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Caitlin Clark and Iowa's path in the NCAA Tournament won't be an easy one, but it could be legendary

We could be getting a national championship rematch between LSU and Iowa...in a regional final game. That's insane.

This is For The Win’s daily newsletter, The Morning Win. Did a friend recommend or forward this to you? If so, subscribe here. Have feedback? Leave your questions, comments and concerns through this brief reader survey! Now, here’s Mike Sykes.

Gooood morning, Winners! Happy Monday! Thanks for locking in with the Morning Win today. We appreciate you here.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year again. March Madness is here! Mid-day basketball, folks! I love it. It takes me back to my high school days when nearly every teacher would roll out that TV and turn the games on mute so we could all watch and skip out on a day of classwork.

Our FTW team did a fantastic job covering everything on Selection Sunday. You should take a beat and read more here:

Here’s Charles Curtis with the first four out and the last four in the men’s tournament

— Mitchell Northam has winners and losers from the women’s bracket here

— Here’s Blake Schuster with winners and losers from the men’s bracket here

Andrew Joseph has tournament snubs here

There’s lots to digest there. For me, the biggest reveal on Sunday was just how stacked the Albany Region is in the women’s tournament. That’s where Iowa and Caitlin Clark are seeded and it won’t be a cakewalk.

To be honest, I’m not completely sure Iowa will make it out. Here’s USA Today’s Nancy Armour with on Iowa’s path.

“There’s a potential Sweet 16 matchup with Kansas State, which Iowa has already played twice this season, losing at home and winning on a neutral court. A rematch of last year’s national title game against LSU looms in the regional final. If it’s not Angel Reese and the Tigers, then it likely will be second-seeded UCLA, which is battle tested after the bruising Pac-12 season.”

Folks, that’s a potential national championship rematch … in a regional final. That’s if LSU can make it there as a No. 3 seed. I get why Kim Mulkey is upset about LSU’s ranking. That’s a tough spot for a talented team.

IT’S BRACKET MADNESS: Enter USA TODAY’s NCAA tournament bracket contest for a chance at $1 million prize

All eyes will be glued on Iowa for obvious reasons. This is a moment for that team. It’s the moment for Clark. Everyone has debated where she ranks all-time in college basketball and whether she has any true claim to being considered the greatest of all time. I don’t have a definitive answer. I don’t think anyone does. We probably never will. The debate is too subjective.

But I’ll tell you what. If Iowa can make it to another final out of that region unscathed? That’s definitely going to add to Clark’s resume. Especially if it results in a championship.

I can’t wait to watch this all unfold.

Skipping the NIT is wack

John's Red Storm head coach Rick Pitino yells out instructions in the first half against the Seton Hall Pirates at UBS Arena

Mandatory Credit: Wendell Cruz-USA TODAY Sports

Nobody has ever been excited about playing in the NIT. I understand that. It’s the consolation prize for a mediocre season.

But, man. I’m sorry. Declining an invitation to the NIT is so wack to me. Seven men’s teams, including St. John’s and Rick Pitino, did just that after missing out on the NCAA tournament.

This is a selfish decision for coaches and programs. They skip the NIT because their programs are supposed to be too good for it. They’re above playing in it. They don’t participate to keep it off the school’s resume. It’s a blemish.

But they’re actually depriving their athletes of another opportunity to play basketball. And some of them will never play again, as Tom Crean so astutely points out here:

“Give your players and coaches a chance to keep coaching and playing, and don’t short change. If a guy doesn’t want to play, go sit down. If a coach doesn’t want to coach, go recruit. But there’s gotta be enough people to put five, six, seven people on the floor and go play. Makes absolutely zero sense to me.”

The NIT is an opportunity for someone. Vanity isn’t a good enough reason to deprive anyone of that. These teams and their coaches need to get over themselves.

An incredible shot

Mandatory Credit: Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports

Obviously, with it being Selection Sunday and all, plenty went on the back burner yesterday in the sports world.

But this Kyrie Irving game-winning shot managed to break through and rightfully so. Because, fam. This is one of the toughest shots I think I’ve ever seen in my life.

A running hook with the left hand over Nikola Jokic’s extended arm?!? I mean, come on, y’all. This is unreal.

This is why nobody wants to see the Mavericks in the playoffs. One second, you’re dealing with Luka Doncic in the pick-and-roll, doing whatever he wants. Then he swings the ball to the perimeter and you’re dealing with that. 

Good luck, Western Conference.

Quick hits: Lock in on March Madness … The key to a successful bracket … and more

— Here’s the schedule for the first round of the men’s tournament from Charles Curtis.

— Blake Schuster has a compelling reason why you should keep picking against Purple teams this March.

— Here’s Mitchell Northam with three pretty big snubs for the women’s tournament.

— Ben Fawkes has the best bets on the tournament for you here.

— And Prince Grimes has a potential Cinderella for you from each region of the men’s bracket here.

That’s all, folks! Thanks so much for reading TMW today. We appreciate you. Have a fantastic week! Let’s chat again tomorrow. Peace. We out.

-Sykes ✌

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