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Экс-участница «Фабрики звёзд» поделилась подробностями родов в туалете кафе

В Троицке сотрудники прокуратуры и Почты РФ высадили саженцы сосны в бору

«Июнь и июль будут сумасшедшими». Синоптики сказали, к чему готовиться

«Торпедо» объявило об уходе хоккеистов Кручинина, Бауи и Малова


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Новости за 05.04.2024


Top 7 banned films that became classic cults to stream on YouTube, Amazon Prime Video and more OTT

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan: The Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff starrer is all set to hit theaters on 10th April 2024. Although the trailer has received a humongous response and people are certainly quite excited for the release of the film, one cannot also underestimate the box office pressure on the film. Both Akshay and Tiger, although renowned actors, have had their last few films fail miserably at the box office. In such a scenario, how is the captain of the ship, director Ali Abbas Zafar, dealing with the box office pressure... Читать дальше...


Top 10 Hindi dark comedy movies streaming on Prime Video and other OTT

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan: The Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff starrer is all set to hit theaters on 10th April 2024. Although the trailer has received a humongous response and people are certainly quite excited for the release of the film, one cannot also underestimate the box office pressure on the film. Both Akshay and Tiger, although renowned actors, have had their last few films fail miserably at the box office. In such a scenario, how is the captain of the ship, director Ali Abbas Zafar, dealing with the box office pressure... Читать дальше...


Top 7 serial killer movies to watch on Netflix this weekend

Bade Miyan Chote Miyan: The Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff starrer is all set to hit theaters on 10th April 2024. Although the trailer has received a humongous response and people are certainly quite excited for the release of the film, one cannot also underestimate the box office pressure on the film. Both Akshay and Tiger, although renowned actors, have had their last few films fail miserably at the box office. In such a scenario, how is the captain of the ship, director Ali Abbas Zafar, dealing with the box office pressure... Читать дальше...


Top 9 best vampire films to watch on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and more OTT

Sara Ali Khan recently had an exclusive interview where she was asked about competition with other actresses. Her response was truly inspiring. She emphasized that everyone has their own unique personality and it's important to stay true to yourself. Sara believes that no one else can be like you, so there's no need to change who you are. She also mentioned that regardless of whether people perceive her as good or bad, she remains true to herself because there's no one else quite like her. Sara... Читать дальше...


Before Kaleen Bhaiya of Mirzapur 3, a look at the best villains of web series and films that stole hearts

Sara Ali Khan recently had an exclusive interview where she was asked about competition with other actresses. Her response was truly inspiring. She emphasized that everyone has their own unique personality and it's important to stay true to yourself. Sara believes that no one else can be like you, so there's no need to change who you are. She also mentioned that regardless of whether people perceive her as good or bad, she remains true to herself because there's no one else quite like her. Sara... Читать дальше...


Before Panchayat 3 releases, a look at Jitendra Kumar's net worth, charges per films and much more

Sara Ali Khan recently had an exclusive interview where she was asked about competition with other actresses. Her response was truly inspiring. She emphasized that everyone has their own unique personality and it's important to stay true to yourself. Sara believes that no one else can be like you, so there's no need to change who you are. She also mentioned that regardless of whether people perceive her as good or bad, she remains true to herself because there's no one else quite like her. Sara... Читать дальше...


Top 7 forgotten underrated thriller films to watch on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and more OTT

Sara Ali Khan recently had an exclusive interview where she was asked about competition with other actresses. Her response was truly inspiring. She emphasized that everyone has their own unique personality and it's important to stay true to yourself. Sara believes that no one else can be like you, so there's no need to change who you are. She also mentioned that regardless of whether people perceive her as good or bad, she remains true to herself because there's no one else quite like her. Sara... Читать дальше...


Top 7 best Indian crime thrillers with major twists in plots to watch on Amazon Prime Video, Netflix and more OTT

Sara Ali Khan recently had an exclusive interview where she was asked about competition with other actresses. Her response was truly inspiring. She emphasized that everyone has their own unique personality and it's important to stay true to yourself. Sara believes that no one else can be like you, so there's no need to change who you are. She also mentioned that regardless of whether people perceive her as good or bad, she remains true to herself because there's no one else quite like her. Sara... Читать дальше...

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Новости от наших партнёров в Вашем городе


«Волонтеры Победы» и «Единая Россия» поздравили ветеранов с наступающим Днем Победы

Преподаватель из Пскова приняла участие в финале Большой игры имени Льва Выготского в Москве

«Июнь и июль будут сумасшедшими». Синоптики сказали, к чему готовиться

Прокуратура Москвы: школьница попала в больницу после наезда электросамоката

Музыкальные новости

В Пулково прокомментировали запрет на упаковку багажа в пищевую пленку

Пожарную технику на базе «КАМАЗа» представили на ВДНХ

Собянин: В Щербинке будут запущены автобусные маршруты к МЦД и соцобъектам

Виктория Боня показала новую прическу с нарощенными волосами за миллион рублей

Новости России

«Волонтеры Победы» и «Единая Россия» поздравили ветеранов с наступающим Днем Победы

Гумпомощь для детского дома в ЛНР отправили из Можайска

Экс-участница «Фабрики звёзд» поделилась подробностями родов в туалете кафе

Пять машин спасателей прибыли к общежитию РУДН после сообщения о взрыве

Экология в России и мире

«1418»: выставка секции «Арт-фото» ТСХР в зале «Лаврушинский`15»

Театр, искуство, Россия и дети: кукольная фотосессия в Бурятии

В российских регионах в 2024 году начнут работу магазины «Петербургского дизайна»

Шапки женские на Wildberries — скидки от 398 руб. (на новые оттенки)

Спорт в России и мире

Андреева обыграла Паолини и вышла в 1/4 финала турнира WTA в Мадриде

Надаль навестил в больнице 16-летнюю российскую теннисистку

Шиманович пробилась в ⅛ финала теннисного турнира в Сен-Мало

Азаренко проиграла в 1/16 финала турнира WTA-1000 в Мадриде


звезды шоу-бизнеса посетили весеннюю неделю моды estet fashion week

Google вложит 2 миллиарда долларов в дата-центр в Индиане

Заря на Колодозере....

Google закрыл дыру в системе безопасности Android TV

Топ новостей на этот час


«Волонтеры Победы» и «Единая Россия» поздравили ветеранов с наступающим Днем Победы

Экс-участница «Фабрики звёзд» поделилась подробностями родов в туалете кафе

Пять машин спасателей прибыли к общежитию РУДН после сообщения о взрыве

ТАСС: МИД России опубликовал корректную версию разговора Лаврова и Мухриддина