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Can Coatings Market Share, Industry Growth, Trends, Business Opportunities, Challenges, Growth Insights to 2026

The Global Can Coatings Market size is projected to reach USD 2.65 billion by 2026, on account of change in living habits and rising demand for canned products from the food and beverage industry. Cans are used for preserving products and storing them for safe transport from manufacturing units to the end-user. The increasing popularity of packaged food and beverage products is a significant factor boosting the can coatings market size. More information on the market is provided in a recently published report by Fortune Business insights™ titled“Can Coatings Market Size, Share & Industry Analysis, By Type (Epoxy, Acrylic, and Others), By Application (Food Cans, Beverage Cans, Aerosol Cans, and Others) and Regional Forecast, 2019-2026.” As per this report, the market value was USD 1.97 billion in 2018 and is expected to rise at a CAGR of 3.8% between 2019 and 2026.

What is the Scope of the Report?

The report offers a 360-degree overview of the market and its growth parameters, such as factors promoting, demoting, challenging, and creating opportunities for the market. It also offers details about market segmentation based on factors such as type, application, and geography, and the overall competitive landscape of the can coatings market. The report discusses the names and strategies adopted by players operating in the market to gain a competitive edge in the market. The report also throws light on current can coatings market trends are available for sale on the company website.

Competitive Landscape:

Expansion of Product Portfolio- Key Strategy Adopted by Players

Major can coatings manufacturers are excluding harmful chemical materials for production and including elements such as polyester and acrylic for can production. Besides this, producers are focusing on geographical expansion, strengthen their distribution channels, and product launches for exceptional food and beverage variety such as soups, baby-milk, and others to attract high can coatings market revenue on the one hand and emerge dominant in the market competition on the other.

 List of Notable Market Players in Can Coatings Market;

  • PPG Industries, Inc.
  • Kansai Nerolac Paints Ltd.
  • Axalta Coating Systems
  • National Paints Factories Co. Ltd. 
  • IPC GmbH & Co. KG
  • VPL Coatings GmbH & Co KG
  • The Sherwin-Williams Company
  • Kupsa Coatings

Browse Summary of This Research Report with TOC: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/can-coatings-market-102537

Market Drivers

Rise in Demand from Personal Care Products to Add Impetus to Market

The increasing demand from the food and beverage industry to feed the growing population is a major factor promoting the can coatings market growth. Moreover, change in consumer lifestyle, and increasing trend of mobile food products with an extended shelf life is also augmenting the market. Can coatings are utilized both on the exterior and interior surface for preserving food for a longer period, especially in cases of food and beverage products.                

Regional Segmentation:

North America to Dominate Market with Increasing Demand for Metal Cans

From a geographical viewpoint, North America is holding the dominant can coatings market share with a revenue generation of $675.5 million in 2018. This growth is attributable to the increasing demand for metal can for packaging from industries such as personal care, pharmaceutical, food & beverage, chemical, and others. On the other side, Asia Pacific market is likely to witness the fastest growth in the forecast period on account of the growing population in nations such as China, India, Japan, and others and their increasing demand for food and beverage, and other canned products.

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