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Monroe County District Attorney drives home, calls chief before pulling over for police

Monroe County District Attorney drives home, calls chief before pulling over for police

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WROC) — Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley drove home and called the Webster police chief when officers tried to pull her over for speeding Monday.

Officer-worn body camera footage of the incident was released to the public Friday, showing Doorley repeatedly invoking her position as district attorney and refusing to follow orders.

"I'm the D.A.," Doorley says to the first officer to approach her, standing outside her car and parked in a garage when the video begins. "I was going 55 coming home from work."

"55 in a 35," the officer says.

"I don't really care," Doorley says. The officer asks her to exit the garage. "You can call Dennis Kohlmeier right now," she says.

"Why are you so upset at me," the officer says while Doorley dials the phone. "I'm doing my job. You just admitted to me you were going 55 in a 35 on Phillips Road."

In a statement Thursday, Doorley said she called Webster Police Chief Dennis Kohlmeier, "to inform him that I was not a threat and that I would speak to the Officer at my house down the street." Body camera footage released Friday shows exactly what she said on the phone in the driveway.

"Can you please tell him to leave me alone," Doorley says.

"Can you please stay over here," the officer says when Doorley begins to walk away.

"No I'm not staying over here," she says.

"This is a legal traffic stop. Do you have your ID?"

Doorley does not give the officer her ID. Instead she gives him her phone, says Dennis Kohlmeier is on the line, and once again walks into the garage, eventually going all the way into her house.

"I understand the law better than you," she tells the officer as he tries to get her back outside. She continues to refuse to leave the garage, at one point returning to her car to get her badge to show the officer.

"I just don't understand the hostility toward me," the officer says. "I'm doing my job."

"No, you're being an [expletive]," Doorley says.

"How am I being an [expletive]," the officer says.

"I am the DA of Monroe County," Doorley says.

"I understand that, but that doesn't give you a right to go 55 in a 35," the officer says.

"I don't really care," Doorley says. "I don't really care. You know what? If you give me a traffic ticket that's fine. I'm the one who prosecutes it."

As more officers and a supervisor arrive to the scene, Doorley continues refusing to leave the garage, telling police she'd had a bad day dealing with murders in Rochester.

"I'm going to prosecute myself," Doorley says later in the video. "Do you know what I'll do with the ticket?" Then she laughs.

In a statement Thursday, before the video was released, Doorley said she pled guilty and sent the ticket to Webster Town Court.

News 8 reached out to the district attorney's office after the video was released. The office referred to the previous statement, in which Doorley said, "I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit." That statement is available in full below, along with body camera footage from four of the responding officers.

Watch the full video from Officer 1:

Watch the full video from Officer 2:

Watch the full video from Officer 3:

Watch the full video from Officer 4:

Read the statement from Sandra Doorley

“On Monday, April 22, 2024, I was driving home following a busy day at work. I admit that I was not paying attention to my speed on Phillips Road in the Town of Webster. Less than half a mile from my neighborhood, I noticed a Webster Police car behind me. Once I realized that the intention of the car was to pull me over, I called the Webster Police Chief to inform him that I was not a threat and that I would speak to the Officer at my house down the street. The Webster Police Officer followed me to my house and issued me a speeding ticket for my speed of 55mph in a 35mph zone. I acknowledged that I was speeding and I accepted the ticket. By 1:00PM the following day, I pled guilty and sent the ticket to the Webster Town Court because I believe in accepting responsibility for my actions and had no intention of using my position to receive a benefit. Nobody, including your District Attorney, is above the rule of law, even traffic laws.  Anybody who knows me understands without a doubt that I have dedicated my entire 33 year career to the safety of this community. My work to ensure the safety and respect of law enforcement is well proven time and time again. I stand by my work and stand by my commitment to the public safety of Monroe County.”

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