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Гадюка подколодная. Эксперт объяснил, как выжить при встрече со змеей

Субботняя погода в Москве побила дождливый рекорд за всю историю метеонаблюдений

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An aspiring engineer went viral on TikTok for turning countries' coronavirus graphs into virtual roller coasters

  • TikTok user Aidan Caroll is going viral after posting a video of roller coaster simulations matching the graphs of coronavirus cases in several countries. 
  • The "Roner Coasters," Caroll told Insider, were intended to be a break from his more serious design projects in a roller coaster simulation program. 
  • In just two days, the video racked up over 4 million views.
  • Commenters are demanding that Caroll create more. 
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories. Читать дальше...


Planned Parenthood: We Kill 247 Black Babies in Abortions Every Day, But “That’s Not Black Genocide”

The Planned Parenthood abortion chain is not used to getting negative publicity from celebrities. But rapper Kanye West is one of the biggest names in the entertainment industry, and, this week, he blasted the billion-dollar abortion group as a “white supremacist” organization that is doing “the Devil’s work.” “I am pro-life because I’m following the […]

New York Post 

Mets find creative way to get fans into Citi Field this season

There will be paying fans at Citi Field this year, after all. Well, at least paying fans’ cardboard equivalents. The Mets finally are offering refunds to all 2020 games (as are the Yankees, with both teams updating their policies on Monday), yet season-ticket holders who opt instead for 2021 credit learned Wednesday, in an email...

SailingForums: Capri/Catalina 14 Talk 

J24 Sail Set- Used One Regatta

Selling J24 sails used for one light air event, as a set or separate, main, genoa and spin. New condition. Can ship.

Deseret Morning News Web Edition 

What the first night in the NBA’s Orlando bubble looked like for the Utah Jazz

Dennis Lindsey, Utah Jazz general manager, talks to members of the media at the Zions Bank Basketball Center in Salt Lake City on Thursday, April 25, 2019. | Deeret News

The Jazz have officially arrived at the “bubble” in Orlando, where the 2019-20 NBA season will resume, one of several topics executive vice president of basketball operations Dennis Lindsey and general manager Justin Zanik discussed Wednesday.

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Calgary Herald 

Hail damage in northeast Calgary hits $1.2B, fourth costliest natural disaster in Canadian history

The massive hailstorm that struck Calgary and area on June 13 is officially the fourth most expensive natural disaster in Canadian history, with insured damages pegged at almost $1.2 billion. According to Catastrophe Indices and Quantification Inc. (CatIQ), the storm — which shredded siding and pounded cars, particularly in hardest-hit northeast Calgary — is the […]

TheSun.co.uk (football) 

Millwall, Middlesbrough, QPR and Wigan opt not to take a knee before kick-off for Black Lives Matter movement

MILLWALL, Middlesbrough, QPR and Wigan opted against taking a knee before their Championship matches on Wednesday night. Sports stars around the globe have been dropping to one knee before matches in support of the Black Lives Matter campaign. Earlier on Wednesday, England’s cricket stars took a knee along with opponents West Indies ahead of the […]

The Gateway Pundit 

“I’m Just Saying” – Hillary Clinton Laughs as She Takes Veiled Shot at Trump’s Coronavirus Response (VIDEO)

Hillary Clinton crawled out of her hole to attack President Trump’s Coronavirus response. Clinton on Tuesday appeared as a special guest on PBS’s The Vote: A Conversation On Women’s Suffrage. Hillary posted the snarky video clip of herself to Twitter on Wednesday. She laughed as she took a veiled shot at Trump and argued how…

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We Need to Uproot Racism From the Top. It’s the Right Thing to Do

Confronting systemic racism must start at the top. Otherwise, it will persist with every leader who looks the other way. Every leader who checks a box. Every leader who thinks it's their company's responsibility to address it--and not their own. As leaders, this is not the time to stay silent. It's about action that starts...

Committee to Protect Journalists 

Russian journalist Ivan Safronov charged with treason; journalists arrested at protests for his release

New York, July 8, 2020 – Russian authorities should release journalist Ivan Safronov immediately, drop the charges against him, and allow the press to cover his case freely, the Committee to Protect Journalists said today. Yesterday, Russian Federal Security Service officers detained Safronov near his Moscow apartment and charged him with high treason for allegedly...

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Песков заявил об испуге США после слов Дуды о ядерном оружии в Польше

Субботняя погода в Москве побила дождливый рекорд за всю историю метеонаблюдений

Синоптик Шувалов рассказал о похолодании в Москве

Лесные пожары в Сибири обошлись Китаю и Японии в десятки миллиардов долларов

Музыкальные новости

Байден: США делают все возможное для возвращения Гершковича и Уилана

Из Петербурга в Москву. Эксперты вступились за аэропорт Пулково

В Орле определился победитель Чемпионата Черноземья по хоккею с шайбой

Более 100 студентов посетило СЛД Курск в рамках акции «Неделя без турникетов»

Новости России

Синоптик Шувалов рассказал о похолодании в Москве

Общеобластной субботник прошел во всех микрорайонах Химок

«Деньги обесценятся уже точно»: эксперт назвал сроки обвала сбережений

Субботняя погода в Москве побила дождливый рекорд за всю историю метеонаблюдений

Экология в России и мире

Дом, милый дом: участки под строительство от компании Родные земли, цены, отзывы

Морской кокос во благо красоты

Шапки женские вязаные на Wildberries, 2024 — новый цвет от 392 руб. (модель 466)

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Спорт в России и мире

Рублёв победил Давидович-Фокину в 3-м круге «Мастерса» в Мадриде, отыгравшись с 0:5 на тай-брейке

Прямая трансляция матчей Рыбакиной и Путинцевой за выход в 1/8 финала турнира в Мадриде

Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде

Кто отец Дианы Джокович?


До 17 лет тюрьмы – автоподставщики и страховые мошенники всё реже уходят от ответственности в Хабаровском крае

Сотрудники спецподразделений столичного главка Росгвардии окончили обучение в Центре профподготовки в Подмосковье

Совместные учения сотрудников Росгвардии и МЧС прошли в Москве

"Ущерба машине на несколько сотен тысяч рублей"

Топ новостей на этот час


Кадыров готовится к бегству из Чечни - СМИ

Субботняя погода в Москве побила дождливый рекорд за всю историю метеонаблюдений

Песков заявил об испуге США после слов Дуды о ядерном оружии в Польше

Завирусившийся «Олененок» и еще три удивительных сериала из Великобритании