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Press Release Submission is key to getting your website before the right audience

Press Release Submission is key to getting your website before the right audience

Benefits of Having a Press Release Written

Thinking about starting to use press releases as a way to get noticed? Or perhaps you want to use them for search engine optimization purposes? Either way, we all know how useful they can be. But the thing about them is this: someone has to write them.

Here are just a few of the benefits of  having a Press Release Written:

  • You’ll increase the odds of your story being picked up – How does outsourcing increase your chances? Well  a writer will know exactly how to craft a press release that will catch a journalist’s attention. As a result, there is a greater likelihood that your press release will be read.
  • No headaches for you – If you aren’t a natural writer (and many of us are not), a press release can literally take you hours, if not days, to write. Struggling to find the perfect words and subsequently trying to get them in the perfect order is enough to bring some to their knees. Why not outsource and avoid the headache all together?
  • Avoid small yet costly mistakes – Press releases follow very special rules. For example, they should always be written in third person (as opposed to blogs that speak directly to the reader). Even their format follows a very special form. And failing to compose them correctly, even a tiny mistake, can result in them not being read. Think of them like resumes. Do you actually consider resumes that are not correctly composed? Probably not.
  • Focus on what you do best – How did you build your business in the first place? More than likely it was through delivering quality service through customer interaction. Yet if you get bogged down with tasks such as press release writing, you could find yourself being pulled in far too many directions. It’s always a good idea to outsource when logical and affordable

What Is Press Release Submission?

Press Release Submission is key to getting your website before the right audience.

Press releases have been around for many years, but are only now being used in the internet-marketing world. Today, submitting press releases over the internet is the most innovative way in which to increase your search engine ranking, gain increased online visibility for your website, and unique visitors that will add up to more sales.

Why You Should Have Your Press Release Submitted

Whenever you think about Submitting Press Releases, you probably focus on targeting key members of the media or maybe publishing them on various online press release directories. But did you know you can get even more from your press releases by sending them to clients and prospects?

Here are a few of the key benefits of this press release distribution strategy.

  • Keeps your company fresh in their minds – You never want to go off the radar screen of your clients and prospects. If they forget about you, they could wind up doing business with one of your competitors instead. By sending out press releases to clients, prospects, vendors, etc. on a regular basis, you keep your name fresh in their minds and help cultivate long-term relationships based on trust and familiarity.
  • Educates them about your company – I’ve always said that an informed client is the best client. The better your clients and prospects understand who you are, what you offer, and what you stand for, the likelier they are to do business with you and be satisfied. They’re also likelier to refer you to others because they’ll be able to speak more authoritatively about your company.
  • Reinforces current clients’ decision to hire you – Your clients want to know that they’ve hired the right company. They like seeing positive stories about your company because it justifies their decision to do business with you. It boosts your value and credibility in their eyes.
  • Creates the perception that you’re constantly getting press coverage – Perception is everything. When your clients and prospects are seeing news blurbs from your company on a regular basis, they automatically assume that your company is getting a lot of media coverage which means that things must be going well.

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