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UFC 254: Khabib retires in tears for late father after choking Justin Gaethje unconscious in brutal two-round demolition

KHABIB NURMAGOMEDOV was reduced to tears as demolished Justin Gaethje in his first fight since the loss of his influential father. And the unbeaten lightweight king shocked the world by announcing his RETIREMENT from UFC. Khabib, 32, reigned supreme against Gaethje, three months after dad Abdulmanap passed away aged 57 due to coronavirus. Nurmagomedov forced […]

KHABIB NURMAGOMEDOV was reduced to tears as demolished Justin Gaethje in his first fight since the loss of his influential father.

And the unbeaten lightweight king shocked the world by announcing his RETIREMENT from UFC.

Khabib Nurmagomedov retired after beating Justin Gaethje
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Khabib was reduced to tears as he won his first fight since the loss of his influential father[/caption]

Khabib, 32, reigned supreme against Gaethje, three months after dad Abdulmanap passed away aged 57 due to coronavirus.

Nurmagomedov forced Gaethje to submit following a triangle choke in the second round in a brutal display on Fight Island.

After the emotional win, the 29-0 superstar said: “Today, I want to say this is my last fight.

“When UFC called me about Justin, I spoke with my mother and I said I wouldn’t fight without father.

“And if I give my word, then I must follow it. UFC must make me No1 pound for pound fighter in the world, because I deserve it.

“I want to say thank you to Lorenzo and Dana.

“All this UFC team, everybody, they made a great show.

“Thank you to Justin, thank you brother. I know how you take care of your people.

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Khabib won the fight with a second round submission [/caption]

“One day something will happen for you, you never know what is going to happen tomorrow.

“Today is my last fight here in the UFC.”

The first minute of the opening round proved cagey, as Nurmagomedov sized up a way to take down Gaethje.

Interim champion Gaethje grazed the chin of Khabib early with a lethal right hand, as he eluded the grappling exchanges.

Nurmagomedov’s pressure was constant, as he closed the distance down with a jab, but was threatened with constant hooks from the challenger.

After Khabib missed with a flying knee, Gaethje landed a massive uppercut and hook combination, which the Russian champion walked right through.

Afterwards, Nurmagomedov was finally able to land a takedown and looked to lock in a choke as his pressure paid off.

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Gaethje was forced to tap to a triangle choke [/caption]

Gaethje did survive the round, but it belonged to Khabib.

The start of the second opened with Gaethje landing a leg kick, but Nurmagomedov did not wilt.

He managed to get a hold of Gaethje, forcing him on to the floor and took his back before moving into full mount.

There, he swiftly locked in a triangle choke, leaving his opponent little chance of escaping.

Moments later, Gaethje was forced to tap – which the referee initially missed – before he waved off the fight.

Nurmagomedov immediately dropped to his knees and wept as he prayed on the UFC canvas.

He leaves the sport undefeated in 29 fights, having cleared out the lightweight division.

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Gaethje embraces Khabib after the fight [/caption]

But he is unable to continue his career without his father, who mentored and trained his son from the age of eight.

Nurmagomedov took to Instagram to dedicate the win to his late father.

He wrote: “When ALLAH with you, nobody can broke you, nobody.

“Thanks Father for everything, you teach all my life, may ALLAH grant you the highest Paradise.”

UFC president Dana White insisted Nurmagomedov is in the Greatest of All Time discussion and deserves to retire on top.

White said: “He is the No1 pound-for-pound fighter in the world and you have to start talking about him having GOAT status with whoever else you think is the GOAT.

“When guys want to fight, the fight and when they don’t they don’t.

“You have got to give them time and let them heal mentally more than physically, with what he has gone through losing his father.

“We are all lucky to have seen him on Saturday night.”

Conor McGregor, who was beaten by Nurmagomedov in 2018, had hoped to rematch his rival.

By the Irishman was left offering his well-wishes and condolences after watching Khabib walk away.

McGregor, 32, tweeted: “Good performance @TeamKhabib.

“I will carry on. Respect and condolences on your father again also. To you and family. Yours sincerely, The McGregors.”

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