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6 Romantic Comedies That Will Leave You An Emotional Wreck

For when you want to let your emotions run from, watch these cry-worthy romantic comedies.

If you’re in need of a good cry, watch these emotional rom coms. We’ll even tell you where to stream them.

More often than not, romantic comedies deliver a steady supply of light-hearted humor, kitschier plot lines, and a satisfying conclusion that sees the couple settle down into a pitch-perfect relationship with each other. An ideal viewing option for date nights, long plane trips, or a rainy Sunday afternoon spent at home, these lighter romcoms can make you laugh, weep, and leave you saying “awww” through their heart-warming depiction of relationships, dating, and love in general.

On the flip side of that coin, a select number of other romantic comedies opt for a far different approach. While they might provide a similarly feel-good portrayal of relationships in some areas, these movies also pack a wallop of a punch regarding their emotional subject matter. From existential 2000s dramedies to stylish modern musicals, these romantic comedies have the ability to leave viewers in complete emotional shambles once the end credits finally start to roll.

La La Land


A love letter to the glamorous Hollywood musicals of the ‘40s and ‘50s, La La Land also details the struggle that comes from following your lifelong dreams. Focusing on two aspiring artists (Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone) wandering down individual career paths, La La Land underscores the personal sacrifice each person makes for the sake of their future success. Putting themselves through tremendous personal heartbreak and professional frustrations, La La Land will have viewers looking back at their own past relationships, wondering what might have been, even as they acknowledge the joys of the present moment. Watch La La Land on Amazon Video.

(500) Days of Summer

Fox Searchlight

Certain things in life are almost unavoidable, with everyone experiencing them at one point or another. Along with death, taxes, loss, and the embarrassing struggle to understand new slang terms, break-ups are one such aspect that we must all suffer through eventually. Exploring the emotional upheaval that comes with a failed romance, (500) Days of Summer emphasizes the idea that it takes two people to make a relationship work, requiring each person to put in an equal amount of time and energy. As humorous as it is relatable, (500) Days of Summer also hammers home the fact–no matter how much it might seem otherwise–there’s someone out there for everyone, with some relationships simply not meant to be. Watch (500) Days of Summer om Hulu.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Focus Features

There’s healthy breakups where each party mutually agrees to go their separate ways–and then there’s the kind of breakups that leaves each person wishing their significant other never even existed. Such is the simple premise behind Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a masterful sci-fi romantic comedy that involves a dysfunctional couple (Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet) erasing each other from their memories. 

Though it might take a few viewings to fully understand, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind illustrates the entire point of relationships in the first place, especially those that end on a poor note. Yes, you might experience a debilitating amount of internal pain through your experiences dating the other person, but you’ll have discovered so much more about yourself and your partner in the process. Watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on Amazon Video.

Lost in Translation

Focus Features

Not every relationship has to do with physical attraction. In fact, the most meaningful romances tend to arrive when we feel we’ve met someone we can relate to on a more fundamental level. Presenting this unique type of love in a poignant and understandable manner, Lost in Translation focuses on the close-knit bond between an emotionally uncertain college graduate (Scarlett Johansson) and an aging actor in Tokyo. 

Zeroing in on the emotional relationship between these two wayward souls, Lost in Translation revolves around the notion that true love isn’t necessarily built around one’s physical characteristics. Instead, the most sweeping romances are those that encourage us to challenge and expand our worldview, giving us the necessary strength to face all of life’s recurring obstacles. Watch Lost in Translation on Max.

Celeste & Jesse Forever

Sony Pictures

As most people will readily admit, some relationships might not work out for a fairly straightforward reason: the couple simply isn’t ready to be together. Whether coming to terms with their own personal flaws or expressing skepticism about the couples’ future together, these people just don’t seem prepared to settle into a long-lasting relationship–even when their partner seems perfectly willing to. 

This cathartic theme forms the backbone for Celeste & Jesse Forever, a 2012 romantic comedy centered around the divorce of former high school sweethearts (Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg). Through heartrending in its thematic subjects and main narrative plot line, Celeste & Jesse Forever’s affecting look at love and the effort required to make a relationship work will viewers with a newfound respect for couples who have been thick and thin together–and somehow emerged stronger on the other side. Watch Celeste & Jesse Forever on Max.



Compared to most other movies on this list, Amélie won’t necessarily leave viewers sobbing through its romantic subject matter, but rather through its overarching themes of life, time, and learning to embrace the potential for happiness. At once a romantic comedy yet also an engaging character study, Amélie is all about seizing the moment, using every second of life to your advantage. Whether reconnecting a middle-aged man with his favorite childhood toys or setting up two lovesick individuals in desperate need of companionship, Amélie harps on the idea that happiness can take many forms, allowing us to pursue everything we want most in life, be it a relationship, a globe-trotting vacation, or a deeper connection with our friends and family. Watch Amélie on FreeVee.

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