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Синоптик Ильин предупредил москвичей о падении атмосферного давления 1 мая

«Единая Россия» поздравила сотрудников скорой помощи с профессиональным праздником

ТАСС: активисты устроили пикет у здания суда, заседающего по делу Евгении Гуцул

В РФ утвердили правила получения статуса для художников-ювелиров


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Новости за 16.04.2024


Korean skincare facepacks to make your skin glow

Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor are a beautiful couple. People love them and want to see them married soon. They have been dating each other for a while now and have a huge fan following. Everyone wants to know when will the couple take their relationship forward. Malaika was earlier married to Arbaaz Khan and they have a son too. Arhaan Khan is a big man now and Malaika-Arbaaz have been co-parenting. They have raised him well and Malaika shares a good bond with her son. She is often spotted with... Читать дальше...


Top 10 new-age Malayalam movies to watch on Hotstar and other OTT

Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor are a beautiful couple. People love them and want to see them married soon. They have been dating each other for a while now and have a huge fan following. Everyone wants to know when will the couple take their relationship forward. Malaika was earlier married to Arbaaz Khan and they have a son too. Arhaan Khan is a big man now and Malaika-Arbaaz have been co-parenting. They have raised him well and Malaika shares a good bond with her son. She is often spotted with... Читать дальше...


Top 8 films on OTT that got rejected badly by the audience

Malaika Arora and Arjun Kapoor are a beautiful couple. People love them and want to see them married soon. They have been dating each other for a while now and have a huge fan following. Everyone wants to know when will the couple take their relationship forward. Malaika was earlier married to Arbaaz Khan and they have a son too. Arhaan Khan is a big man now and Malaika-Arbaaz have been co-parenting. They have raised him well and Malaika shares a good bond with her son. She is often spotted with... Читать дальше...


Top 9 films on OTT that give a new approach to life

Abhishek Kumar and Ayesha Khan's recent outing in town for the promotion of their amazing song "Khali Bottle" was really something! These two talented individuals were in the spotlight throughout Bigg Boss Season 17, especially when it came to their personal lives. During the show, they shared an incredible bond, and fans were eagerly waiting to see them together. Finally, their music album "Khali Bottle" has been released, and let me tell you, it's filled with their sizzling chemistry and incredible talent! Читать дальше...


Top 11 must-watch Korean dramas that are based on webtoons

Abhishek Kumar and Ayesha Khan's recent outing in town for the promotion of their amazing song "Khali Bottle" was really something! These two talented individuals were in the spotlight throughout Bigg Boss Season 17, especially when it came to their personal lives. During the show, they shared an incredible bond, and fans were eagerly waiting to see them together. Finally, their music album "Khali Bottle" has been released, and let me tell you, it's filled with their sizzling chemistry and incredible talent! Читать дальше...


Top 8 celebs with multiple hidden talents

Abhishek Kumar and Ayesha Khan's recent outing in town for the promotion of their amazing song "Khali Bottle" was really something! These two talented individuals were in the spotlight throughout Bigg Boss Season 17, especially when it came to their personal lives. During the show, they shared an incredible bond, and fans were eagerly waiting to see them together. Finally, their music album "Khali Bottle" has been released, and let me tell you, it's filled with their sizzling chemistry and incredible talent! Читать дальше...


Top 8 superhit Bollywood films you can't miss on OTT if you are a movie lover

Abhishek Kumar and Ayesha Khan's recent outing in town for the promotion of their amazing song "Khali Bottle" was really something! These two talented individuals were in the spotlight throughout Bigg Boss Season 17, especially when it came to their personal lives. During the show, they shared an incredible bond, and fans were eagerly waiting to see them together. Finally, their music album "Khali Bottle" has been released, and let me tell you, it's filled with their sizzling chemistry and incredible talent! Читать дальше...


Korean hair care tips that can grow hair faster

Abhishek Kumar and Ayesha Khan's recent outing in town for the promotion of their amazing song "Khali Bottle" was really something! These two talented individuals were in the spotlight throughout Bigg Boss Season 17, especially when it came to their personal lives. During the show, they shared an incredible bond, and fans were eagerly waiting to see them together. Finally, their music album "Khali Bottle" has been released, and let me tell you, it's filled with their sizzling chemistry and incredible talent! Читать дальше...


Korean beauty steps for everyday routine

Anushka Sharma is back from London with her kids Akaay Kohli and Vamika Kohli. The paparazzi hit lucky and even managed to have a glimpse of the newborn baby Akaay. The paparazzi posted the update of Anushka being back in town and how she insisted they not click on her as she was with her kids but promised that she would soon meet them. As the news is out that Anushka is back, fans are excited to see her soon cheer for hubby Virat Kohli. Akaay who was born on February 15, 2024, is just two months old and is a carbon copy of his mom... Читать дальше...

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


Лесной пожар ликвидировали в Луховицах

Фархутдинов поблагодарил Путина за наличие российского гимна и флага на ЧЕ по боксу

Началось. Цены на квартиры уже меняются

Кратко про арестованную подмосковную чиновницу Стригункову, курировавшую блок здравоохранения

Музыкальные новости

Овчинников: «Зенит» психологически не готов драться за титул РПЛ

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о развитии авиастроения

Вечная любовь Валерия Гаркалина

Apple возобновляет переговоры с OpenAI о внедрении функций ИИ в iPhone

Новости России

Михаил Булгаков спустя почти 100 лет сумел сказать правду о посольстве США. Благодаря ошибке посла Линн Трейси

Мацуев скептически высказался о новичке «Спартака» Угальде

The Wall Street Journal: В НАТО считают маловероятным прямое вторжение России в страну альянса

Хиддинк назвал мудрым решение «Зенита» продлить контракт с Семаком

Экология в России и мире

Оксана Федорова представит премьеру фильма «Петербург Шаляпина и Рахманинова» на выставке-форуме «Россия»

6 городов России, где можно увидеть белые ночи кроме Санкт-Петербурга

Продвижение новой музыки и ваших хитов на радио и в интернете

Серфинг в России 2024: места, где можно поймать волну

Спорт в России и мире

Россиянка Полина Михайлова стала чемпионкой Франции по настольному теннису

Шиманович пробилась в ⅛ финала теннисного турнира в Сен-Мало

Названы победительницы матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за четвертьфинал турнира в Мадриде

Соболенко вышла в ⅛ финала турнира WTA в Мадриде



Глава МИД Армении: Ереван и Москва работают над решением проблем в отношениях

Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Топ новостей на этот час


Кратко про арестованную подмосковную чиновницу Стригункову, курировавшую блок здравоохранения

В Троицке сотрудники прокуратуры и Почты РФ высадили саженцы сосны в бору

"У него бомба!": Пассажиры на Боровицкой испугались мужчину с рюкзаком

The Wall Street Journal: В НАТО считают маловероятным прямое вторжение России в страну альянса