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'My goodness gracious': Network data guru shocked at how bad Biden's approval is on Israel war


By Jason Cohen Daily Caller News Foundation CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten expressed surprise on Tuesday about how poor President Joe Biden’s approval is on his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. The CNN poll published Sunday found that 71% of voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the war and that it is his “worst…

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By Jason Cohen
Daily Caller News Foundation

CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten expressed surprise on Tuesday about how poor President Joe Biden’s approval is on his handling of the Israel-Hamas war.

The CNN poll published Sunday found that 71% of voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the war and that it is his “worst issue” in terms of approval. Enten noted on “CNN News Central” the president’s approval has been consistently declining on this issue.

“You mentioned the word ‘dissatisfied’ and I would certainly use that word,” Enten said. “I might even use a harsher term. All right. These are Biden’s worst issue approval ratings. Okay, the economy’s at 34%, on inflation he’s at 29%, on the Israel-Hamas war he’s at 28%. His disapproval rating is north of 70%. My goodness gracious. And if you look at the trend line, you see that Biden’s approval rating on the Israel-Hamas war has only been going down. If you looked at the beginning of Israel’s war with Hamas, it was closer to about 45%, so that trend line going in a very bad direction. And right now, it’s one of the worst issues for president Biden.”


Some polling has indicated Biden’s declining support among young voters is related to his handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Enten previously noted Biden’s approval among this key voter block has been falling since before the conflict commenced in October.

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“President Biden truly is between a rock and a hard place,” Enten added. “So this is a separate poll that was conducted by Quinnipiac University last month. Is America’s support for Israel too much? You see about a 30 electorate says in fact it is, 33%, but ‘about right’ you get this 37%, ‘too little’ 21%. So for President Biden, if all of a sudden he would become less friendly towards Israel, he could in fact alienate this 21%, he could in fact alienate this 37%.”

“Yes, there is a portion of the American public that believes that there’s too much support for Israel. That’s especially the case among young voters. But when we’re talking about the electorate at large, of course that’s what we’re talking about when we’re talking about elections, if Joe Biden were in fact to become less friendly towards Israel, I‘m not sure it would necessarily work out for him overall,” he continued.

CNN host Jim Acosta on Monday also was astounded by the CNN poll as it showed 55% of Americans perceive former President Donald Trump’s term as successful, while the same percentage of voters said in January 2021 that it was a failure. Acosta said it was “extraordinary” that so many voters look back at Trump’s term this way, citing the number of deaths during the COVID-19 pandemic and the Capitol riot on January 6, 2021.

If Biden is unable to retrieve young voters, he will be fully dependent on earning back the votes of black and Hispanic voters, which are groups he is also struggling with, AGF Investments Chief U.S. Policy Strategist Greg Valliere said on Fox Business Monday.

“I’ve been around for a while and this is starting to remind me of 1968, when you saw young people really get angry, occupy dorms, occupy campuses,” Valliere said. “You’re seeing that now and I think it’s almost too late for the president to regain his support among young people. He’s got to do very well among Hispanics and African-Americans and he’s not.”

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