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Мособлгаз газифицировал 26-й по счету дом в деревне Назимиха Щелкова

Житель Новой Москвы устроил самосуд над алабаем, покусавшим йорка


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Новости за 21.03.2019

Real Clear World 

Myanmar Military's Massacre Denial Complex

Phelim Kine, Asia Times
The Tatmadaw's announced investigation court' is a brazen attempt to whitewash the crimes it committed against Rohingya in 2017

Real Clear World 

Radical Islam and White Supremacy

Noah Rothman, Commentary
Where is comparing the violent white supremacy that inspired the New Zealand murderer to radical Islam valuable, and where is it not?

Real Clear World 

How Australia Incubated Far-Right Terror

Tim Soutphommasane, New Statesman
No place is immune from the rise of hate and extremism. Not even New Zealand, until now a relative haven from the world's political monstrosities. The deadly terrorist attack on two mosques on 15 March in Christchurch (in which 50 people died and dozens were injured) appalled the world. New Zealand is not renowned for either far-right activity or mass shootings. The attack's Australian dimension has also prompted questions over that country's readiness to combat far-right terrorism. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

Turkish Intervention Could Trigger Syria's 'Second Great War'

A. Zaman, Al Monitor
Mazlum Kobane, the commander in chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, talks to Al-Monitor in an exclusive interview about how the Kurds in northeastern Syria have maintained a complicated network of alliances and why the prospect of Turkish intervention in the region could trigger another war.

Real Clear World 

Whither Europe?

Andrew Michta, RealClearWorld
These are not happy times in Europe. The ongoing spectacle of a British political class hell-bent on performing political seppuku over Brexit continues to dominate the headlines. Regardless of Brexit's final outcome, the damage done to Labour and Conservatives alike will change British politics for decades to come. It will alter party loyalties and shift the baseline expectations of the electorate. Most important, it will permanently color the perception of the elite's competence to govern. Читать дальше...

Real Clear World 

On Brexit, Both Sides Are Losing at the Same Time

Rafael Behr, Guardian
The social and political tensions exposed by the referendum are far from being resolved. This is a dangerous dynamic, writes Guardian columnist Rafael Behr

Real Clear World 

The Decline of Deterrence

Andrew Krepinevich, Hudson Institute
Since the end of World War II, the United States has relied on deterrence as the centerpiece of its defense strategy. Th...

Real Clear World 

Why Demands For a Free Press Are at Center of Serbia's Protests

Z. Csaky, WPR
Serbia's protests have been hard to miss even if you don't follow news and politics out of the Balkans. For more than three months, thousands of demonstrators have taken to the streets of Belgrade and other Serbian cities to demand free and fair elections, an end to violent attacks against politicians and journalists and investigations into them, and more independent and unbiased reporting in the country.

Real Clear World 

Catalan Independence Trial Widens Spain's Divides

Ralph Bunche, EU Observer
What is really needed is not the theatre of a rebellion trial, but a forensic examination of whether public funds were misused, and a process of dialogue and negotiation on how the Catalan peoples' right to self-determination can be satisfied.

Real Clear World 

The Saudi Lie

Madawi Al-Rasheed, London Review of Books
The reputation of Saudi Arabia in the West never high sank to a terrible low after 9/11, its name synonymous with terrorism, radical religious teachings, persistent gender inequality and stumbling economic development. The accession of King Salman in 2015 was cautiously welcomed but . . .

Real Clear World 

The Rise of Unfreedom in the West

Andrew Michta, The American Interest
Our tradition of free debate, the sine qua non of democratic life, is increasingly under attack in academia, the media, and politics.

Real Clear World 

Bercow, Brexit and the Battle For Sovereignty

Alex Massie, CapX
John Bercow is an acquired taste that, despite years of trying, many people have failed to acquire. Even his admirers allow that their estimation of his character and conduct is trifling when set beside the Speaker's own. He gives every impression of enjoying himself a little bit more than is entirely seemly; the parliamentary equivalent

Real Clear World 

Brexit: All We Know Is That Something Has to Happen

Stephen Bush, New Statesman
Erskine May beats Theresa May: John Bercow has announced he will prevent the Prime Minister from holding a third meaningful vote, citing the rule that parliament should not be asked to decide upon the same question in a single session. The Speaker has said that barring substantial change though exactly what substantial means in this context is unclear there will not be another meaningful vote. How unprecedented is it? Not at all.

Real Clear World 

Kazakhstan: The Man Who Will Be President

Who is the man that Kazakhstan's outgoing president, Nursultan Nazarbayev, who resigned on March 19, has handpicked as his interim (and maybe longer-term) successor?

Real Clear World 

Nazarbayev Shows Putin a Path to Keeping Power

Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg View
Nazarbayev is stepping down but will keep control of key governing institutions. The Russian leader could follow his example.

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Подешевело в 2 раза: назван сезон, когда туры в Египет фантастически упали в цене - ещё можно успеть

Парализуют глистов: врач Садыков подтвердил пользу тыквенных семян

В филиале «Забайкальский» подвели итоги первого этапа конкурса «Лучший по профессии - 2024».

Bottega Veneta, коллекция весна-лето 2025

Спорт в России и мире

Александр Зверев снялся с турнира ATP-500 в Пекине

Медведев в составе сборной Европы завоевал Кубок Лейвера

Касаткина проиграла Хаддад-Майе в финале турнира WTA 500 в Сеуле

51 год назад прошла «Битва полов» между Билли Джин Кинг и Бобби Риггсом


CorpSoft24 приняла участие в запуске Центра Технологий 1С

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В Екатеринбурге показали, как будет выглядеть обновленный сквер Бориса Рыжего

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Топ новостей на этот час


«Ну что, Филя, шах и мат!»: Любовь Успенская ликует после победы в суде над Киркоровым

Сотрудник серпуховского лесничества стал лучшим на областном конкурсе

Водитель такси сбил трех человек на пешеходном переходе на западе Москвы

В округе Шаховская реализован на торгах самый бюджетный участок за неделю