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State official rejects Dems' illegal plan to sneak Biden's name on 2024 ballot


A state official in Ohio has rejected Democrats' illegal plan to sneak Joe Biden's name onto the 2024 presidential ballot. A lawyer for the leftist party had wanted the state of accept a "provisional" certification of Biden, and Kamala Harris, as candidates, but Attorney General Dave Yost's office found the move "simply is not provided…

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A 2020 presidential ballot featuring President Donald J. Trump against Joe Biden (Photo by Joe Kovacs)

A 2020 presidential ballot featuring President Donald J. Trump against Joe Biden (Photo by Joe Kovacs)

A state official in Ohio has rejected Democrats' illegal plan to sneak Joe Biden's name onto the 2024 presidential ballot.

A lawyer for the leftist party had wanted the state of accept a "provisional" certification of Biden, and Kamala Harris, as candidates, but Attorney General Dave Yost's office found the move "simply is not provided for by law."

"Instead, the law mandates the Democratic Party to actually certify its president and vice-president candidates on or before August 7, 2024. No alternative process is permitted," the statement said.

The problem is that Democrats, focused for the last few years on trying to exclude President Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot, overlooked state requirements for certification. Their convention, to officially name Biden as the candidate, doesn't happen until the end of August.

After the deadlines in Ohio and Alabama will have passed by the time their decision is made.

The Ohio state decision said, "Thus, the secretary of state lacks authority to accept 'provisional certifications' from the Democratic Party pursuant to [the law]. The Democratic Party must actually certify its presidential candidates on or before August 7, 2024 to be placed on the 2024 general election ballot."

The state earlier had offered two solutions to the Democrats. One is that the state legislature could change the law, the other is that the Democrats could reschedule their convention for earlier.

A report from Fox News described the Democrat plan as trying to "skirt" the law.

The report said documents show correspondence between Yost and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose as well as lawyer Donald McTigue, representing Democrats.

McTigue claimed that the state had the authority to take a "provisional certification" to accommodate the Democrats.

The AG shot down the idea.

"The Democratic Party’s notion of providing a ‘provisional certification’ by the statutory deadline simply is not provided for by law," Yost's office said. "Instead, the law mandates the Democratic Party to actually certify its president and vice-president candidates on or before August 7, 2024. No alternative process is permitted."

Biden's campaign continued to confirm he will be on the ballot in "all 50 states."

Officials in Alabama also have warned Biden of similar circumstances there.

Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen said the law requires the nominations by Aug. 15.

"It has recently come to my attention that the Democratic National Convention is currently scheduled to convene on August 19, 2024, which is after the State of Alabama’s statutory deadline for political parties to provide a certificate of nomination for President and Vice President on August 15, 2024," officials there told Democrats. "The certificate of nomination must be signed by the presiding officer and secretary of the convention and by the chair of the state executive committee of the political party making the nomination."

The American Center for Law and Justice, which has fought on behalf of election integrity and ballot fairness, pointedly noted, "Remember when the far Left tried to disqualify President Donald Trump from state primary ballots? The ACLJ won at the U.S. Supreme Court to protect your right to vote for the candidate of your choice."

In fact, Democrats across America have spent months and likely uncounted dollars trying to get President Donald Trump banned from the 2024 presidential ballot.

They've pushed the "insurrectionist" talking point over the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol, ever since those events happened.

They've worked at the state level, in Colorado, to obtain a ruling from an all-Democrat state Supreme Court that his name shouldn't appear. Two other states followed Colorado's agenda, but that agenda was stopped in its tracks by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Democrats even have assembled a long list of questionable claims against Trump – in court – to try to make sure Americans are not allowed to check his name on the ballot in November.

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