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Ограничения движения в центре Томска 9 Мая продлятся с 00.00 до 18.00

Кожно-венерологический диспансер Подмосковья изменил логотип

Идеальный вариант на выпускной: Анна Пересильд сделала выбор в пользу маленького черного платья

Стало известно, где в России самые дорогие загородные дома

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Новости за 29.05.2020

The Browser 

India, Athens, Eulogies, Tech, Napoleon

The Pillage of India Christopher de Bellaigue | New York Review Of Books | 29th May 2020 Action-packed and often blood-spattered account of British rule in India, drawing first on Anarchy, William Dalrymple’s history of the East India Company, and then on

Raw Story 

RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel repeatedly voted by mail — before suing California for expanding the practice

Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel frequently voted by mail before leading a lawsuit against California over the state’s mail voting expansion, according to voting records. This article originally appeared at Salon.ig McDaniel announced on Sunday that the RNC, the National Republican Congressional Committee and the California Republican Party had sued Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom after he […]


Brit EuroMillions ticket-holder wins £15.2 MILLION jackpot… so was it you?

A UK ticket-holder has won this evening’s £15.2 million EuroMillions jackpot. Players are urged to check their tickets to see if they could be the soon-to-be rich Brit. Tonight’s winning numbers are: 04, 11, 08, 46, 19 and the Lucky Stars are: 04 and 08. The Millionaire Maker Selection winner is: JGSN48624. Tonight’s National Lottery Thunderball winning numbers […]

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Durham chief constable faces probe into her handling of investigation into Dominic Cummings' trip - Daily Mail

  1. Durham chief constable faces probe into her handling of investigation into Dominic Cummings' trip  Daily Mail
  2. Constituents bombard MPs with tens of thousands of emails over Dominic Cummings  The Guardian
  3. Dominic Cummings saga leaves cracked relationship between PM and backbenchers  BBC News
  4. Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson have wrecked something precious  The Guardian
  5. Move on from lies and arrogance? No, let’s reflect  The Guardian
  6. View Full coverage... Читать дальше...

Deseret Morning News Web Edition 

NBA reportedly targeting July 31 return to play, to vote on format next week

NBA commissioner Adam Silver, shown here in 2017, held a call with the league’s Board of Governors on Friday, and according to The Athletic’s Shams Charania, Silver told the group that July 31 is a target date for play to resume. | Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

NBA commissioner Adam Silver held a call with the league’s Board of Governors on Friday, and according to The Athletic’s Shams Charania, Silver told the group that July 31 is a target date for play to resume.

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Japan Today 

Trunk line

People visit the Ichihara Elephant Kingdom zoo in Ichihara, Chiba Prefecture, on Friday. The zoo reopened after a coronavirus state of emergency was lifted in the prefecture earlier…

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (ru) 

Former PM Theresa May says Dominic Cummings had not 'followed spirit' of lockdown guidance - ITV News

  1. Former PM Theresa May says Dominic Cummings had not 'followed spirit' of lockdown guidance  ITV News
  2. Cummings didn't break rules and it’s right Boris didn’t sack him, says CAROLE MALONE  Express
  3. Cummings' trip to Barnard Castle sees increase in searches for accommodation there rise 160 per cent  Daily Mail
  4. Dominic Cummings and Boris Johnson have wrecked something precious  The Guardian
  5. Letters: Durham Police have put the tin lid on the Dominic Cummings affair... Читать дальше...

The Daily Star 

Minneapolis cop who knelt on handcuffed black man arrested

The police officer seen on video kneeling on the neck of George Floyd, a handcuffed black man who died in custody after pleading that he could not breathe, was arrested Friday after three days of often-violent protests that resulted in fires and looting across parts of Minneapolis.

BigNewsNetwork.com (sports) 

Community centers to reopen Wednesday

Douglas County Community Services announced the reopening of the Valley Gymnasium and fitness facility in Gardnerville across from Lampe Park and at Kahle Community Center effective Wednesday. Fitness


Podcast 249: Stephen Dash of Credible

In today’s world to build a success intermediary business you have to be able to add obvious value to the consumer. While some consumers are happy to shop around for the best deal many want someone else to do the legwork for them. And if that legwork guarantees them the best deal then you can […]

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New York Post 

SpaceX prototype vehicle explodes during engine test

A SpaceX launch vehicle prototype burst into flames during a test at a Texas launchpad Friday afternoon — a day before the company hopes to send two NASA astronauts into space on another craft in Florida, according to reports and footage of the explosion. The vehicle erupted soon after a trial known as a static...


Yeti's new Tundra 45 is the gold standard of hard-sided coolers, but its high price isn't for everyone

  • Yeti's manufactured some of the industry's best hard coolers for years, perfect for camping, fishing, rafting, and just about any outdoor activity. 
  • The brand announced a new line of Tundra hard coolers that are capable of keeping ice for multiple days, despite how hot it gets outside, are rated as being bear-resistant, and come in a variety of sizes. 
  • I tested the Yeti Tundra 45 to see how it stacks up to the brand's other hard coolers and liked its durability, heavy-duty construction, and large capacity. Читать дальше...

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В Хакасии выбрали победителя конкурса «Воспитатель года»

Закрытие 46-го Московского международного кинофестиваля

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Столичные врачи спасли от разрыва аорты пациента в критическом состоянии

Музыкальные новости

Путешествовать по России в майские праздники будут 2,8 миллиона туристов

Расплата за расточительство! ФК «Оренбург» на домашнем поле уступил ФК «Динамо» (Москва) – 1:2

Было бы сесть предложено // Александр Шохин с почестями принял на своем съезде Владимира Путина

Росгвардия обеспечила правопорядок во время футбольного матча «ЦСКА» - «Спартак» в Москве

Новости России

Губернатор Петербурга поблагодарил Путина за организацию выставки-форума «Россия»

Иванов за время работы в МО купил дом в 1,5 тыс. кв. метров и раритетный лимузин

Столичные врачи спасли от разрыва аорты пациента в критическом состоянии

Стало известно, где в России самые дорогие загородные дома

Экология в России и мире

Отдых во имя открытий

В Москве состоится уникальный конкурс, сочетающий красоту и интеллект «Мисс Право»

585*ЗОЛОТОЙ» дарит украшения за установку мобильного приложения

«Искусство объединяет мир»: российские художники приняли участие в Венецианской биеннале-2024

Спорт в России и мире

Потапова всухую обыграла Шнайдер в 1-м круге турнира в Мадриде

Кто отец Дианы Джокович?

Арина Соболенко призналась в том, что не любит женский теннис

Линетт сыграет против Соболенко во втором круге турнира WTA в Мадриде


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Жёсткие экологические требования решат инновационные энерготехнологии

Военные следователи провели в Судаке проверку лиц, не вставших на воинский учет

"Ущерба машине на несколько сотен тысяч рублей"

Топ новостей на этот час


Ограничения движения в центре Томска 9 Мая продлятся с 00.00 до 18.00

Иванов за время работы в МО купил дом в 1,5 тыс. кв. метров и раритетный лимузин

Стало известно, где в России самые дорогие загородные дома

Нокаут от Русской Кувалды: Кудряшов сокрушил Робутти в первом раунде