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Tudor launches Pelagos FXD " Marine Nationale" A true government diver's high quality replica watches .

Earlier this year, Tudor resumed its association with all the French National Marine Corps, which was some 20 years soon after it last provided military-spec submarines to naval scuba.


Now, the brand name has finally announced a two-year project, Pelagos FXD " Marine Nationale". Pelagos FXD was developed in collaboration together with members of the Navy's high level combat diver, Commando Hubert. It is a true military view, the same watch that the unit's divers wear during overcome, with a fixed stem as well as serious aesthetics.


Pelagos FXD, like the Submariner ref, is a solo moment diver. 9401/0 " MN" issued to divers inside the French Navy in the 1970s.


A few months ago, images involving Commando Hubert's graduation service, showing the watch, surfaced on-line. Therefore , Pelagos FXD has been expected, but still unexpected. Clearly, this is a nod to the referee. The 9401/0 " MN" from the 1970s, nicknamed " Snowflake" because of its hands and also dial, is as similar to the vintage Submariner as modern Tudor watches. But it still has an additional appeal for military best replica watches uk lovers.


The information strap has a velcro seal, so it can be adjusted more specifically to any wrist size.


Most striking will be the lugs, which are a reinterpretation of the fastening straps on the old military diver's enjoy. They are integrated with the scenario to strengthen the connection between the situation and the strap. For people who are generally not combat divers, it is needless to say over-designed, but it is a real thing that is not decorative or unnatural.


In fact , it could be said that the fixed lugs place the Pelagos FXD as well as the strange P01 in the very same category; both are " tool" watches, obviously targeting a distinct segment audience, although the Pelagos FXD is the only legitimate armed service fake watches uk .


A line of text message is missing at half a dozen o'clock because the dial does not take the " AUTOMATIC ROTOR" on the standard Pelagos.


Another important detail will be the omission of the date, and that is the first time for Pelagos as its debut in 2012. The particular bezel is new, any bidirectional countdown bezel, a bit wider than usual; This is an crucial tool for combat scuba divers to navigate underwater.


Due to the omission with the date, the Pelagos FXD is 1 . 5mm leaner than the standard model, offering it a surprisingly flat profile around the wrist, making it a true " tool" watch.


FXD on rubber straps with traditional buckle


Can Pelagos FXD improve? Maybe, but not significantly. It has a water resistance of 200m, enough for combat all scuba divers - the old Submariner " MN" has the same score - but is less than the typical 500m Pelagos. At the same time, it isn't METAS certified like the Dark-colored Bay Ceramic launched a month or two ago. replica watches price


Pelagos FXD is priced at US $ a few, 900, which is more aggressive than all Tudor wristwatches. In fact , it's one of the brand's highest-spec watches, making it certainly one of Tudor's most eye-catching goods.


National Marine

Almost since Tudor began making diver's timepieces, Tudor began supplying wrist watches to the French Navy. Actually , this relationship began inside 1954, just one year immediately after Rolex launched the Submariner, when it provided a guide for the Navy. 7922, the actual brand's first diver's see.


But the standard Tudor military trouble diver is definitely a Submariner reference. 9401/0 " MN" 20 years afterwards. It is essential that the reference. Several features of the 9401/0 identify it from the Rolex diver's watch, making it a unique Tudor product. The most obvious is the azure dial and bezel, nevertheless the " snowflake" hands along with square markings are it is iconic features. www.chrono4usale.co


As the iconic diver's observe of the French Navy, the particular ref. 9401/0 " MN" is the inspiration for Pelagos FXD.


referee. 9401/0 " MN" popularly known as " snowflake"


One of the most important details motivated by history is the decoration on the back of the case, that is certainly unusual for the modern Tudor dynasty, which generally includes a simple back.


The Marine National company logo is engraved on the backside, as well as " MN21", typically the abbreviation for " Ocean Nationale" and the year connected with production. This is a reference to often the French Navy numbering conference on vintage Tudor " MN" watches. replica Breitling Endurance Pro


Tudor Pelagos FXD

Ref. M25707B / 21-0001


Diameter: 42mm

Height: 12. 75 millimeter

Material: titanium circumstance, steel back cover

Crystal: Sapphire

Water-proof performance: 200 meters.


Movement: MT5602

Functions: hours, minutes in addition to seconds

Winding: programmed

Frequency: 28, 700 vibrations per hour (4 Hz)

Power reserve: 70 several hours


Strap: Velcro fabric strap and extra plastic strap

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