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Подмосковный спортсмен взял серебро по итогам II этапа соревнований по пятиборью

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17 frases que você NUNCA vai ouvir de um ansioso

“É só uma preocupaçãozinha boba, logo passa”

"Vamo, vai estar lotado, vai ser legal".

Hum, definitivamente você nunca vai ouvir isso de um ansioso.


"Nossa, ando com a cabeça tão tranquila".

Pode acontecer, mas é tão raro que provavelmente a pessoa nunca vai verbalizar.


"Não precisa fazer massagem aí não, eu não tenho dor nas costas".

... Читать дальше...


17 séries brasileiras que você precisa dar uma chance

Garantimos que tem muita coisa boa.


Lúdica, a série foi feita para encher os olhos com seu roteiro afiado e elenco para lá de entrosado. Para nossa sorte a segunda temporada já está em produção. Assista aqui.

Rede Globo/Matheus Cabral / Via imprensa.globo.com

"Doce de Mãe"

Com duas temporadas “Doce de Mãe rendeu, merecidamente, um Emmy à Fernanda Montenegro. A série narra as travessuras da divertida e esperta Picucha... Читать дальше...


Watch: Supercut Highlights The Visual Parallels Between 'The Revenant' And The Films Of Andrei Tarkovsky

It’s safe to say now that Alejandro G. Iñárritu’s “The Revenant” is a huge hit. The film has hauled in nearly $150 million domestically and racked up 11 Oscar noms (including Best Picture, Director, Actor, Supporting Actor, and Cinematography). And while this year two other Best Picture nominees (“The Martian” and “Mad Max: Fury Road”) have raked in bigger box office numbers, “The Revenant” is undoubtedly the toughest watch (and let’s not forget it first opened in limited release, which doesn't often... Читать дальше...


Os anúncios no Instagram estão prestes a ficar bem mais longos


Ontem, a T-Mobile lançou seu anúncio do Super Bowl com Drake. O BuzzFeed o descreveu como "perfeito". Hoje, a T-Mobile publicou outra versão do mesmo anúncio no Instagram, e ela é 30 segundos mais longa do que o comercial de TV.

O anúncio com o Drake é o primeiro de dois vídeos promocionais lançados hoje no Instagram que marcam uma mudança para a rede social: ela agora vai estender a duração máxima dos anúncios na plataforma para 60 segundos, em vez de 30. Em outras palavras... Читать дальше...


21 coisas que todos os melhores amigos vão entender

Não se aplica a conhecidos.

Quando alguém diz uma coisa que faz vocês dois lembrarem de uma piada interna:

Twitter: @MoonEmojii

Quando seu amigo precisa ir a algum lugar chato sem você:

Twitter: @Gnarlydolans

Quando vocês pegam coisas um do outro emprestadas com tanta frequência que não sabem mais o que é de quem:


Quando cada um precisa... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

CEO Dauman takes over chair at Viacom, replacing Redstone

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Aging media mogul Sumner Redstone stepped down as executive chairman of Viacom on Thursday and was replaced by CEO Philippe Dauman, a move that immediately disappointed investors. Investment adviser SpringOwl, which holds a stake of undisclosed size in Viacom, had also opposed Dauman's bid for the chairmanship, calling instead for an independent director. Mario Gabelli, whose Gabelli Asset Management Inc. owns 10 percent of Viacom's voting shares, told CNBC on Thursday that Dauman... Читать дальше...

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

Lydia Ko catches up to lead before rain hits LPGA in Florida

OCALA, Fla. (AP) — Lydia Ko played enough golf Thursday to catch up to the lead. She just didn't play enough to finish the rain-delayed second round of the Coates Golf Championship.

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

CBS aims to strike balance with added Super Bowl cameras

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — With some 70 cameras located from the pylons in the end zone to those isolated on single players, the ability to show plays from a 360-degree perspective and tracking tech…

«TDN» (tdn.com) 

CBS aims to strike balance with added Super Bowl cameras

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — With some 70 cameras located from the pylons in the end zone to those isolated on single players, the ability to show plays from a 360-degree perspective and tracking tech…

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

CBS aims to strike balance with added Super Bowl cameras

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — With some 70 cameras located from the pylons in the end zone to those isolated on single players, the ability to show plays from a 360-degree perspective and tracking technology that determines how fast and far players run, almost no aspect of the Super Bowl will be out of reach for the CBS crew. The job for producer Lance Barrow and director Mike Arnold will be to make sure that all those bells and whistles added for the biggest television event of the year complement, rather than overshadow the football game. Читать дальше...

«The Bismarck Tribune» (bismarcktribune.com) 

CBS aims to strike balance with added Super Bowl cameras

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — With some 70 cameras located from the pylons in the end zone to those isolated on single players, the ability to show plays from a 360-degree perspective and tracking tech…

«Albany Democrat Herald» (democratherald.com) 

Service Notice

Dennis Harold Hermans, 71, of Portland, formerly of Lebanon, died, Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2016. A graveside service will be at 12 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, at Evergreen Memorial Park, McMinnville. Arr…

«Gazette Times» (gazettetimes.com) 

Multi-Ethnic Media Coalition wants full Hollywood diversity

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Organizations representing Hispanics, Asian-Americans and Native Americans, who joined with the NAACP in 2000 to increase minority hiring in the TV industry, are broadening …


Tom Brady, 39 other Super Bowl MVPs expected to attend pregame ceremony Sunday

Before the start of Super Bowl 50, the NFL is holding a ceremony to honor the previous Super Bowl MVPs on the field at Levi’s Stadium. Tom Brady has won three of those awards, but his ongoing legal battle with the league over Deflategate has led some, including Brady’s father, to wonder if he’d take…

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В Химках обновляют Дом быта на Юбилейном проспекте

Тренды в страховании: цифровизация, новые опции и рост интереса населения

Мария Багреева: нацпроект сэкономил 1,7 млрд руб. московским строителям

Рябков назвал провокацией США обвинения в запуске Россией противоспутникового оружия

Музыкальные новости

Минское «Динамо» одолело «Шахтер» на финише 9-го тура чемпионата Беларуси

Собянин рассказал о Международном форуме инноваций БРИКС

Футболисты ФК «Динамо Пушкино» заняли второе место в межрегиональном турнире Laffy Cup 2024

Июньские дни духовности: Православные праздники месяца от ясновидящей Галины Янко

Новости России

Открытие турнира «Кубок города Москвы по женскому любительскому футболу» состоялся в ТиНАО

Мошенники взялись за участников СВО и их родных

Депутат Мособлдумы: «Единая Россия» перед выдвижением кандидатов советуется с жителями

Преимущества проекта «Предшкола» назвали в Подмосковье

Экология в России и мире

"Возрождение интереса к народному искусству и ремеслам в современном мире"

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

Пациенты больницы принял участие в фестивале

В Астрахани прошли мероприятия, посвящённые Дню Победы

Спорт в России и мире

Экс‑теннисистка Джорджи обвиняется в краже мебели и ковров на €100 тысяч — СМИ

Новаку Джоковичу исполнилось 37 лет в Швейцарии | Виды спорта

Немец Зверев выбил россиянина Медведева из топ-4 ATP

Рахимова прошла во второй круг турнира WTA в Рабате на отказе Таунсенд


В деле об убийстве в Екатеринбурге шестилетнего мальчика появился третий фигурант

Новые наушники Nothing Ear и Ear (a) уже доступны

Черёмуховая сказка Холмогорья

Сотрудник Дубненского отдела вневедомственной охраны Главного управления Росгвардии по Московской области встретился с учащимися МОУ СОШ №1

Топ новостей на этот час


Россия не получала приглашения на празднование 80-летия высадки в Нормандии

График движения поездов изменится на Рижском и Савеловском направлениях 25–26 мая

Мошенники взялись за участников СВО и их родных

Строители завершают возведение третьего этажа детсада на 320 детей в Химках