"The Tonight Show"/NBC/YouTube
Andy Samberg had a fun gift for Jimmy Fallon when he appeared on Monday's "Tonight Show." He and the other guys behind the movie "Popstar" mentioned the late-night host in every press tour interview they did for the movie.
Press tour interviews can start feeling very repetitive and can become exhausting, so Samberg and his partners — Akiva Schaffer and Jorma Taccone — who make up comedy trio Lonely Island gave themselves something to keep the tour interesting. Читать дальше...
SEOUL, May 17 (Yonhap) -- The fear of a further rise in premiums for the National Pension Fund is spreading among South Korean subscribers after the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) earlier this week recommended Seoul collec
Pilar Olivares
Plans for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro are still underway, despite political upheaval and growing concern over the spreading Zika virus.
With more tourists than hotel rooms available, visitors are looking for alternative housing options. The hostels and private homes in Rio's favelas — shanty towns within the confines of the city — might hold the answer to a more authentic Brazilian experience.
Ahead, take a look at the various hostels and private... Читать дальше...
Tim Cook plays GarageBand with JJ Lin in Beijing using traditional Chinese instruments on the app.
Image credit: The Aviationist / Alessandro Fucito
Everything is stealth in the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor, even the bomb signs….
This is what the top image, taken by The Aviationist’s contributor Alessandro Fucito at RAF Lakenheath at the beginning of May, seems to suggest.
Indeed, the photograph shows one of the 12x F-22s belonging to the 95th FS from Tyndall Air Force Base, Florida, deployed to the UK until May 8, with 15 barely visible bomb markings (and another square sign ... Читать дальше...
Aviso: contém spoilers e sacanagem com todos os times.
Jon Snow é um ótimo guerreiro e quase imbatível, mas virou o jogo e precisou de uma ajudinha externa para conseguir voltar ao seriado.
A volta de Jon para a série configura um "tapetão" igual a evitar o rebaixamento no tribunal? É o que dizem os rivais do Fluminense.
Raphael Evangelista / BuzzFeed Brasil / Via Divulgação
Varys tem o problema de ninguém gostar dele, exceto ele mesmo. Читать дальше...
Ou será que o Mauricio Mattar é a fuça deste cachorro?
Eis a prova.
3,122 curtidas não mentem.
Via Facebook: MelhoresDoTwitter
Ainda em dúvida? Veja esta transformação que poderia estar passando no Programa da Eliana.
Como que pode parecer tanto???
Gaspar José / BuzzFeed Brasil / Via Facebook: MelhoresDoTwitter
Aqui uma imagem para te assombrar pelo resto do dia. Читать дальше...
Ninguém quer ver pornô no Ano-Novo e as atrizes mandam CV para conseguir um papel.
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Elizabeth Shim
SEOUL, May 17 (UPI) -- A band of "gangsters" killed a Christian pastor who assisted North Korean defectors in China, according to a source in North Korea.
Oil futures head higher for a second-straight session, with prices poised to settle at their highest level since early October as traders bet that the recent output disruptions will drawdown the globe’s supply surplus.
ALMELO - De brandweer is dinsdagmiddag uitgerukt om een jongen uit een boom aan het Hackfort in Almelo te halen. Het kind is 's middags in de boom geklommen, maar durfde niet meer naar beneden te komen.
Canada's federal health agency plans to apply for legal access for heroin to be used as a treatment against chronic opioid abuse. Could other countries, including the UK follow?
The scene of an 18-wheeler broken down on Columbia Road near Lewiston Road in Columbia County is clear.
AP Photo/Justin Pritchard
The Mercury News published an investigation this past weekend about a sub-contractor who is alleged to have violated California labor standards in constructing a paint shop for Tesla.
"About 140 workers from Eastern Europe, mostly from Croatia and Slovenia, built a new paint shop at Tesla’s Fremont plant, a project vital to the flagship Silicon Valley automaker’s plans to ramp up production of its highly anticipated Model 3 sedan," Louis Hansen reported.
... Читать дальше...Root beat off competition from fellow nominees Stuart Broad and Ben Stokes for the Test cricket award, with Jos Buttler and David Willey his rivals for the ODI award.
The reports had said that BJP might ask Anandiben Patel to step down as chief minister and projected Nitin Patel as a front-runner for the post, after both of them were in Delhi yesterday.
Melbourne Victory coach Kevin Muscat had called on the club's fans to turn out in force to give their departing stars a real sendoff.
Vakbonden voeren deze week actie op de Franse wegen tegen de nieuwe arbeidswetgeving. De leider van de vakcentrale CGT, Philippe Martinez, zei op de Franse tv dat het er hard aan toe zal gaan.
U.S. oil hits seven-month high as inventory drop seen; caution over Libya
Two people and a dog escaped a boat fire that erupted Tuesday morning in the waters off Leo Carrillo State Beach, officials said.
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Flickr/Lynne Hand
Magic mushrooms, the illegal drug long touted in popular circles for its "mind-freeing" capabilities, might one day have some real benefits for people with severe depression.
That's at least according to several promising studies, the latest of which — a very small pilot study of just 12 people — suggests that the psychoactive ingredient in magic mushrooms, psilocybin, could help alleviate symptoms of depression when administered alongside other forms of more traditional therapy. Читать дальше...