism Rises in Europe

Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg View
But Poroshenko is highly likely to face a run-off against Volodymyr Zelenskiy, a comedian who speaks better Russian than Ukrainian. Like Caputova, he is a political novice and a popular figure from outside the establishment. Like Caputova, Zelenskiy appears to hold broader views than his establishment rival. He's not churchy, he opposes forcing the Ukrainian language on Russian speakers, and he is backed by the liberal reformers pushed out of the government in... Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

The Netanyahu-Putin Entente

Zalman Shoval, Jerusalem Post
Russian-Israeli relations in the Putin era greatly differ from those in the Cold War period, when Israel and Syria were mainly pawns on the chess board of the East-West confrontation.

Real Clear World 

Could the North Macedonia Name Agreement Fall Apart?

Constantinos Filis, ECFR
Both North Macedonia and Greece are gearing up for new elections. Political forces on all sides are ready to go into political battle over the Prespa Agreement

Real Clear World 

The Kosovo War in Retrospect

James Goldgeier & Gorana Grgic, War on the Rocks
As the campaign for the 2020 Democratic nomination for president heats up, a key foreign policy question is whether and under what conditions candidates

Real Clear World 

What Brexit means without May

Oliver Wiseman, CapX
The end of the sentence 'Brexit means' is, once again, up in the air

Real Clear World 

AMLO's Energy Policy: A Bygone Era

Valeria Moy, Americas Quarterly
Across generations, Mexicans have been raised believing that oil is one of Earth's blessings to the country. We grew up learning about the great advantages of having oil and thinking about the ways in which we would distribute all the riches that came with it to make Mexico a more equal country. It is therefore not surprising that many Mexicans have an emotional attachment to crude, a neural connection that links oil to nationality, pride and sovereignty.

Real Clear World 

The Islamic State Was a Sham

Daniel DePetris, National Interest
The Islamic State may be beaten back, but it is not gone, and it's lurking in the corner ready to capitalize on mistakes.

Real Clear World 

What Happened in Hanoi?

Jessica Mathews, New York Review of Books
Shortly after the success of The Art of the Deal (1987) made Donald Trump a supposed expert on negotiation, he lobbied the George H.W. Bush administration to put him in charge of arms reduction talks with the Soviet Union. The position went instead to Richard Burt, an experienced diplomat and arms control expert. When the two men met at a New York social event, Trump pulled Burt aside to tell him what he would have doneand what Burt should doto start off the negotiations. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

What the Withdrawal 'Separation' Means For Brexit

Tom Kibasi, Guardian
May??s latest plan is a desperate attempt to avoid a 12 April exit. It won??t work, but it may help her party in an election, says Tom Kibasi, director of the IPPR

Real Clear World 

The EU Thinks the UK Has Two Choices Left

Alberto Nardelli, BuzzFeed
BuzzFeed News has seen a diplomatic note of an EU27 ambassadors meeting on Thursday that states that the UK's remaining options are no-deal or a long delay to Brexit.

Real Clear World 

Algerian Protesters Reject Military's Gambit

Simon Speakman Cordall, Al Monitor
Algeria's army chief has called on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika to be declared unfit, paving the way for a caretaker president. But protesters argue the military must hand power to the people.

Real Clear World 

Pakistan Doesn't Want Modi to Win

Fahd Humayun, Foreign Policy
A BJP victory in India's upcoming election could spell more trouble for the relationship.

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


В парках Московской области высадили новые растения

Правоохранители ищут виновных в лесном пожаре в Московской области

«Сложно понять»: подросшую панду Катюшу уже перепутали с ее мамой Диндин

«Я дома»: Бакальчука отпустили после задержания по делу о стрельбе в Wildberries

Музыкальные новости

При поддержке Фонда президентских грантов продолжается реализация социального проекта "Интеграция в общество детей и подростков с ментальными особенностями методами адаптивной гимнастики"

Главным врагом хорошей улыбки россияне назвали цены у стоматологов

Ростовские онкологи напоминают о своевременности прохождения профилактических осмотров

Татьяна Бакальчук в слезах обратилась к мужу: "Владислав, что ты творишь?"

Новости России

Вильфанд рассказал о приходе бабьего лета в Центральной России в октябре

США перебрасывают дополнительные силы на Аляску

Туры в Гоа расширяют: ещё один туроператор предложит турпакеты на чартере

Для пожилых граждан: новая льгота вступила в силу для всех пенсионеров в сентябре

Экология в России и мире

Церемония открытия II Всероссийских спортивных игр благоверного князя Александра Невского пройдёт в Нижнем Новгороде

Экскурсия для студентов прошла в «Маринс Гранд Отель Астрахань»

Свыше трёх тысяч зависимых в Свердловской области уже приняли решение избавиться от смертельной привычки

Орган в Планетарии на Halloween

Спорт в России и мире

«Это очень лёгкое чувство». Даниил Медведев — об ощущениях перед началом Кубка Лэйвера

Карен Хачанов проиграл 124-й ракетке мира во втором круге турнира в Ханчжоу

Россиянин Качмазов победил 72-ю ракетку мира Ковачевича в первом круге турнира ATP в Чэнду

«Немного не повезло». Рууд — о матче на Кубке Лэйвера с Серундоло


Военные следователи провели рейд по бывшим мигрантам в Феодосии

Axenix будет автоматизировать управление производством с помощью решения Exeplant

Ирина Дубцова запустила амбициозный проект для российских семей

В Санкт-Петербурге состоится Международный фестиваль робототехники «РобоФинист 2024»

Топ новостей на этот час


Правоохранители ищут виновных в лесном пожаре в Московской области

Вильфанд рассказал о приходе бабьего лета в Центральной России в октябре

Не мытьем, так катаньем. Франция мобилизует африканских террористов для борьбы с музыкантами

Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы: традиции и история праздника