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Safeguarding communities by securing U.S. water sources


[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.] By Alec Ryncavage Real Clear Wire The battle to safeguard Pennsylvania’s drinking water from malicious attacks has reached a critical point. The most recent cyberattack targeting Pennsylvania’s state courts demonstrates the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to such threats. FBI director Christopher Wray made headlines recently when he told…

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(Photo by zhang kaiyv on Unsplash)
[Editor's note: This story originally was published by Real Clear Wire.]

By Alec Ryncavage
Real Clear Wire

The battle to safeguard Pennsylvania’s drinking water from malicious attacks has reached a critical point. The most recent cyberattack targeting Pennsylvania’s state courts demonstrates the vulnerability of critical infrastructure to such threats.

FBI director Christopher Wray made headlines recently when he told Congress that hackers linked to China are targeting our critical infrastructure, including water treatment plants. Wray warned of the “real-world harm” that these hacks could inflict on American communities, highlighting the need for heightened surveillance and proactive defense strategies. Similarly, White House deputy national security advisor Anne Neuberger issued a warning late last year following the Iranian cyberattack that hit the Aliquippa water authority near Pittsburgh, saying that American operators of critical infrastructure “are facing persistent and capable cyber attacks from hostile countries and criminals.” These warnings serve as a stark reminder of the persistent cyber threats facing our communities and the urgent need for proactive cybersecurity measures to protect our critical infrastructure, including water systems.

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Beyond jeopardizing the security of our water supply, cyber threats impose an undue financial burden. As a former borough councilman and someone who has spent years as a cybersecurity professional, I understand the obstacles smaller, municipally run water systems face when it comes to fending off cyberattacks. These systems, vital to the daily lives of Pennsylvanians, face an inherent challenge: they lack the resources and capacity to mount a robust defense against such threats.

Unfortunately, hackers view smaller systems as testing grounds, where they can explore weaknesses before gradually moving on to target larger entities. Investing in cybersecurity is not just about responding quickly to threats; it’s a strategic move to protect the financial stability of our communities. When a cyberattack occurs, the cost to a local government can reach millions of dollars, inevitably affecting taxpayers or ratepayers and creating a ripple effect that burdens the individuals these systems are designed to serve.

With the average age of most Pennsylvania sewer and water systems approaching 75 and 50 years respectively, the urgency for comprehensive cybersecurity measures becomes even more apparent. The prevailing “break/fix” model in local governments – addressing problems only after they have arisen – is reactive and inadequate to the challenge we face.

As we continue to navigate the challenges of the digital age, a shift from a reactive stance to a proactive one is imperative. By doing so, we not only fortify our critical infrastructure but also position ourselves to address potential threats before they materialize.

Regionalization and consolidation of utilities such as water systems is an approach that can help to turn the tide in our favor.

Larger, professional water companies are better positioned to manage potential vulnerabilities because they are better resourced and have the in-house expertise to develop and implement industry best practices to combat evolving cybersecurity threats.

By unifying our defenses, rather than having thousands of separate, smaller water systems, we greatly improve our chances of deterring potential attacks. Consolidation and regionalization of our Commonwealth’s water systems not only safeguards our communities but aligns with the goal of keeping water rates affordable.

At the end of the day, ensuring safe drinking water for all Pennsylvanians comes at a cost. By investing in cybersecurity, we can protect our water systems while upholding the financial well-being of our communities.

I urge my colleagues in Harrisburg – community leaders and citizens alike – to recognize the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures to protect our water systems. We cannot afford to be complacent. It is our collective responsibility to fortify our communities against potential breaches, ensuring the uninterrupted flow of this critical, life-sustaining resource.

This article was originally published by RealClearPennsylvania and made available via RealClearWire.


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