Leader of Congress party in Lok Sabha, Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, on Thursday said that he requested to Union Home Minister Amit Shah to take steps so that patients, students and migrant workers of West Bengal, who are now stranded in various states, can return home. Chowdhury also alleged that the Mamata Banerjee government in West Bengal was not keen on getting these people of the state back. The Congress eader said that Shah has assured him that he will talk to the West Bengal chief minister in this regard. Читать дальше...
The nation has come together once again for a seventh week to applaud our dedicated NHS staff and care workers who put themselves at risk to tackle coronavirus every day
RANGERS insist they “will not be bullied into silence” after the SPFL rubbished the 200-page dossier they compiled against league bosses. A league statement said that a cursory read of the whopping document had shown not a “shred of evidence” to justify the claims of coercion and bullying they had made against SPFL bosses. But […]
It's not a question that COVID-19 has devastated multiple industries, but maybe one of the hardest hit has been travel and hospitality. While it might be hard to answer the question of should these brands be working on advertising right now, there is room for some thoughtful post-pandemic vacation messaging.
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) - Michigan coach Jim Harbaugh is pushing for a change that would allow football players to enter the NFL draft after one year in college.
Читать дальше...Serie C 2019/2020 - Matchday 23 - Played 26-Jan-20 - Posted by Hce
A Georgia man who was arrested for battery after he was involved in a confrontation for not wearing a mask at a gas station, now says there’s more to the story, according to a report from the Herald&Review. Tim Walker, 59, allegedly pushed a gas station employee on Friday whom he claimed was harassing him. The […]
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The US Senate on Thursday failed to get the majority of votes needed to override President Donald Trump's veto of the bipartisan Iran War Powers Resolution.
The History channel says it is making a documentary series on the American presidency that former President Bill Clinton will help shape and participate in
Pinterest teamed up with Shopify to create an application via the Shopify platform that enables merchants to upload their catalogs to Pinterest and turn products from those catalogs into shoppable product Pins. Pinterest/Shopify The app provides merchants with easy setup and access to distribution across Pinterest, with or without ads, and adding a shop tab...
THURSDAY, May 7, 2020 -- In the scramble to find medicines that beat back COVID-19, researchers from Italy report encouraging results from a small study on a rheumatoid arthritis drug already in use. The drug, anakinra, may help quiet the runaway...
LANSING, Mich. (AP) - Michigan governor says manufacturing workers can return to the job Monday and extends stay-at-home order through May 28.
Are paid cable and linear TV on the way out? The numbers would certainly suggest it. So does this mean companies should spend their advertising dollars on over-the-top (OTT) streaming services and abandon linear TV altogether? The answer is not as simple as advertisers might wish.
Luciana Lira, a bilingual /ESL teacher in Stamford, Connecticut, became a temporary guardian for the baby at the beginning of April.
President Trump is worried that wearing a mask in public could jeopardize his chances of reelection. He was never seen with one. On Tuesday, he visited the Honeywell factory in Arizona, which manufactures N95 masks, but didn’t wear one, despite the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations. According to some sources, he repeatedly “suggested
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Most meats will last for years as long as they’re frozen, but that doesn’t mean they’ll taste as good.
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev has chaired a videoconference on measures to increase the economic potential of districts and cities in Andijan, Navoi and Surkhandarya regions.
The 'Power' was pushed to limit by Suzuki in 'Battle of the Sexes' charity darts match as Anderson has managed to clear all fibre-optic hurdles
The Aye-aye is endangered and on the IUCN red list due to hunting and habitat destruction caused largely by humans setting fi res, illegal logging, making charcoal, as well as agriculture and livestock expansion.
Wing prices have rallied since demand slowed in April and may rise even further with some restaurants reopening.
In today’s top news, Frontier Airlines retracted its $39 “More Room” fee to ensure an empty seat between passengers, and Square released a mixed earnings report. Also, PayPal reported strong earnings that included a record-breaking earnings. Frontier Retracts $39 ‘More Room’ Fee On Flights Denver-headquartered Frontier Airlines is retracting its $39 “More Room” fee that […]