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After Full Exoneration, Governor Eric Greitens Emerges as Anti-Establishment Hero

After Full Exoneration, Governor Eric Greitens Emerges as Anti-Establishment Hero

As legal cases against President Trump continue to mount, an increasing number of anti-establishment lawyers and legal scholars are looking to the Exonerated former Governor...

The post After Full Exoneration, Governor Eric Greitens Emerges as Anti-Establishment Hero appeared first on The Village Voice.

As legal cases against President Trump continue to mount, an increasing number of anti-establishment lawyers and legal scholars are looking to the Exonerated former Governor Eric Greitens to lead an anti-establishment counterattack against what they perceive to be liberal and establishment lawfare.

“The Greitens case is the perfect example of how deep state operatives worked with a political prosecutor and a corrupt investigator to manufacture fraudulent charges to drive a man from office,” said attorney David Bovino of Bovino and Associates.  “The Greitens advantage is that the courts have already pronounced Greitens innocent and his attackers as guilty.  It has huge implications not only for Trump but for the justice system more widely.”

In 2017, Kimberly Gardner, then the Circuit Attorney in St. Louis, Missouri, brought two fraudulent felony charges against Governor Greitens.  She hired William Tisaby, a former FBI agent, to investigate Greitens.

In the end, Tisaby was charged with seven felonies for perjury and evidence tampering for manufacturing a fraudulent case against Greitens.  Tisaby later pleaded guilty.  An investigation by the Office of Professional Ethics in Missouri found that Gardner brought charges against Greitens with no evidence and that she lied over 60 times to the court.  She was admonished and fined by the Missouri Supreme Court for her actions against Eric Greitens, and she later resigned.

“The case has all the drama, and all the characters, to be both legally bulletproof and politically and emotionally engaging,” Bovino said.

Those characters include a woman who made false accusations against Greitens straight out of a Fifty Shades of Grey manuscript and later admitted that she was “remembering it (her accusations) through a dream.”  They also include a convicted felon and journalist who admitted to dropping off one hundred and twenty thousand dollars in cash to people who made false accusations against Greitens.

The Missouri Ethics Commission later conducted a significant investigation and concluded that they “found no evidence of any wrongdoing” by the former Governor.

Part of the appeal of the Greitens case is also that it ties directly to George Soros, a frequent contributor to liberal District Attorneys.  Soros-aligned PACs provided more than half of the funding to elect Kim Gardner.

In 2022, Greitens ran for the US Senate and again faced accusations that sank his campaign.  In March, just four months before the Republican Primary, Greitens’ ex-wife, Sheena Greitens, made explosive allegations of child abuse, including a fraudulent story that Greitens hit his son and knocked his tooth out.

An advertising campaign worth over ten million dollars then promoted the fraudulent allegations.  Greitens, who was leading in the polls as late as June of that year, lost the election.

Weeks later, a judge reviewed over fifty photographs and twenty videos submitted by Greitens, the children’s complete medical and dental records, and Sheena Greitens’ own correspondence.  The judge concluded that the children were “never at risk or vulnerable.”

The judge also concluded that the media attention following Sheena Greitens’ false allegations hurt her children.

“It’s really an extraordinary story of how political operatives who work for the establishment will sink to the very lowest to attack a man who is a champion of the people,” said Dylan Johnson, Greitens’ 2022 campaign manager.

Many think Greitens has the perfect profile to serve as the poster boy for how the justice system can target anti-establishment leaders.

Bovino continued, “Greitens was a Rhodes Scholar who earned his Ph.D. studying how to help vulnerable children overseas.  He’s a Navy SEAL with a Bronze Star and Purple Heart.  Fortune Magazine named him one of the 50 Greatest leaders in the world for his groundbreaking work helping disabled veterans.  He’s like the Rosa Parks of anti-establishment victims of liberal lawfare.  And when people learn what he suffered for them, he becomes their hero.”

The post After Full Exoneration, Governor Eric Greitens Emerges as Anti-Establishment Hero appeared first on The Village Voice.

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