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Labour slammed for wanting to give 16-year-olds the vote while ‘sneering’ at Tories’ National Service plan

LABOUR wants to grant voting rights to 16-year-olds but scoffs at the idea of young adults contributing to national defence, a former Defence Secretary has blasted.

Ben Wallace last night tore into the Opposition, accusing them of being champions of rights but dodgers of duties.

Former Defence Secretary Ben Wallace[/caption]

It comes after the Tories announced all 18-year-olds would be made to undertake a form of “mandatory” national service if they are re-elected on July 4.

Teenagers would choose between taking a 12-month placement in the armed forces or “volunteer” work in their community one weekend a month for a year under the proposals.

Labour has slammed the plans, branding it a “headline-grabbing gimmick” and insisting the Tories  had been driven to take “desperate” action because they have “hollowed out the Armed Forces to their smallest size since Napoleon”.

But former defence chief Mr Wallace fired back, accusing Labour of hypocrisy after confirming last week they would seek to extend the voting franchise to 16 and 17-year-olds.

He wrote on X: “Labour wants to give 16 year olds the vote but sneer at making 18 year olds contribute to making the country safe.  Classic.

“Labour are always about rights but never responsibilities. National Service is perfectly normal in most of Northern Europe. Young people are better for it.”

Rishi Sunak’s election pledge to bring back military service has been met with criticism by Opposition parties but also by leading military figures, who have expressed scepticism about how it would work.

Meanwhile, earlier this morning, Northern Ireland Minister Steve Baker also appeared to criticise the policy, insisting it had been “sprung” on MPs.

He noted defence minister Andrew Murrison had ruled out the return of national service only a few days ago. 

Mr Baker wrote on X: “It’s a Conservative Party policy. The Government’s policy was set out on Thursday. I don’t like to be pedantic but a Government policy would have been developed by ministers on the advice of officials and collectively agreed. I would have had a say on behalf of Northern Ireland.

“But this proposal was developed by a political adviser or advisers and sprung on candidates, some of whom are relevant ministers.”

National Service would instil sense of duty in young Brits, says Veterans’ ­Minister Johnny Mercer

NATIONAL Service would instil a sense of duty in young Brits of the future, ­Veterans ­Minister Johnny Mercer has said.

The former Royal Artillery captain told The Sun the Tories’ proposal was “clear, definitive and bold” — and could become an election game-changer.

And in a dig at critics, he said: “Joining the Army was the best thing I ever did. The best thing you can ever do is join up and serve.”

Under the plan, which ignited the Tories’ election campaign, all 18-year-olds could choose either a full-time year-long placement in the Armed Forces, or a weekend a month of serving with the NHS, police, community groups or a charity.

It would be compulsory but there would be no criminal charges for those who do not sign up.

Those who do may get fast-tracked for interviews at major employers, the public sector and universities.

PM Rishi Sunak said the party would look into ways the scheme could “open doors”.

Royal Commission will assess how it would work.

Plymouth MP Mr Mercer said the plan would give people a better understanding of the importance of the Armed Forces.

He said: “I thought when I was fighting in Afghanistan, I came back to a country that had no idea or interest in what you were doing. I think that idea of bringing in a sense of service is incredibly important to society.”

He also blasted critics of the scheme, such as the BBC.

He said: “It doesn’t chime with the experiences of ordinary hard-working people who are quite excited the government is committed to creating opportunities for young people and driving up their sense of service, values and commitment.”

Service's life help

By Mike Mogride, 90

I WAS called up to join the 1st Battalion Royal Fusiliers infantry regiment when I was 18.

In 1953, after a year of training, I was deployed to Korea as a Bren Gunner, where I participated in the third Battle of the Hook alongside Sir Michael Caine.

I’m proud of my role in helping to protect South Koreans from tyranny.

After two years of National Service, I was a changed man.

I learned life-long skills and discipline that shaped my future.

You may just do National service for a few years, but the life skills will last with you forever.

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